Why didn't they just hyper drive the Death Star?
Why didn't they just hyper drive the Death Star?
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Because in the good old days shields worked and this shit wouldn't have flied.
just turn your brain off
First Death Star didn't have shields
This isn't a Marvel or Transformers movie. Or at least it shouldn't have been.
the death star is too big to hyper drive with little xwings it only seems to cut the ships in half instead of totally obliterating them.
>"The battlestation is heavily shielded....."
Don't comment of you don't know what the fuck your talking about.
The eagles are divine beings and are not at one's disposition. Also the Ring could tempt them.
Lmao just use a bigger ship or target the command bridge, you just need to kill the leaders
You are right. It was only partially shielded. Jesus that makes it an even bigger clusterfuck.
Another question:
Yeah, Leia can fly, sure, and survive in space too, ok...then why nobody got sucked into space the moment they opened the door to let Leia in?
The same as nobody gets sucked into space in those big ass ship garages that motherships have
The force kept them in
It didn't have Shields, user, they mentioned in RotJ that the new one got shields and that's why they couldn't attack it like with the first one, they had to wait for the land team to dissable them
Then why did she got sucked into space in the first place?
>The battle station is heavily shielded and carries a firepower greater than half the star fleet.
U w0t m8?
where are the rebels going to find a big ship in that short time without leeching off the mon-calamari lol
lmao look who's talking faggot
He talking about the first death star you fucking hamplanet.
Doesn't even matter. Supremacy obviously has shields and they did shit. This is bonkers.
what about hyperspace missiles?
and before you say it is too expensive multiple hyper drives are lost when ever rebel ships engage with star destroyers anyway. So with missiles you could take out multiple other ships at the cost of just one hyper drive as opposed to many.
So was I
First death start "has" shields, yet everybody could enter and fire at it
Second death star has shields, yet nobody can enter and have to wait till the rebels on land destroy the shield generator base
Why? because first death start didn't have shields at all. They even fucking mention in Return of the Jedi that "this one has shields!" as a major point, why mention it? because the first one didn't.
But that's the problem. If you pull some shit like this that uproots all established logic and makes anons ask: why didn't they do this before? then you failed as a writer. I get that Disney and KK shits on all established lore, but wasn't there someone to say, guy this renders everything pretty much inconsistent?
I mean they are retconning themselves within the same movie!
Use one of the 20 troop transports they had in Empire?
Are you stupid or something? All SW ships but tiniest fighters have shields. Death Star 2 was protected by a giant shield bubble from Endor.
can't wait for the hd version of this, top kek!
i mean canonically you shouldnt be able to hyperspace towards something with a big gravity well but TFA ignored that so who knows
do you honestly believe anyone at disney gives a fuck? most of them didnt even see single Star Wars movie before they started working on it
I just can believe that. That lack of integrity.. We got rekt if we didn't prepare for classes in school and people responsible for billion dollar franchises don't have time to watch 7 movies? What timeline is this?
Why are we even having a discussion about that ? There is no fucking debate.
>Hyperspace was fine for 40 years
>TLJ is released
>Rapes internal coherency and established lore
Blame the fucking movie for being stupid and stop scratching your head about "why no suicide hyperdrivers or hyperspace missiles ?". Don't forget who's the real enemy here.
Yeah, I fucking know, can't you read? seems not.
If every ship has shields why mention that the death start 2 has "now" shields? why state the obvious then? because the death start 1 didn't. Dude, everybody and their mother got in the surface, if it did had shields that should have happened. DS2 had shields and nobody could enter till they were dissabled, why didnt' that happened with DS1?
In wookipedia in the canon part states that the first one only had small shields to protect small parts, and I don't even like to quote on wookipedia. Just what happened in the movie should be enough, if it had shields why everybody could enter in it but not on the DS2?
What do you guys think if the scene was changed so she just kamikazed it at normal speed and activated the hyperdrive as its impacting? i think it would be a pretty simple change that would make the scene a lot less retarded and lore breaking
Tbh the destroying of Snoke's ship was an incredible scene. Too bad it had to be set up by a fucking forced female sacrifice
Strong independent WHAMMEN didn't yet exist.
Actually that would cause some problems too. Best idea to not rape lore would have been
>She rams into snoke's ship
>Does a R1 move pushing snoke's ship and causes a chain reaction that destroys most other SD
>why don't they make the whole plane out of the black box?
>There were small gaps in the shields of the first Death Star; the Empire believed that this was harmless since only small ships could wiggle through the gaps. The shields of the second Death Star would have had no such gaps.
Small gaps in a shield that otherwise protected the whole station. Not "small shields covering small parts"
What is the proper way the sw physics work in hyperdrive crash? Is it like in the Rogue One youtube.com
You both are stupid, Snoke's ship is the size of the death start and HAD SHIELDS and it didn't matter.
You rise shields I rise a moncalamari ship ramming at hyperspace speed at you. Result? bye bye Death Star.
they had to force leia's sacrifice somewhere
Assuming hyperspace is FTL, the crash should have been like a small supernova, something billion times stronger than a nuke.
Something the size of a golf ball at light speed would be already stronger than a nuke, imagine a vessel 3.7 km long.
Literally none of the ships that got destroy had engaged the hyper drive yet, it's very obvious.
But the supremacy had shields as well.
You see the slicer dude slicing his way into them so they can board the ship.
They could've taken out every Star Destroyer they ever encountered.
Those got obliterated by the jump.
And use a corvette for the death star. Or two or three with droids on board and you save your pilots lives.
I don't think people are actually confused, but will continue to meme it so more people realise TLJ broke the setting.
You got it backwards, SD was in hyperspace and no ship that went in his direction was affected by it.
But it seems that they try not to put it on/dodge when the ship comes in their way even thou they could just have killed Vader right there
How exactly do multi billion dollar projects get fucked up in these obvious ways
Didn't it just get out of hyperspace and the ships that went towards it probably didn't even go the exact same direction. The two ships hitting each other must be so small that it's out of question.
>How exactly do multi billion dollar projects get fucked up in these obvious ways
better yet, why would the first order, who apparently has enough people to terrorize the whole galaxy again, not call for backup to intercept that fucking ship they were chasing after for the whole first half of this movie?
or, failing this, why wouldn't they have like one or two ships that were chasing that cruiser anyway, jump into lightspeed and come back out ahead of them?
that whole chase scene should've been over within the first 20 minutes of the movie.
and how fucking incompetent does the remnant of the galactic empire have to be, to build the next generation of star destroyers without any fucking tractor beams? y'know, that piece of technology that helps pulling entire ships towards you, or at least manages to completely stop them in their tracks?
boy, that sure would've come in handy in TFA too, when Finn and Poe were escaping to Jakku with a single Tie fighter, wouldn't it?
Holdo nasheed videos when
They think that they don't ned to care becasue there will alawys be enoug hretards that keep on buying into their shit.
TLJ now having this level of backlash was probably unforseen by them.
Why would you take a military risk when you already have your opponent in checkmate? From the First Order's point of view, they had already won.
Jesus fucking christ. You retards will try at anything to shit on this film.
They probably didn't do it because whatever ship that tried would have got blown the fuck up before it has the chance. It worked this time because they were distracted by the carriers. They thought it was running away.
yeah you're right, when you see the rebels running towards her they should have been running away so they could seal the corridor and use it as an airlock for her to enter, the alternative is they open the door they ran towards and all get sucked into space
>Dropping out of hyperspace
They weren't going at hyperspace speeds anymore thus the shields worked
>b-b-but they couldn't!
>like, who would kamikaze itself and destroy super-weapon in one run with 100% result and saving many of your comrades instead of going with your comrades on suicide mission and trying to destroy it with slim chance of success and even slimmer chance of surviving?!
>you can't became a hero that way!
Then why didn't they just put a hyper driver on a big rock, aim and the enemy fleet and completely destroy from a safe distance?
It's such an over powered weapon. Just hyper drive ram them.
At least there is an explanation for the eagles. Gandalf gets off lucky with them because he's a pretty powerful spirit in Middle Earth and Manwe lets him use the eagles, just not all the time.
But all the time is exactly what the rebels have when any ship with a hyperdrive can be a super weapon.
An even bigger question. Is what the fuck happened to Y-Wings? Why the fuck did they replace them with those flying tires they used in the beginning?
What big rock was around the Death star? Also you think the Empire would just let the rebels attack a hyper drive to a big rock? Furthermore how exactly would you attack one to a rock? I feel like it's surely not as simple as just throwing a rocket on a rock and lighting it.
The Y-wing is literally old, like Clone Wars old
Old model.
Got phased out because they're not X-wing fighters.
>Still faster
>Still can fire bombs that move faster
Those bombers were shiiiiiiiit
If hyper drive just makes things go really fast, why wouldn't the ships just instantly disintegrate from the acceleration?
Hyperdrive puts them into another sub-spacial dimension.
And yeah these new bombers seemed super effective. They got tore through like wet paper towels
How are you this fucking retarded? The problem is no weapons at all was developed around the hyper driver. Literally have a huge junk ship, slap a hyper drive on it and now you have a fleet destroying missile that can't be stopped, has an massive power output, can hit the target instantly and can be shot from far far away. It's extremely efficient and cost effective.
then why it can affect the not hyperdrive dimension?
Because the mouse says so now
Something about gravity and mass shadows.
>everyone freaking out about this
Fucking why? Why the fuck doesn't anyone say anything about how fucking huge first order capital ship apparently had all of 6 turbo lasers that could all be taken out by a single x-wing.
The Rebels aren't the smartest guerrilla faction.....
We do, this is the bigger thing.
>launch it from far away
What makes you think you will actually hit your target? Or that your intended target won't just hyperjump away themselves?
>just slap it on any old ship and launch it during the battle
And again they would most likely blow some ship trying to launch themselves into them. They were gonna do it with the ship in the movie but decided to focus on the carriers.
You have to turn your brain off with everything. Thats the problem.
They should have built a newer version of the Y-wing like they did with the X-wing
The B-wing was superior but it was ugly as fuck and cannot sell toys
Don't they enter a wormhole at hyper speeds?
How fucking so????
>muh why don't rebels just do this with any ship
Feel like ships are probably more expensive than turbolasers or whatever. Can't be just using ships as ammunition. Also simple explanation. No one ever thought of it before.
However one of your biggest capital ships having all of 6 guns on it to defend itself is absolutely retarded design.
force users have been able to do this for a long time. read once.
who sacrificed? just watched the movie and i dont remember it
First of all, the ship that jumped into them isn't some small ship. It's a fucking Mon Calamari cruiser, the rebels capital ship. Second of all its not like it just blew up every ship. It just cut through all their asses.
Can't be launching all your capital ships into your enemy.
>sacrifice one capital ship, witch is many times smaller, to take out not only enemy's super-ship, but also many other capital ships
>you totally can't launch X-wings with droids aboard at ordinary capital ships to do the same
>What makes you think you will actually hit your target? Or that your intended target won't just hyperjump away themselves?
Because accuracy has never been shown to be a problem when using the hyper driver. Why would they? You have this missile that will hit you almost instantly. Their first action seeing a ship in hyper drive wouldn't be "we must flee"
>And again they would most likely blow some ship trying to launch themselves into them. They were gonna do it with the ship in the movie but decided to focus on the carriers.
Literally just use smaller torpedos with hyper drivers on them. Now you can aim an unstoooable torpedo that goes through everything like butter. Literally just aim and shoot.
Hyper driver gives you the potential to OHKO much ships instantly. Imagine just putting a shit tone of them towards a space station or even a fucking planet? It's simply way too over powered. Stop trying to defend this shit.
Literally just put a hyper driver on a decent sized asteroid and let it cut through whole fleets.
First of all, they lost several ships (medical frigate, etc), why not, if you're going to lose it anyway, throw it at Snoke's ship? listen, if it's already a lost ship and the pilot/commander is already dead, why not fucking throw it.
Same against death star 2, they lost several mon calamari, why not go there, send one into hyperspace, boom, done, you only lost one and saved countless lives...nope, better get into those dogfights and engage those star destroyers and lose losts of both starfighters and big ass ships.
You're talking out of your ass physics-wise. As an object approaches light speed, it gains mass. As you get arbitrarily close to light speed, you gain arbitrarily large amounts of mass. So anything going lightspeed (impossible) could only have infinite mass. Since they're not going to just destroy the whole universe, they get to choose basically any point between a normal crash and infinite destruction as what happens.
>photons have infinite mass
Whoa, you solved what dark matter and dark energy is!
No, supernovas go at lightspeed (theorized faster) and have mass (is a star, which has mass, projecting it after it colapses) and they aren't destroying the whole universe
I was going to tell you to go back at school, but then I remembered they don't actually teach you this in school, so it's understandable you're ignorant in the matter.
Why didn't the empire just build a bunch of hyperspace missiles and blow up Alderaan with them?
photons have no rest mass (m0 is 0 in the pictured equation), so it doesn't apply to them. only massive particles
bullshit. I think I remember what you're talking about, and you're interpreting it wrong. Do your research again
I did have to learn basic special relativity for my EE degree, although I haven't had to apply it since that class. General relativity is a bitch but this is pretty simple shit to understand, fellas.
how many stupid fucking millenials are going to die in space now because of the inaccuracies in this movie?