How do you drop bombs in space?
How do you drop bombs in space?
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There's artificial gravity in all SW ships. You drop the bomb and it's enough momentum to keep going once it hits zero gravity.
By giving them momentum?
hory shit I just realized that
repulsorlifts faggot
Why not just launch them out of a tube so you can shoot from wherever and don't have to be right above the target to "drop" them
how did that bomber girl breath in space?
Are you mansplaining to me shitlord? Literally shaking right now.
Writers probably thought space works like the ocean and the air would be trapped inside like a diving bell because the hatch was underneath.
They're magnetic you brainlet. This has been explained a thousand times.
Or maybe they realised that a silly fantasy movie about wizards in space doesn't need to be scientifically sound, Mr. Black Science Man
Not saying anything about the design is smart or cool. Honestly don't understand why they'd set up bombers that explode when shot at, nor do I know why they would fly highly explosive bombers in so tight a formation if that's a problem the ships have. It was a retarded scene.
>Ships have artificial gravity.
>The bombs are in the ship.
>The bombs are pulled to the floor of the ship.
>Once they reach floor level they continue on due to momentum
Did you even take a physics course?
This happened because the authors of Nuwars are retarded Jews and SJW women who can't comprehend that a "bomber" in space doesn't literally mean an actual bomb-dropper, but a heavily-armored fighter that carries a lot of torpedoes.
This entire scene probably took months to film/render and cost millions of dollars, and not once did the retarded Jews/SJWs in charge realize that it was stupid.
just turn your brain off xD
Who don't they use a bunch of smart-guided missiles?
Even modern-day bombers IRL rarely use "dumb bombs" anymore.
>hurrr, let's design a ship that has to fly directly over its target and drop a bunch of spherical dumb bombs while getting shot-at constantly
Why didn't they just hyper drive speed blitz them?
>brother went to go see TLJ
>we talk about it afterwards
>he says that rose's sister dying was one of the saddest scenes in star wars
>i tell him it was kinda pointless because we didn't even fucking know her before this scene
>he thinks TLJ was a masterpiece
>tell him it wasn't very good and tell him why it was shit
>ask him how leia flew
>tells me there doesn't need to be realism in star wars
>tell him there does to some degree
>"user, if you think think it needs realism and u hate the new film then star wars probably isn't for you"
who was in the wrong here?
Did he clap during the movie?
Space has air in Star Wars. That’s just how the rules work
The movie "Wing Commander" in 1999 literally had a better concept of a starbomber.
The Broadsword-class is basically carries 4 huge torpedoes designed for attacking capital ships, and is meant to be escorted by fighters.
Even better: why not just attach them to a lightspeed cruise missile that'll blow up a star destroyer from momenum alone?
Syfy writer detected
The SW universe has nearly-invisible shields that keep air molecules in, but let other objects pass-through.
That's how the hangar bays in other SW movies don't vent air. (remember how Obi-Wan and Anakin boarded Grievous's ship through the hangar in Episode 3)
I think it should be more visible, though; like a very clear blue shimmer or something.
Fucking probably.
I hate talking shit about my brother but if there was a kingdom of soy he would be the fucking king. He thinks Rey is the perfect hero and he says she isn't a mary sure. He thought she would be related to a powerful character which is why she knows everything and then when it turned out her parents were nobodys he said it only adds to her character and she still isn't a mary sue. Also when we talked about rogue one I told him the only good part was Vader slicing those rebels up. To which he replied that he was scared during it and he almost walked out because he was so fucking scared. The dude is fucking 23.
You tell Marvin the Martian that he sounds like a fag
Wow that was shit
He doesn't think with his head, but with his emotions. Don't be mean to him, just think of him as cute little kid and nod and smile to the whatever he says, it's not your job to educate him. Trust me, you'll be happier this way.
Amerifat detected
You need to dose him with test pills
nope, cretin
If OP had been a Real Fan and purchased the Star Wars: The Last Jedi™: The Visual Dictionary (list price $22.99, available at major online retailers), then this question would not need to be asked.
>they're magnetic
Why didn't they just immediately attach to the bomber itself and blow-up as soon as they were activated?
>using magnets for your bombs
oh that's totally smart
why did gravity still work after the snoke ship was split in half?
It only clipped a section of one wing.
You could just have the momentum forward instead.
>Move forward extremely fast
>Release the bombs
>The bombs will move the same speed as the ship moving extremely fast
>Slow down so the bombs can exit the ship with the initial high speed
>Bombs will now move faster than the ship without any missiles
Having a slow ass fucking ship release bombs with artificial gravity is fucking retarded.
>drop bombs
>they stick to the ship
well done
are these cannons "magnetic" too or does gravity exist in space according to nu-Star Wars?
>TFW they went overboard with the homage to WWII-era bombers, instead of making it a realistic scifi "bomber" AKA: small capital-ship-hunting vessel, like
Also, I thought Y-Wings and B-Wings were already established as "bombers".
This is just SJW/Jew/feminist authors being retarded and not knowing shit about SW lore beyond the most basic normie shit.
>TFW they went overboard with the homage to WWII-era bombers
i don't understand why they were so blatant with that reference. it's like they were taking cues from the prequels
That just makes it even more fucking confusing. You telling me that the whole ship is not made of any metals whats so ever that could be magnetic?
why would they have to be magnetic?
I hope you know what's written in that picture makes no sense.
they're in zero gravity yet the green lasers have an arc
they were magnetised
Is that Blatllestar Gallactica?
Because that would make sense
Cuz arc
This. that’s the first thing I thought
Because a bunch of rag tag rebels can afford shit like smart bombs
Though they can afford bombers somehow...
They're just stupid.
Why are all Star Wars Ships suddenly Slow as Shit in this movie?
Also, expecting Initial D edits of Poe's X-Wing pulling space drifting maneuvers.
X-Wigs in A New Hope had target-seeking torpedoes.
With a T-s7b targeting computer.
Thanks for being smart.
You're literally smarter than the authors of NuWars.
Leia has been implied force sensitive for the past 3 movies. She and Luke both have force powers. How is that hard to understand?
I've been looking at these threads for three days, I can't believe there's still room for this movie to get worse.
>ask him how leia flew
You can lift an x wing, you can move a human.
>the green lasers have an arc
oh my fucking god it's true
I suspect it would not be a cost effective weapon. Having Light speed engines on a fighter makes sense because they can attack and win against multiple targets. strapping one very expensive light speed engine to a missile that may or may not hit its target would not be a good use of resources. I also imagine that the size of the Rebel ship that slammed through Snoke's ship had considerably more weight than a missile. That is why it was able to cut Snoke's ship in half and take out a few star destroyers with it. But a light speed enabled missile is a cool idea.
fucking kek, this
Hey user, I did not love the new movie for a number of reasons, but the Nu Leia scene was actually not that bad in comparison to the other shit in this film.
Its possible through the Force for Leia to pull herself toward the ship. She wasn't out in space too long, and Force users can reserve their oxygen flow better than normies, so theoreticaly she could have been out there for five or six minutes before going under.
The worst part of the scene was the off screen death and casual dismissal of Admiral Ackbar, who became an iconic character in the fandom after RoTJ.
he was only iconic because of a meme
What type of ship is this? I moght make a meme later tonight.
Culture is a meme.
he was literally right behind Leia when the bridge got engulfed in flames
Technically magnetic shit can travel in an arc but that is clip is just bullshit
No other sith or jedi has done that and Leia was never trained in the force. On top of that, just because she is force sensitive, does not make her invincible. She survived a spaceship blowing up as well as floating in the vacuum of space for over a minute.
Hey, remember when Star Destroyers chased Falcon in IV and V?
Now they just sit there allowing slow as shit bombers to drop ww2 bombs on them?
>that many women in your military
Did they want to lose?
Because it's made of plastic and aluminum faggot. Why do you think the bomber fleet was getting shot up so bad ?
Because they were made by Honda.
Did Leia have magnets in her pantaloons too?
they're not a standing military force so
They weren't lasers though, it was old left over Russian tracer ammunition from the Cold War. Gotta cut costs somewhere!
Fuck you, WW2 was cool as fuck.
Not that user but some dude started clapping at the end of my showing and I went BOOO not super loud but just loud enough for him to mutter "fuck you kid.." but also stopped clapping.