>DisneyLucasfilm desperately needs anti-racism policies and education.

You know you'll never ever please these people Disney so why even bother trying.

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Finn was cooning around in TFA

wtf i hate disney now
i thought they were on our side, the right side of history!

Fuck off Russian shill. This is the future of Star Wars, not some manchild with his toys in mommy's basement.


The movie literally ends with children playing with toys in a basement.

began the soy wars have

>The state of movies
I hope liberals are happy. They started this mess and now they're going to experience a drop in their annual profits. The Last Jedi is just a taste of things to come.

I always get a raging hard on whenever someone tried to please SJWs and it blows up in their face

Nu males and tumblrinas hate this movie

Only true patricians enjoy this movie


>anti blackness is rampant in Asian communities

Fuck me. I think that's the first time I've ever heard one of them take a swing at a non white target.

>stars wars has been for and created by white men since the beginning

God damn I love seeing the left cannibalize itself.

>mfw it turns out all the negative RT user reviews are actually from pissed off SJWs

wait is she saying asians can be rasist, or is anti blackness not racist?

I wish I could see the faces of all the black women when Rose kissed their boy Finn.

this wans't enought for them

asians have always been next on the chopping block after wypipo.. they are just accelerating their game

so i wasn't seeing things. this random kid has force abilities?

hard to know if this is satire or not

and people thought I wasn't kidding when I said SJWs, alt-righters, Trumpcucks, regular liberals and normies were all going to hate The Last Jedi?

See. The Last Jedi really has no fucking idea what audience it wants to be for.

Jesus what an irritating bunch of oven dodgers.

>kyle ron

She's one of those self-hating Westernized Asians. You know, the kind that engages in all that SJW feminist shit, but then exclusively dates white guys.

Trump is a Djedi

We've solved it.

Fuck, I thought I was the only one. I guess that kid does have it.

not only did they brutalize Finn with that pigmy but they gave the qt jedi to the patriarhical monster who killed gorrilions

calling it now, that character is the star of Rian's trilogy (that has a good chance of being scrapped now)

He's setting it in the Old Republic I think

this shows how much they rely on movies to make irl progress


There is no pleasing these people.

my god just fucking scorch this Earth already I am so sick of this shit

I know it's basically just hyperbole, but I fucking HATE this sentiment of "I want a (medium) about X but done like Y"
They always want some shitty slice of life garbage version of something that's inherently action-based. Or horror-based. No. A series about the Avengers, but only on their days off, is NOT a good idea.

>how dare you show the evil nazi man acting evil!

What's this pokemon?

Why would Rian even agree to that, its blatantly clear he has no love nor affinity for sci-fi anymore let alone Star Wars.

Because he likes money
Dunno, but he did. It was apparently his condition for doing this film - he gets to make 3 more movies in his own trilogy split off from the main series

I was surprised they had him hooting and hollering like a nigger again. He was also a coward right from the start again.

Gavin McInnes during his spiderman rant earlier in the summer said it perfectly.

Please don't let the alt left know there is a movie called Glengarry Glenn Ross. Guess what gender and race makes up the entire cast?

Those people are obsessed with skin color

Kill yourself retard

Black guy here, I rarely post because Internet is fuck up where I live. If anyone wants my opinion, the actor playing Finn is a fish lipped negro and Luke should have lived. Most my boys feel the same way so it's all good Sup Forums. Peace.

wtf I love new star wars now

It's the definition of racism but they're too far up their own righteous ass to even realize, and so they accuse (((whites))) of being racist when if fact they fit the very definition of it.

woah no need for that hostility man

>It was apparently his condition for doing this film
You are the most retarded nigger on Sup Forums right now

My nigga. Hope to see you around some more

You deserve to die you ignorant fuck.

Yes. Its literally the essence of star wars. A random kid looking to the starts and showing hope


>liberals become over opinionated on the Internet
>if you are not part of the hivemind you are literally a fascist
>big name movie directors/producers and video game developers are forced to conform to their think
>if they don't conform they are bombarded with hate and their careers are destroyed


How long have things been like this? I can't believe that companies are sacrificing integrity to appease a very very loud minority. When will companies learn that these people will NEVER be happy? If you try to appease to them they will find something to complain about no matter what. Literally what is the point? My hobbies are going to fucking shit because of these people. NO ONE cares about quality anymore.

Also money. I understand that these industries are businesses and the main goal is money at the core, but what the fuck. When long-lived franchises are having new installments pumped out every year as 2.5 hour long ads for toy lines you have to think we've taken a wrong turn somewhere. Holy fuck I'm mad

I haven't even seen the film yet but this is pretty shocking actually
>having an asian character tase a black man who was surrendering as a moment of comedy
It's like they have no understanding of how that would come across in the current political climate. Even the most die-hard Sup Forumstard would realise how it would be seen.

When? After about three minutes of him gagging out about black Spider-Man I had to close it before my brain started leaking out of my ears

>quoting literally nobodies and whos

deserve has nothing to do with it

Koreans killed appox 600 blacks in LA riots because their bodegas were bringing robbed of malt liquor and safes were being hustled out. But the MSM doesn't want us to know

You fucking nigger faggot. You paid for this shit. Like just kill yourself nigger.

RIP his career. He should've stayed as a writer-director making interesting flicks here and there, like Brick or Looper, but instead he will now be forever known as the idiot that killed Star Wars.

So is everyone here though

>how do we appeal to all those separate groups?
>what if we piss them each off? people enjoy seeing people they disagree with get hurt than not being hurt themselves!
>umm are you sure about that?

Rian, why are you so fucking angry? You made a shitty movie, get movie it.

That's the big tragedy of it all.
Looper was a cool movie, but man Rian sold out hardcore.

There is no way in hell Rian is getting a trilogy after this fiasco

>tfw so many people use twitter that its easy to get a screencap of dozens of retards saying pretty much anything you're looking for.

Oh no no no


They will show that mace Windex is alive and will teach fin how to Jedi!!!!

At least they won't kill Windex again

I'm sure he was struggling financially and needed a major blockbuster to boost his income, similar to Nolan back in 2003 when he decided to pitch his vision of Batman. However his gamble here died when he rolled.

>White/(((White))) filmmakers create movie starring White/(((White))) actors
>Becomes most iconic pillar of American pop culture
>This means nonwhites own it now and if they don't have every single facet of it catering to them then America is just like it was in March 1861
What a nightmare for POC to be living here instead of the Black liberation paradise of Liberia, Haiti, or Zimbabwe.

I hate pieces of crap also

Sam Jackson specifically asked Lucas for a purple lightsaber. The only racism would be complaining that he shouldn't be allowed a purple lightsaber in case people thought it came across as racism.


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?

Good point. Nolan hit the jackpot with Batman Begins while Rian totally lost all of the shit he was gambling with.

Yup. Not only that but Jackson allegedly got it written into his contract that he'd be the only one with a purple lightsaber

IK you nigger, I just be saying people forget the windex be a black force grand master and shit yo.

They can bring him back you know. they can even do the windex story on what he did after he survived the fall

This is actually decent bait. Well done

Man chill out lol. I what you mean I paid for this? I went to see it with my girl, she paid if you want to know. It's not even like blacks have any say about casting or Luke dying like a bitch. Most blacks love Luke and R2D2 is our favorite character on average. Most the time Hollywood cast a black actor he isn't even from our neighborhoods, he's from England. Finn ain't Billy Dee. So I'm with you like I already said. Peace!

>SJWs and tumblarinas whine that Star Wars hates minorities
>Sup Forumsedditors whine that it hates white males

Top fucking kek, the absolute state of Disney

And Batman Begins was right up Nolan's alley and comfort zone, whereas Rian tried to align his interests with Star Wars but completely failed to produce something that will hold up.

>Force users
>only white
Adam Driver is a Jew though...?
Also Daisy is less white than the average American.

fucking damn white men keeping the RT score as high as 56%

No way

it's true. all of it.

>People of color
>Labeling non-whites as "colored people"

Am I the only one who finds this offensive? Not even the right would come up with this shit

>Only White Men Loved TLJ
>Star Wars hates people of color
>TLJ was filled with people of color
Uh.. did she even read what she wrote?

this. The only thing that could unite the alt-right and SJWs is a total fucking disaster of a Star Wars movie.

>Strike his works from the canon
Maybe we should hear some of them out.

This is a false flag to try and get men of whiteness to start giving it higher scores

Nah, they're playing with trash in a stable, telling the story of Luke Skywalker and the resistance to each other.

And the movie doesn't end that way. It actually ends with a little kid sweeping.

>ruin an entire series with 40 odd years of history by pandering to sjws
>They hate it and boycott you
When will these fucks learn that these cry babies will never be happy

wtf i love disney wars now

Surprisingly enough, just because the alt-right hates a film, that doesn't mean that SJWs love a film. And vice versa.

hah that made me giggle

I think people need a good month of no internet to detox their brains before returning. The level of stupidity on twitter is insane. Or how about we get rid of twitter for good? Save future brains from being fucked.

People from all walks of life are uniting in their disappointment and hatred of the film, even if the reasons aren't the same.

There's no conspiracy or agenda. Disney just screwed the pooch hardcore for almost everyone.

I think we might actually have something here, Sup Forums. We should rile these people up further, creating a hate culture against nu-Wars on the grounds that it promotes Nazism and white supremacy. Go on Twitter and start trending tags, spread the message. Maybe if we get a big enough shitstorm going, plus some sexual harassment allegations for JJ, Rian, and possibly even Kathleen (though that would be trickier) Disney will erase the entire new trilogy from canon and start over from scratch.

How are people unironically conditioned to even think this way? How has it gotten to this point?