>The Last Jedi is a bad Star Wars mov-
Uh, no sweetie. Don't you remember the Empire Strikes Back also had mixed reception during release?
In time The Last Jedi will be seen as a genius example of filmmaking.
The Last Jedi is a bad Star Wars mov-
Other urls found in this thread:
>another star shit thread
is it even divided? it seems generally accepted as bad all around
the fact that feminists/leftist media/communists love it should be all you need to know
Star Wars IV: 2/10
Star Wars V: 3/10
Star Wars VI: 1/10
Star Wars I: 1/10
Star Wars II: 2/10
Star Wars III: 2/10
Star Wars VII: 1/10
Star Wars VIII: 1/10
Some ideas of this series had potential if didn't decide to market it towards children/young adults.
It is a shame so many adults take the lore seriously though/....
It's sort of weird as a Star Wars fan to watch all this play out without having seen the new movies. Just sort of lost interest after TFA, never saw Rogue One or Last Jedi. Wonder how many other fans are in the same spot.
The new Star Wars is amazing because it's the Star Wars brand and if you have any problem with it, you're a [feminist buzzword]
False equivalency. Different movies.
People loved it, critics didn't like it, the opposite of this one
>g-guys Empire was controversial too
Unironic shilling and damage control
anons can you imagine being this sad of a human?
>The Last Jedi is dividing the fandom!
>Ju-just remember... ESB was also hated!
Holy shit, this much damage control.Empire received mix reviews by critics, but it was no means called a bad movie. The Last Jedi itself is a bad movie.
>Star Wars IV: 2/10
>Star Wars V: 3/10
>Star Wars VI: 1/10
>Star Wars I: 1/10
>Star Wars II: 2/10
>Star Wars III: 2/10
>Star Wars VII: 1/10
>Star Wars VIII: 1/10
Non memeing
Star Wars IV: 8.5/10
Star Wars V: 9/10
Star Wars VI: 8/10
Star Wars I: 5/10
Star Wars II: 2/10
Star Wars III: 7/10
Star Wars VII: 7/10
Star Wars VIII: 2/10
When I walked out of the theater my first reaction was that I deeply hated this flick, and that I regretted buying a ticket.
Keep it up user (legitimately no sarcasm here)
I'm a star wars fan but it's dead, lets just move on everybody.
Critics didn't love shit. They just wore nostalgia rose colored glasses and wanted to get invited back to the next SW premiere.
>its dividing the fans so you should go spend money on a ticket and make up your own mind!
Is disney really this desperate?
help me
This. I think this movie will become more hated as time goes on once the critics can speak their minds without worrying about disney foot to ass.
4: 9/10
5: 10/10
6: 8/10
1: 4/10
2: 3/10
3. 5/10
7. 4/10
8. Didn't watch
I'm so torn on this
I seriously felt like there were no stakes after that fucking Leia scene
>people didn't like The Empire Strikes Back at first
Umm no sweetie, Empire was pretty much universally loved. I was 9 in 1980 and saw it with my family and the entire theater loved it, all my friends at school loved it, everyone I know who saw it when it came out loved it.
Never heard that empire divided the fans until this movie came out
>just remember
>without worrying about disney foot to ass.
Do you think critics ever anonymously publish reviews, saying what they really think of a movie?
1: 2/10
2: 2/10
3: 6/10
4: 9/10
5: 10/10
6: 8/10
7: 8/10
8: 6/10
R1: 7/10
There is something fucking wrong with 8, but I just can't
As someone who sat in on the FIRST screening of The Empire Strikes Back... I can assure you that this headline is misleading.
The audiences REALLY liked the ESB - they simply felt Let Down at the end because - unlike Star Wars, the ESB ended on a cliffhanger with Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie etc splitting up and trying to resolve what happened to Han. All agreed that the film was AMAZING. And their point of view for disappointment with the end of the film is well-justified.
Anyone who disagrees is clearly suffering Stockholm Syndrome and would prefer to justify their own Rape.
Empire was the best movie, but I like Jedi the most. Am I the only one?
>it’s not another empire!
>but it’s literally just like empire guys!
People with no spine effortlessly contort to whatever position suits them
Is there seriously some kind of weird conspiracy going on? It’s like every article has to include the byline “Empire was hated too! We love it now though, haha!” It seems like there’s this intense attempt to influence people, even telling people who liked it to “relax” because they’re right and the people that didn’t like it are wrong. I’ve never seen that kind of genuine reaction (except maybe Ghostbusters).
Empire divided the critics initially.
Which is a different thing entirely, of course, but this is damage control, not facts.
Ah yes the objective "best made movie" and "personal favourite".
I loved Jedi the most as a kid. It's the most fun and laid back of the originals.
>people didn't like ESB at first.
>source: my ass
plenty of leftists hate The Last Jedi, man.
and I feel like feminists are the next to start voicing complaints about it.
>people hated Empire when it first came out
Thats because Star Wars was for nerdy fags back in the day. And everyone hates nerdy fags.
4: 8/10
5: 9/10
6: 8/10
1: 6/10
2: 4/10
3. 7/10
7. 7/10
8. 3/10
R1 4/10
I wouldn't be surprised if some of these media outlets were owned by Disney. Because that's genuinely how it's coming across.
I only watched Rogue One because there was nothing else on at the time. It was boring. I'll probably do the same with Last Jedi. I just don't care anymore.
It’s because the media portrays these chad cunts with their fashionable haircuts and stupid glasses as gay nerds so it gives us actual subtly gay nerds a bad name, you’d probably think I was a cool dude until you learned I liked it up the butt, yall just be prejudice n shiet
In terms of filmaking:
IV: 7
V: 8
IV: 7
I: 5
II: 5
III: 6
VII: 6
RO: 7
As entries in the SW franchise:
IV: 9
V: 10
I: 7
II: 5
III: 8
VII: 6
RO: 4
ah come on, i have a special spot for 3 in my heart. Im a sucker for sheev. He and obiwan are simply to good.
why would you give a higher score to god damn phantom menace over aotc
TPM: 4/10
AotC: 3/10
RotS: 4/10
CW*: 9/10
REB*: 2/10
RO: 4/10
ANH: 7/10
ESB: 8/10
RotJ: 5/10
TFA: 4/10
TLJ: 4/10
Prequel Trilogy: Extremely Creative but bad filmmaking/first draft scripting
Clone Wars: One of the best animated series ever
Rebels: kiddie shit with awful characters
OT: Balanced
Sequel Trilogy: Bland, safe but decent filmmaking.
4: 10/10
5: 10/10
6: 8/10
1: 1/10
2: 3/10
3. 6/10
7. 2/10
8. Didn't watch
For me
I think I put it as "nothing is given time to breathe"
>TPM: 5/10
>AotC: 3/10
>RotS: 7/10
>CW*: 9/10
>REB*: 2/10
>RO: 4/10
>ANH: 7/10
>ESB: 8/10
>RotJ: 6/10
>TFA: 6/10
>TLJ: 4/10
CW was the gennady one right? I heard great things about that series.
>Don't you remember the Empire Strikes Back also had mixed reception during release?
No and I was there. Stop making shit up.
Not him, but AOTC really went all out with the egregious CGI. Episode I had SOME restraint, at least most locations were practicals at least to some extent. There was no horrible romance either.
People grew up in 1981.
By the time the prequels came manchildren set in.
They've been on a nonstop 20 year temper tantrum making sure that nobody likes the prequels. You think they are all of a sudden going to grow up and not do the same thing to this trilogy??? I ain't gonna happen
>went from 56% to 57%
It has already started, fuck anyone that enjoyed this turd.
Revisionist meme coming in hard.
Critics hated Empire, not movie goers. Don’t let these fucks rewrite history again.
>muh children/young adults.
Star Wars is about adventuring, not about "adult issues".
I really liked this film, and I went into it expecting a rehash of Empire, but everything literally comes back to "let the old die, kill it if you have to", it might have been heavy handed in some regards, but I enjoyed Leia using the force, and I enjoyed the gotcha Luke moment, which would have worked regardless of the Resistance escaping, as he just humiliated Kylo in front of his forces.
I haven't watched any of them and now that I've seen some scenes in this last one I don't intend to.
that's actually fucked-up that this is where we're at. It's not even fear of disney it's peers and the mob.
Agreed. Rian took risks and tried to subvert expectations. Reddit hates him for this because they wanted him to do that exactly but still rehash everything they loved about ESB.
Sup Forums is even more reactionary than redditards, so I expected no less than a 1/10 reaction.
Yeah, as much as Armond gets memed here, at least the guy doesn't give a fuck what the hivemind is saying.
>Seeing people say you have to see it a second time (or more) to really digest it and appreciate it.
I just want to tell them "That's called stockholm syndrome, sweetie"
The saddest thing is it is 2017.
They could have sold Star Wars to HBO/AMC/whatever....
We could have had a cool series based on the Extended Universe. The Jedi and the Sith are irrelevant the whole thing is a Battle between Order (Empire Remnants) and Freedom (Republic). Both sides have a point. The Republic is a corrupt shithole so there are often "Thrawn/the Empire has a point" moments
Instead we got this. Soulless disney shit pandering to the lowest common denominator.
Hate sand
>tfw the Mouse won't sign the check until someone picks up the popcorn bucket
With TFA everyone loved it for the first week then disdain began to settle in until the popular conception of it is that it was poor and was just a 'remember this' film.
Either TLJ is going to be the reverse where it's reviled and then people realize it wasn't all bad, or it's going to be reviled and then people realize it was even worse.
The very fact that people have to do damage control speaks volumes. When something is indisputable only the most contrarian are going to take a heterodox position. You don't need to caution restraint, reservation or contemplation because everyone accepts it as good. If you have to vocally and strenuously advocate for a film, then you've already lost the war in public opinion.
That doesn't mean the public is always right. But it sure as shit means there is no such consensus on it being good.
This is pathetic.
This argument is the critical equivalent of saying "EINSTEIN FAILED SCHOOL TOO GUYS" when you drop out of the fucking 8th grade
>and I feel like feminists are the next to start voicing complaints about it.
what's so anti-feminist about TLJ?
>aggressive white male thinks he knows the right thing to do
Nerdcore is dead. Nothing is allowed to gain enough traction to become nerd tradition since the internet.
If Avatar came out pre internet it would be bigger than or as big as star wars
The only people that didn't like The Last Jedi were Star Wars manchildren who probably thought TFA was genius
>order steak at restaurant
>waiter brings me a lamb chop instead
>excuse me but this isn't what i ordered
>don't worry sir i'm just subverting your expectation
>lamb chop ends up being delicious
>order steak at a restaurant
>waiter brings me a steaming pile of shit
>excuse me but this isn't what i ordered
>don't worry sir i'm just subverting your expectation
>it tastes like shit
why are liberals such revisionist?
This. The movie's a movie of its era, can't escape the diversity and muh women, but the basics were good and fulfilled. It was hyped to be something it didn't turn out to be, although it certainly isn't the movie of the year
This is one of the big reasons why Disney pop-cultural monopoly is so terrible. Imagine if Disney owned the Punisher rather than Netflix. People may like capeshit but I hope to christ they get sick of it when it's literally all the exact same disney wheedonism of quips, irreverent tragedy and tension handwaved away in the sequel and leavened with some ad-hoc jokes and a whole lot of movies to tell a whole lot of fucking nothing.
The beast is never satisfied, but off the top of my head:
Female pilots/commanders have to die (Purple hair, Rose Tico's sister) while Poe and Finn get deus ex machina salvation.
(Perceived) Sexual tension between Rey and Ren is going to infuriate people.
I forget but didn't brienne of tarth get killed again this time around?
because the alternative is being wrong
troll thread but better spell it out for the newfags. no, last jedi is shit.
>I forget but didn't brienne of tarth get killed again this time around?
Apparently Christie confirmed she's going to be in IX.
>Don't you remember the Empire Strikes Back also had mixed reception during release?
None of the faggots who said this were even alive when Empire Strikes Back was out. Piss off.
Dude...how old are you and what are you doing on Sup Forums?
>In time The Last Jedi will be seen as a genius example of filmmaking.
>this battle station is now the ultimate power
nah man just fucking go hyper space near the enemy and wipe out entire fleets for the cost of one big lump of metal and a drive
THIS HAS SINGLE HANDEDLY KILLED ANY FUTURE SPACE BATTLE OR BIG BAD WEAPON they have managed to fuck up starwars beyond recovery by making this ability canon
All the strong women in power are retards. My local theater already had feminists boycotting the movie.
Why even build a space station the size of a moon when you can strap a hyperdrive to literally anything and destroy the planet that way.
>THIS HAS SINGLE HANDEDLY KILLED ANY FUTURE SPACE BATTLE OR BIG BAD WEAPON they have managed to fuck up starwars beyond recovery by making this ability canon
You're fucking retarded. That would mean killing yourself. This has always been possible and you're pretty dumb if you think it only just now exists because it happened in a film. What do you think would fucking happen if you ran into something at light speed?
TPM: 4/10
ATOC: 3/10
ROTS: 3/10
ANH: 10/10
ESB: 8/10
ROTJ: 7/10
TFA: 5/10
TLD: 4/10
Nah, they're just the kind of people that want to keep their loved ones on life support when there's no chance of them waking because they reality that someone they loved is dead is too hard for them to face.
if you watched the movie it didn't even destroy the fucking ship it was aimed at. It just cut it in half.
it's a can of worms to be sure
100% agree
AoTC was by far the worst star wars until the most recent episode.
How is that not destroying it?
Now that you mention it
II was better than I & III
>Sequels rated higher than prequels
I know you're still in denial. But it's time to face the pain, fren.
>That would mean killing yourself.
Why not make hyperdrive missiles then? Who would bother fighting the Empire if their fleets could get nuked instantly?
I haven't seen it yet but I notice a large overlap in those who liked the prequels and those who hate TLJ so I think that means I'll like it. I can't trust those tasteless plebs
Yeah, he honestly shouldn't have bothered watching any SW flicks.
Same. Hey, if the writers and producers don't care, why should we?
it'd just cut shit in half like it did in the movie. It would not 'instantly nuke' anything. you fucking losers are blowing a good time out of proportion. How are you gonna tell the writers of the movie what to do? What qualifications do you have other than complaining on the internet in your mothers basement?
>some cool shit happens
Star Wars fans are fucking jokes, and if Disney knew what was best for them, they would just ditch this sorry ass franchise because no matter what they do with it, nostalgic nerds on the internet will never be happy.
Um no sweetie it has stink like the prequels people have already started turning on TFA