Is the cam watchable?
Is the cam watchable?
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Is the film watchable?
>me no likey moovey
I'm trying to watch it right now. Others must have the same idea, buffering is super slow.
Why Sup Forums is posting nonstop this fanfiction?
This goddamned movie could be a 2tb pristine digital copy in 4k with 7.1 surround sound and it would be unwatchable.
lmao you don’t have any friends to go the movies with?
yes and the movie is shit so don't actually bother
no do you?
First time on Sup Forums just for this movie
This shit had so much potential and Disney threw it all off a fucking cliff
Please, watch the cam if possible, but under no circumstances should you go to the cinema like my stupid ass
It's a demi-flick at best.
>i dont like the movie guys do i fit in yet lol
man i can't wait until these reddit crossposters vacate my board
Sup Forums is one of the relatively uncontaminated areas..
>paying for disney wars
>like my stupid ass
Nigger detected
have you seen this thread? pro-top: anybody who hates nu'wars is a redditor. really opens your eyes doesn't it?
i cant stand these faggots. theyre all over the boards
Watched it this morning. Beats sharing a theater with a buncha fucks but I guess being a camrip you might as well have been with the theater crowd.
PLEASE consider suicide
Try taking a look at /sci/, it's like a mixture of special ED kids browsing Sup Forums during class and 15 year old alt-right warriors. You guys have it good compared to that.
see? heres one of them. a literal fuckface devoid of reading comprehension. he memes therefore he is.
hahaha his rebuttal was glorious you jelly
I really don't get you people. You would prefer a fucking low quality grainy video of someone in a theater vs actually going to see it in a theater on the fucking big screen? wtf? are you people that poor or socially inept?
Come on, now.
>I really don't get you people
u mad rofl?
Go fuck yourself cunt, I'll speak however the fuck I want
sup samefag
You want these hands?
The only time I tried watching a cam was Alien Covenant and I could barely see the screen and people were walking back and forth
>people are disliking nuSW to fit in
the most right view should be the norm in a free society even if some are weakminded and buy into it to fit in. that's all that's happening here. and "snortles" filled me with elemental revulsion i couldn't suppress
>5 unique IPs
so a couple of disney shills and probably a retard are samefagging the heck out of each other??
damn, how far Sup Forums has fallen...
>soft soyboy hands
so uh any good rip? I saw it today but want to rewatch it
that's number of images newfag. mouse over it next time
yeah man, I'll give you a good RIP
*bends over*
urgh...that taco bell isn't sitting quite right...
uh oh...
oh no
ugh no its not quiet there yet
oh jus---
*collapses on the floor with a broken butthole*
i am the victim here!!!
prove it retard
Magnet link where?
Is the rip good enough for me to make a Holdo nasheed webm? Because nobody has done it yet and it needs to happen.
yeah man, I'll give you a good RIP
*bends over*
urgh...that taco bell isn't sitting quite right...
uh oh...
oh no
ugh no its not quiet there yet
oh jus---
*collapses on the floor with a broken butthole*
i am the victim here!!!
That you Lewis? Offseason boring you?
Anyone who paid for this shit deserves cancer
If we're talking about the Star Wars The Last Jedi 2017 FULL HDCAM ENGLiSH x264 HQMIC-DADDY camrip, then no, it's quite shit, the camera isn't even parallel to the fucking screen ffs.
>someone paid for something they enjoy
"mommy, that man is enjoying things and I don't LIKE IT"
>its ok my little sweetypie sugar lumpkins, you can have some of mommies milkies
news flash BUB
no milkies for you so cry harder bitch boi
>retarded cuck talks like a nigger and pays for disney wars
>R I P
yeah man, I'll give you a good RIP
*bends over*
urgh...that taco bell isn't sitting quite right...
uh oh...
oh no
ugh no its not quiet there yet
oh jus---
*collapses on the floor with a broken butthole*
i am the victim here!!!
bam! owned epic style
i now claim victory over the thread
redditcucks and soyboys btfo
>soy woys is gud movies
>having friends
watch it and listen to all those fucking casual normalfags laugh at the shitty million quips and porg scenes
I can't believe people like that shit
It felt way too forced