This is the last white male in Star Wars.
Say something nice about him
This is the last white male in Star Wars
Other urls found in this thread:
>another star shit thread
that's a soyboy
Impregnated Rey so you'll not be the last.
>say something nice
Did that other redhead bad guy die?
>that's a SOYBOY
he looks so fucked up
he must have had some SOLID connections (jewish)
He looks very British.
Is he microcephalic?
That's not true what about General Huxtable
good point
Hux should have been the new Supreme Leader, not Elliot Rodger Lite
what did you say bro
>when you skip head day
Nice try (((Adam)))
>only being able to enjoy a movie if the people in it look like you
Hmmmmmm, this seems familiar
what exactly did he do to get this role? there's hundreds of thousands of men better suited to the role but they chose this ugly lanklet. this is almost as bad as casting gal gadot as wonderwoman.
Man o' Star Wars will likely have a much better career than Daisy Ridley in the long run.
hmmm could he be jewish with connections???
I can't even tell what's wrong with him. His face is all sorts of fucked up. I think it's his jaw.
>No Ashkenazi Jewish
what did they mean by this?
kk saw him in girls and wanted to fuck him
he will be
>US army veteran
sadly i doubt that
crooked round jaw, fat lips, fat nosebridge, fucked ears
He's not a veteran, he bailed when the war began.
She wants to focus on her exciting career and traveling.
You mean navy.
Did you not see the last scene? The future is white male
>US Army
Are you retarded?
He had 2 deployments you traitorous cuck, he broke his sternum while mountain biking (Alpha AF desu) and was medically discharged. He didnt "bail"
adam driver aint jewish
>This is the last white male in Star Wars.
I think you mean the Chair Force. I mean Marines.
Why are you surprised? He is the kind of creature that can only be spawned by the dankest, foggiest bogs of the british isles.
His real problem is his completely non-existent ramus tbqhwy
He's a great actor tbqhwy, I haven't seen Star Wars though.
I wonder if his ears are sonar capable?
hes pretty much carrying these new films by virtue of being the only talented actor in the cast that gets any halfway decent material
>where do you work out?
I have also, lots of moles in my body. Do you think it might be cancerous?
>Congratulations for fighting for Wall Street and Israel, here's your 5% discount at CVS Pharmacy
he shoulda played anakin
serious question: is he inbred?
the resemblance is uncanny
>44 replies
>no le 56% face
You Europoors are losing your touch. If any thread deserved it, it was this one.
He bailed off his bike
>English ancestry
very likely
Wouldn't be the first inbred to hit Hollywood. Look at Jack Nicholson.
If he was more inbred, he'd be a sandwich.
definitively an untermensch
Do women really find this guy attractive?
>Wall Street and Israel
Why did you repeat the same thing twice?
but hes a typical angloid
>long hair
>bad boy attitude
>radar surveillance division
Jews are white, just like Mike said
JJ Abrams is a WHITE man, just like Harrison Ford
He might look like a retard but he's a genuinely good actor and he's the best thing about the new star wars (well, besides Oscar Isaac)
women find any guy with status attractive ugly or not. they'd rather fuck an ugly guy in a band or something than fuck an attractive neet who watches anime all day.
Is he supposed to be the main character?
Because it sure feels like he is.
>attractive neet who watches anime all day
I get your point, but come on, we both know no such thing exists.
This is the ugliest human being I've seen in my entire life
hope he shaves his head
brings back memories of my Ex
I recently buzzed my hair for the first time since I was 6 and it feels fucking good
A buddy of mine saw him take his shirt off in the shower. He said that he had an eight-pack.
/our guy/?
very nice
Pick one and only one.
Reminds me of that one Gordon Ramsay edit where his body is all fucked up.
Just think of the main cast getting in a plane crash or something.
What would they do if the trilogy wasn't complete?
Btw I don't want any of these people to die at all, but like seriously what would they do in that situation?
try reverse searching that picture and look at google's guess
could you put on a shirt or something
Mickey Mouse syndrome on the face
This. I couldn't quite place his weird looks
I think he's kinda cute ;-;
thrughout the movie i was thinking how oscar isaac would be the perfect man if only he was taller. he's a manlet unfortunately so kyle ron is gonna end up with rachel since he's tall
Women have lower standarts. He's tall and charismatic, so that's more than enough. I mean, women LOVE Benedryl Zanzybor from Sherlock because he has a cool voice even though he looks like child of a lizard and ET
You've never seen me then
They just announced he's playing Gomez in a new Addams family movie and holy shit it's a PERFECT casting, shame it's a cartoon though
I wish he was Japanese
My sides
>thrughout the movie i was thinking how oscar isaac would be the perfect man if only he was taller
throughout the movie i was thinking how oscar isaac was the only decent actor in this entire movie, even with those awful jokes.
He's the right sort of ugly, if you know what I mean. Like he's probably got good genetics that just went wrong in him.
You don't think he looks like a spic Depardieu? That kike nose.
>chloe grace moretz bodybuilding
holy fucking kek
A real robot, an true hero.
If Keanu Reeves, Roger Waters and Nick Cave had some sort of sci-fi test tube genespliced baby that ended up born with both fetal alcohol and down syndrome, and then that child got socked really, really hard in the face you would get Adam Driver
Nah the future of the Force is a little white boy in the stables at that casino world which is why so many radical sjws are mad and hashtagging #starwarshatespoc hahahaha oh believe it my brethren they will eat their own.
>wahh wahh he is not nice to look at moomy i only want to look at attractive people!!!!
shut up, nobody gives a fuck.