>Films everyone else seems to hate but you dont
Its not bad at all
Films everyone else seems to hate but you dont
Love that movie
started off ok, kinda like a fallout 3 movie, then went to total shit like all american zombie films since dawn of the dead
the ending killed it
Original ending was better before producers fucked it up
It was literally because of SJWs
It's the best installment in the franchise.
>Good movie about a man and his dog in an end of the world scenario
>woman and child show up
>turns to shit
Kek, this is the film where some dude is an assassin and gets gender reassignment surgery done to him against his will so he becomes Michelle Rodriguez and then goes on a killing spree, right?
Stallone Dredd
Great movie just hated by fact it's was directed by Michael Bay
I actually liked the movie and the cast, it was fresh after all the shit in the last years.
He gets turned into a woman
And he's PISSED
what are some zombie films from your country
I really hated the lead guy but I wanted to like the movie so bad. It's clearly got a creative and visually interesting setting.
I am Legend is another victim of Will Smith and the way he demands severe script changes for his own ego, at least during the era in which he still had enough star power to do so (now he has to self-produce; sad).
He demanded a massive change, especially to the ending and the 'zombies' throughout the whole movie, just because he couldn't handle playing a villain once the big reveal (and the only reason the original story is notable) happens at the end.
Pic related and The Fan (Snipes/DeNiro). I legit love both movies.
I think if it had had a different pair of leads it would probably have been hailed as one of the best recent scifi movies
I know that everyone always says "the book was better", but in this case they missed the entire point of the book. It was daft.
The guy could be better, lowering the cockiness a little Cara was fine for that particular role unlike suicide Squad, she's attractive in a weird way.
Agreed. I also liked Alien vs. Predator, they both have a great atmosphere about them.
>we like being retards!
Hardly makes him a villain.
Who could hate Congo? It's not great, sure.
I Am Legend with the alternate ending that's closer to the book is great.
what did he mean by this
The zombies decided they liked being zombies.
I enjoyed the beginning as well. Until it went smart zombie. Never go smart zombie.
Because they're not zombies in the story.
They're closer to vampires if anything, and the one's he's wasting the entire time are just sick people who haven't recovered enough yet to be lucid, while the rest of the world is recovering from the sickness.
He's the 'legend' in the way that the boogeyman is a legend, all the ones that are recovering move away from him because he's a crazy murderer armed to the teeth in a huge torture bunker.
It was shit and you're a faggot.