Why did this movie trigger people so much?

Why did this movie trigger people so much?

Why is it being completely ignored in discussions of TLJ?

Nobody was triggered by it. It was just boring.

I can't remember the names of any of the characters, not even the main girl

You only remember the names of the TFA characters because they were 1 syllable long, have no surnames, and were marketed on virtually every product in every store for a year

it was a boring and forgettable movie with no memorable moments or characters.
Sup Forums was wrong about this flick.

It's the only SW movie I might rewatch someday. Why wasn't there a scene of these guys kicking ass like a real spec ops unit?

Also was this shit edited out of the movie or did I forget?

It's an anti-TFA/TLJ. It feels like a part of the SW universe, which it acknowledges as a setting with a certain type of lore, culture, and aesthetic to it. It's like out of the Old EU.

Really the only good part of that movie to me was the droid who's name I cant remember. I only actually remember one characters name that was not in the OT and that is Jyn Erso. It's a totally ignorable film.

The first movie I watched in x3.00

It's the best of the new movies.

it was okay. it has boring characters but the rest of the movie is fine. RLM hated it despite giving TFA a pass, and they have a fair amount of influence here.

i think people will be more favourable toward it now, if only because the warfare and space battles were better than the shit we've had in TFA and TLJ, and it was nice to have the real empire and rebellion back and not these cheap knockoffs in the new movies.

it's better than TFA by a country mile

>introduce a bunch of new characters
>kill every one of them
>James Earl Jones is way too old to do the Vader voice and his line are distractingly bad
Gee, I wonder why people would be bummed out by this movie.

of course it helps if the names are relatively simple but the main problem is that the characters suck and I don't care what their names are

They had a ton of reshoots I think.
Made some of the scenes feel disjointed.
Otherwise it was just a forgeteble movie.
The only good thing is that the main actress is easier to look at then Rey.

It was pretty boring except when Vader showed up

>le name meme

>it was nice to have the real empire and rebellion back and not these cheap knockoffs in the new movies.
Meh. There's no difference. Also I thought they said Rogue One was going to humanize the Empire a bit. Didn't happen.

too many boring and shitty characters, I'm actually impressed with how they wrote so many unmemorable roles. like others have said the robot K2 or whatever was the only original one that had any impact. Krennic was a joke

best of the 3 recent by far
at least an 8/10

TFA 6.5/10
TLJ 5/10

I agree. The dynamic between Krennic and Tarkin was pretty swell to be honest

Was a spin off film that forgot that means they didnt have to make it a PG Dinsey film.

They could have made it a real war drama, they could have made it Band of Brothers in space.

Hope they learned their lesson

It was objectively a much better film than TLJ. Like by miles.

I thought it was pretty bland after first viewing. I rewatched it recently and thought it was more enjoyable but it really struggles to have any lasting impact.

It feels like a very expensive DVD easter egg

mediocre boring garbage. 6/10 at the very most. its not a good movie just because theres some good scenes and a few great actors.


>being surprised that a bunch of literally whos in a movie that takes place before another movie that mentions people dying to get those codes, die

best looking visuals and plot
> force is with me meme dialogue fucked it up

it's ignored cause i watched like 8 times now and can remember about 3 characters.

darth vader
saw guerrera
ching chim weh weh

It would have been okay if it was just the Crystal guy.

I don't like nu-Wars insistence that literally everyone knows or cares about Jedi shit. I like when it is treated as just another religion like in the Originals

Like all nu-star wars is an unnecessary film. The basic premise of the entire films is absurd too(The empire doesn't have any competent engineers so they have to hire this dude with an actual reason to hate the empire).

THAT SAID, RO1 at least was watchable and actively worked to be compatible with the universe and Lore.

Not nearly as bad as the new trilogy garbage we are getting.
This is probably the only film ppl are gonna be remember of of the disney era.

>They could have made it a real war drama.
At times i think they wanted to be it, but it also had the familiar constraints of the disney idiots in charge probably.

There is so much you can do when your boss is former secretary that has no fucking clue about film.