Confirmed worst of all time.
Confirmed worst of all time
>"worst of all time"
>has a 93 on rotten tomatoes
fuck off retard
>What are paid reviews
>What are anonymous people with no credentials, not even for having seen the film
>what is a schizophrenic user who thinks "conspiracies" over movied that trigger his little frail opinions on society are real
>an user is mad because the main character is a women
>an user is mad because the supporting character is black
the reviewers have HUGE incentive to give this a good review. If they shit on it, Disney won't invite them back for any of the Marvel/SW/Animated movies again. That is a career killer
Wait till next week..
The number will hit the mid 40s.
There will be no Rian Johnson Trilogy.
This. It's what happened recently to a critic circle in the LA Times. Disney tried to block them.
I'd usually agree with you if we were talking about classic thought provoking films
But we're talking about goofy space laser adventures.
Except Disney's had plenty of awful reviews for their releases when they're genuinely bad (See: Lone Ranger.) If there was such intense punishment systems for these things, please find me a professional critic who has been banned from Marvel/SW/Animated movies because they gave a bad review. I'm sure you can do it with all of the great proof you've got.
You're implying that dumb shit like goofy space laser adventures doesn't garner the largest and most overblown outrage from people that will absolutely go on crusades (see: the front page of this catalog)
>"Movie critics" who are mostly glorified bloggers give reviews based on diversity quotas, pandering PC messages and other nonsense.
Of course it gets 93%.
>(See: Lone Ranger.)
Tonto Johnny Depp is why they rated it bad.
Fixed your Image for you
>LA Times
Public accusations caused them to rescind their attempt, and the blackout was related to investigations into the company itself that the paper had published, not reviews.
>Except Disney's had plenty of awful reviews for their releases when they're genuinely bad (See: Lone Ranger.)
Any movie Post-Tron Legacy/Marvel Buyout was before Disney stepped their game up. Any movie that got a negative score past that was a tax write off.
That was confirmed for me the moment I walked out of the theatre.
Damn, it's only as bad as AotC? Such high praise.
>for watching movies
>Movie critics that will get their screening passes revoked if they dare speak out against the mouse are totally honest and trustable
I liked it and I've never rated a movie on imdb or rotten tomatoes in my life. Most people don't fuck with that shit. Only angry nerds with something to prove.