Does Sup Forums like military comics?

Does Sup Forums like military comics?

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I'm surprised by how much I relate to some of them despite having no military experience. It's the same feeling I get from listening to black comedians.

Christ his style is starting to resemble penny arcade

Soon he'll start drawing comics about fucking little boys.

Not really seeing it, it doesn't appear to be a complete abomination

Can I get a citation on that?

Does Beetle Bailey counts?

I generally don't like military comics for the same reason I never really enjoy hearing funny stories from people in the military: because 95% of the stories are mired in the atmosphere of the military and more intended for people who have been in the military. Even though I can understand what the joke is supposed to be, it's obvious that it's 10x funnier if you've ever been part of some military branch.

Plus they're damn near always the same joke about some hardass CO coming down on some hapless recruit and forcing them to do something ridiculous because they fucked up somehow.

Terminal Lance is still going?

Hasn't he not been in the military for years

And why would I want to read a comic about fascist pigs and baby killers?

He's gonna make money off of it with general military news and knowing the mindset of military members who are sick of the bullshit

Terminal Lance is pretty hit-or-miss but I like the author a bunch.

met the author.
he signed my copy of the white donkey.
pretty chill dude.

Because Lobo is awesome.

I know exactly why.

It better.

And babies are really annoying.

I'm not personally in the military but I've always grown up around military folk so I can kinda dig the comics. I personally like Terminal Lance simply because he depicts average military personnel as bored shit heads that constantly fuck with each other and cause problems. From my experience that is pretty spot on.

Why yes, I am quite the fan of Sturmtruppen.

What's the joke?

'Jodie' is military slang for the guy who fucks your SO while you're on deployment.

Who doesn't love Terminal Lance? TFW I tried to become a Navy meteorologist/oceanographer but the board didn't select me so I'll never know if it's realistic.
Any other military rejects browsing right now?

No joke, I used to be a member of my country's recently-militarised Forestry Guard. We've been reorganised this year from independent police force into a branch of the Carabinieri, our Military police, and I was laid off in the process. In a way, I guess that makes me a military reject too.

I was hoping it was a weirdly worded joke about 20 something "kids" staying in their house instead of a cuck joke. I am disappointed.

Kinda like Gone with the Blastwave?

because comics about preachy, establishment liberal babies aren't as genuine or funny

>/k/- A Magical Place

>he signed my copy of the white donkey.

Someone needs to storytime that here or on Sup Forums one day.

Yeah the endless "We made the rookies count every grain of sand in the desert!" stories get really old really quick.

>I generally don't like college comics for the same reason I never really enjoy hearing funny stories from people in college: because 95% of the stories are mired in the atmosphere of college and more intended for people who have been in college. Even though I can understand what the joke is supposed to be, it's obvious that it's 10x funnier if you've ever been part of some college
>Plus they're damn near always the same joke about some hardass RA coming down on some hapless freshman and forcing them to do something ridiculous because they fucked up somehow.

You can make that complaint about ANYTHING that has a slant towards any part of society. You could have made a much shorter post that just says "I don't like this since it doesn't interest me."

the joke is deeper than that. there are times when you dont even feel sorry for yourself anymore, you feel for the safety of the fucking nation when you understand how military minds work

i have seen dude mowing dirt before. it wasn't a punishment. they just had to mow the dirt.

military life is basically trained autism.

>spin things
>repeat tasks over and over for no reason
>speak in confusing codes and expressions
>avoid eye contact
>count random things
>be anal about order
>have a poor understanding of personal space

>military life is basically trained autism.
shit son maybe you shouldve joun the military.
then maybe you wouldve been trained.

Terminal Lance is amazing.

>have a poor understanding of personal space
I just don't get bothered by it as much

Wally Wood made good comics

Yes but stop reading after the 70's.

>Plus they're damn near always the same joke about some hardass CO coming down on some hapless recruit and forcing them to do something ridiculous because they fucked up somehow.
It can get pretty creative.

>Beetle Bailey is still going on
>It's been going on for almost 67 years now

I had a friend go through Paris Island and I swear if there was some way to get a bunch of guerilla cameras all over that island, if half the stories he told were true, it would make for the fucking best and most hilarious hidden camera show in the world

Oh man I believe it.

>Mort Walker turns 94 this year
Course he hasn't actually drawn the strip since the 90's, but still.

On a semi-related note, I recommend this book from when Mort had a half-dozen strips under his belt.


I'm fucking dying and I don't even know why.

>Plus they're damn near always the same joke about some hardass CO coming down on some hapless recruit and forcing them to do something ridiculous because they fucked up somehow.

>We've been reorganised this year from independent police force into a branch of the Carabinieri

Having the police be part of the military is a bad idea in and of itself...

Laying off cops? Hard to imagine that ever happening in the US.

It's pretty great.

>not living in the libertarian paradise of Bongland where they're laying off coppers and replacing them with less qualified, much lower paid PCSOs.

>Libertarian paradise
>Can literally be jailed for hate speech
Pick one.

I think your sarcasm detector is broken.

They are literally the opposite of libertarian

In our defense, the South and Midlands keep electing Tories who promise to fix it, who in turn make it worse and promise to make it better so that they get reelected and...


he just has autism user, be nice.
>or it'll murder us all in a psychotic ramapage

Yes, one of my favorite scenarios.

I think there's something about seeing how different people behave and deal differently in a universal situation that pulls me in. The fact they're usually all in standard uniform and appearance due to the selection process helps, basically the writer relies purely on the characterization selling the characters and ideas rather than eye catch character designs or such doing the work for them.

Also reading those /k/ stories where boys must be boys regardless of how serious the detail has given me an itch these sort of comics help scratch. It's a reminder that the cheekiness of the human spirit can persevere no matter the circumstance.

He's been doing a lot of current events and other unrelated shit and just making commentary on them.

This one's Sup Forums-related.

Favorite GWTBW comic?
Probably this one for me.


What are PCSOs?

Where's the police union?



Sometimes. There's a lot of shit that people have to deal with in the military and some people have the luxury of keeping their sense of humor intact.

Based Bill Mauldin

Pretty clever.

I swept a parking lot on red duty once.
Then I weeded it.
Then I weeded a different one.
And then I picked trash along a freeway.

That long weekend sucked.

you should really check google or something before you get all condescending like that. Unless that was bait... in which case 10/10 you got me good

That looks fun.

Not too accurate user, motrin is pretty strong.


Got so many problems with illegal mafia logging that they're gunning you up?

The only Beetle Bailey strip I have, as I used the 4th panel as my Steam profile image for years.

Presidents do that?

The firing squad arcs are a masterpiece.

Tax money put to good use.

Does he come here?
Regardless, amazing work ad it's always a good read.

Gotta learn them marine things.

What the fuck?

It's a good advice.

Marines are good at killing, bitching, and yelling. They need help with some concepts.

>Wherever I am, I must honour my African-American percentiles

This would never work here in the US, since once people cottoned to the fact that some cops weren't "real," they'd just kill them and move along with whatever they were doing.

Where's the rest of his sentence?

the joke is that this jodie guy was fucking his wife for the duration of the tour, and he figures since he was sleeping under his roof, eating food paid for with his money, and all that crap he may as well claim that on taxes

I'm not asking what the joke is, I'm asking where the rest of his sentence is.

its left unsaid

I see that, and it should be said or ended.

well then why didn't you say that from the beginning instead of this carousel?

>this carousel
What carousel? I'm not the one who read "Where's the rest of his sentence" and thought "He must be asking what the joke is."

Sergent Laterreur.





Time for some particularly Sup Forums related TLs



I think I'd actually like MoS better if it was mostly from the view of the ground troops seeing the nonsense unfold, especially shots of them shaking their heads when the city starts to fall apart and it starts raining symbolism and allegory.

Keep 'em coming.

That was all the super/co/ ones I had on hand, and that hadn't already been posted.

Might throw out a couple of random ones?




I remember reading in the Comics Journal how Miss Buxly's navel was censored in the newspapers for being to risque, so Mort Walker did a strip where they ordered a crate of "Navel Oranges" as an in joke to the editors.