Explain to me how Homer afforded this place, he was fucking poor
Explain to me how Homer afforded this place, he was fucking poor
The answer is in each of the other threads you've created about this.
because he's american, and he doesn't live in a shitty place like california
He's not gay, but $20 from sneed to feed him his seed is $20
why does this house not have any supporting walls?
Drop this meme please. The guy worked as a nuclear technician.
He worked part time at this other place.
Simpsons started in the 90s and a common theme at the start was the bills and fixing bits int he house. Plus he worked at a power plant so he wasn't dirt poor. In the 90s he would have been able to get that house.
I dunno. Don't ask me how the economy works.
americans are good at giving housing credits to people who don't deserve them
However he wasn't poor. THis was never really implied. He had a job at a nuclear plant and was in charge of the security. Thats a well paid job. He is just very bad with money and spents it irrationally on random stuff and alcohol.
his dad abe sold his house that he won in a lottery to pay for homers house, then they sneeded him into a old peoples home
Impressive. Now let's see SNEED's place.
ahah kek
I have essentially the same job as Homer (plant operator) and he definately has a well paying job. Homer is a strict control OP so hes probably making about $46 an hour and about 120k a year. Definately enough to buy this house.
He was a Stonecutter.
job came after the house
You can get approved for loans easy. Paying them off is the hard part.
Job came when Bart was a baby ("I Married Marge")
House came when Lisa was a baby ("Lisa's First Word")
Abe sold his house and gave Homer the money for the down payment.
Every fucking time man.
>every TV show
doesn't the Simpsons' backstory keep changing because they stay the same age as the show keeps going on?
1980s, white, with a job? if he misses work he'll probably lose everything?