Do we miss him?
Do we miss him?
I don't give a fuck about Star Wars
Reddit Letter Media said the prequels were bad, so no!
Me neither. Have never seen a single Star Wars and don't plan on it any time soon
I do wish he'd direct again. Something small.
they were bad but easier to cope with, for some reason
>they were bad but easier to cope with, for some reason
Because they were harmless. The new ones have an overt political agenda. The prequels get shit because of midichlorians, Jar Jar, Hayden Christiensen, etc. The new ones are outright saying - "Sorry, white boys. This is our series now."
Because despite being terrible movies, they were still in line with George's vision, expanded the universe, actually managed to make some characters like Obi Wan and Palpatine retroactively more interesting, and most importantly didn't dedicate most of their runtimes to shitting on everything the OT built up.
I hated PT and still do but if I had to choose which one to erase from humanity I would choose disney wars
NuT literally invalidates everything done in the OT.
I'd have loved to see his sequels, even if they were like an all black cast or some dumb shit he'd do
Leave george alone. I hope you get cancer faggot.
Every day.
people dont like hayden? i thought he was hot like NH luke
We miss her and the rest of the OT team who actually understood how to make the films emotionally resonate with people.
George also had more diversity, in terms of alien species. The galaxy feels alive and not 95% human like nuWars. Chewie doesn't count.
Where did he even go? Last time he was in public was for TFA. What does he even do now?
I thought I didn't after the prequels, but this new trilogy is making me miss old Lucas like nothing else.
Ridiculous plotholes in TFA and TLJ aside, these new films feel like they have no vision or direction, they're going nowhere.
At least in the prequels they knew where they were heading to.
TLJ has more Frodos than TFA and the prequels combined and the films are a shitshow of going nowhere real fast.
They quite literally Frodo'd the SUPREME LEADER antagonist to death in half of the second film, so what's going to happen in the third film?
Are we just now going to start seeing Rey's training, or Kylo actually doing something instead of sitting on the fence some more?
Unless they make it a 4 hour film there's just not enough time because they spent 2.5 hours in TLJ running around with fucking porgs, jokes and Frodos.
Like them or not, the original Star Wars were not focus grouped by committee and were entirely the product of this autistic weirdos mind.
He was wooden and whiny.
>managed to make some characters like Obi Wan and Palpatine retroactively more interesting
Palpatine is one of the few things the prequels got perfect. I loved him in those movies, especially ROTS. He was the only actor who seemed like he gave a shit.
They might not have been focus grouped but they weren't the sole product of Lucas' mind. A lot of people worked on them user and many of them contributed significant plot points Lucas hadn't thought of.
This lady fixed the whole ending of ANH and was Lucas' editor
>This lady fixed the whole ending of ANH
what was the initial ending?
I wouldn't say it made Obi more interesting, prequel Obi was pretty poorly written imo. Sheev was a blast to watch but it's more because he was so crazy than anything else.
the death star wasn't about to blow up the rebel base and Luke and many others took multiple runs down the trench. She told Lucas it didn't work and if they audience didn't stand up and cheer when Han comes in with the falcon the whole movie would be a failure. She came up with the plot point that the base was going to be destroyed and fixed it all in editing.
Until I get HD releases of the theatrical, non-special edition versions of the OT, Lucas can suck a big fat CGI dick
This is why movies are about collaboration, but still that only goes to an extent.
then why are you here nigger?
I wonder if people hate him more for that or the prequels, where it just coalesced into this Lucas hatred.
What I need a Build Your Star Wars™, where you select every single edit you'd like to keep in and discard the ones you don't. Some of the stuff he added back in was alright, like Biggs.
It's a delicate balance. I think what it really comes down to is when someone has an idea they believe in they have to be willing to fight for it. George pushed his ideas but the OT crew wasn't afraid to push back and in the end they made something great.
You can't have a committee doing everything by consensus and you can't have a crazy guy who thinks his word is law
The prequels were shit, but it was more the result of Lucas boxing himself into a set of shitty options that didn't play to his strengths, and the people who had made up for his weaknesses had either had their own declines or left him.
except that the special editions are better you fucking retard
I miss Martha Lucas, not him. She's the one who made the OT incredible. Look it up.
Divorcing his well respected editor wife who also worked on films like taxi driver was probably a bad idea.
Because they didn't affect the legacy of the OT, which is the only thing that matters in SW.
Ep7 and 8 do, and while 7 was ok this new one is atrocious.
Lucas shouldn't have made Anakin so vile in Clones, he shouldn't have been tempted by the dark yet.
Lots and lots of things were wrong with Anakin's whole arc in the prequels but is right, none of it really effects the OT aside from the whole "anakin is the chosen one" thing since that does kind of undermine the whole throne room scene in RoTJ. Makes is less about Luke's heroic act and more about "oh look Anakin fulfilled his destiny but it was destiny so I guess he was always inevitably gonna do that no matter what... huh"
Chosen one plots are always stupid imo
George's autism combined with Mark Hamill's intuition would have made the perfect sequel. Should have just done that honestly. Mark had an understanding of what makes Luke and Star Wars in general special. Lucas has the crazy ideas.
George Lucas is Star Wars. Star Wars is George Lucas.
There is no other way.
Star Wars is the result of conflict between Lucas and the OT cast/crew. Hamill even talked about him and the other actors would give him shit about their dialogue sometimes. The OT was made by lots of creative people who weren't afraid to express themselves and push for their ideas.
>even if its shit it'll be interesting shit
Disney can't do that