Which one of you did this?

Which one of you did this?

I did it


I don't get it


>implying comcast is good

>dude the kikes
>dude kike isp’s should control the internet
>dude lol why do you want NETFLIX to have power??? Haha, Comcast and Century Link and Time Warner should
>dude fuck you if your poor
>haha i myself consume mindless media all day but you shouldn’t have access to free information anymore


Has that really been their logo for 5 years? I guess it was a different time back then?

>with the NBC peacock above the logo
The swastika is the "NBC peacock?"

Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect
"A new low each week"

Fuck off kike

Oh I see it was Sup Forums, sorry for bothering you fa/tv/irgins


Yeah, they decided to tone it down so its a Confederate Flag now with Moonman in the center gunning down some urban youths. Very tasteful.

Now the whole world can see you shame, Sup Forums. I weep for you, and what you used to be.

fuck off nigger

wtf i hate nazis now

don't be fooled by reddit shills. net neutrality is bad thing for Sup Forums.

redditors should be gassed

>implying it makes a difference
they can't do anything about it!

all those upvotes.. lost like piss in the rain.

I don't care if it is supposed to be ironic, this is the most retarded thing Sup Forums has ever pushed.

pic is you

Wow epic, you really made a great argument in favor of repeal. I can tell you increase the average IQ of the white race and not decrease it.

wahh wahh



remember when Sup Forums didn't fall for jewish tricks?

>Comcast founder Ralph J Roberts
>Comcast CEO and Chairman (son) Brian L Roberts
>Roberts was born into a Jewish family[2][3] in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the son of Ralph J. Roberts, the founder of Comcast Corporation, and Suzanne Fleisher, a former actress and playwright.[4] Roberts graduated from the Germantown Academy and earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1981, and immediately began working for Comcast.[5]

The rest of the board of Comcast is almost solely kikes as well.

Imagine if the holocaust actually happened for real this time? What a beautiful world we'd enter.

It's not the censoring. It's the fact your internet will be slow as shit and you'll have to pay more to use it.

Not really.

2015 happened. The newfags became focused on "cool memes" and thought memes were some sort of warfare against globalists, so naturally they thought the jews were merely a joke meme because some jews are globalists.

Jesus christ does Comcast really think they can get away with this shit just because we got rid of net neutrality

Things you can still do after net neutrality:
1.Drink a delicious cup of liquidized reeses cups
2.Edit Wikipedia pages and change their logo to a swastika (lol come at me Comcast I'm chairman of the FCC you ain't gonna do shit)
3. Post in great threads on Sup Forums, just like this one!
4. Enjoy life

Well that's all for now. Gotta go Sup Forums, I'm a very busy man. Have a splendid night!

I broke the dam.


>hurrr durrr anything i disagree with is hitler

kikes win no matter what, but at least r*ddit is assblasted which is always amusing

why is everyone so mad about net neutrality getting repealed? it was only implemented in 2015 and the internet was fine before that. What makes people think the internet will be bad after net neutrality is gone?

Before you go, Ajit................... DIE!


because verizon were throttling speeds or something, who cares lol facebook & google tells me it's bad so it's bad.

more like a bunch of retards on reddit think its bad.
>muh big government

if anything with net neutrality gone it will allow for cheaper internet

Because pre-2015 the corporations didn't know if they could get away with bullshit or not. Then the FCC said definitively no, you cannot get away with it. Now Ajit has reversed that and specifically said yes, you can get away with it.

ok tell me what this "bullshit" is? You are just a fear mongerer


>the corporations didn't know if they could get away with bullshit or not
lmao this is such a vague sentence.

Anyone else in agreement with this pajeet BTFO'ing redditors and soyboys?

I thought this board was pro-ISPs, since Lord Dampnut decreed that they should be able to rape us in the ass.

You know exactly what it means. Why even reverse the rules if literally nothing is going to change? Why did comcast lobby so hard for it to be changed if they have zero intention of doing anything differently? You don't have to blindly fellate EVERYTHING Trump is for, you know.

yeah! liking ajit pai 's horrible corporate take on internet culture to own the libs!

>implying he doesn't know exactly what he's doing
seriously you have to be fucking retarded

>if anything with net neutrality gone it will allow for cheaper internet
Yeah the Jews fought so hard against net neutrality so they can provide you with cheaper internet

lol are you really projecting some kind of fucking meta irony bullshit into this video to imagine it's slighting people you don't like? he's a middle aged lobbyist, he doesn't know fucking anything about internet culture lol

So in other words you have no idea.

lmao, you are clueless

its about not having big government control everything retard

if only i was redpilled like you and could understand ajit pai's 4d memechess

why are people who are so obsessed with Sup Forums always so autistic? you people really amaze me.

yeah! scrapping legislation that keeps corporations from fucking me to own the libs!

you just don't get my posts

brapp fuck off idiot go whine about how you were sold out on reddit

wtf, i love net neutrality now

why are people who are obsessed with reddit so autistic?



no i'm not, fuck off


i should have agreed with some hip corporate lobbyists to catch your attention

Some buttmad redditor most likely


No shit mate

did you just find out about this meme or something?


shit taste mate

>Based Comcast trying to get rid of many people's Sup Forums addiction
I don't think there's anything bad in it faggot

Websites will pay more

so it was some Sup Forumsredditor who did it right?

the savings will trickle right down to the consumer!

it was me james

>every thread even remotely involving ISPs/internet/etc are derailed by retarded net neutrality fucks that can't take that shit to their own threads to bitch and moan about
>they think that by constantly trying to shove net neutrality into ever aspect of the internet that they can, that they're helping their cause, when in reality they're just being annoying as fuck

>oh man, why do people on the internet care about legislation that affects the internet? why can't they be like me and just, like, not even give a fuck?

Yes, Sup Forums said comcast were nazis for repealing NN.

>2 weeks after NN is repealed
>they move onto some other autistic fucking petty grievance that they think they can chance with internet fagtivism

>doing exactly what I described as annoying as fuck
jesus you people need your own containment threads. I'm all for net neutrality but I don't want it everywhere, at all times. It's especially funny when you say "free and open internet" yet yell and scream at people for not constantly talking about it. Worse than liberals desu.

i agree, politics are for are elected officials and not something us common folk should think about
>yell and scream at people for not constantly talking about it
whoops, you tried to move the goalposts and you just kind of tripped and got tangled up in the net instead

Fuck off to reddit or Sup Forums faggot

Why do internet fagtivists always speak in this snarky passive aggressive manner? it's really fucking bizarre

How is repealing net neutrality bad? For the majority of the internet, less mongrels online is a good deal. Sucks if you're american, but who even lives in america these days.

>I don't want it everywhere, at all times
also, you do realize you willingly came into a thread about net neutrality to make this complaint, right?

Think about politics all you want on

wtf i love comcast now!

No people will just stop going to those websites, the websites can improve and be worth the extra money or be replaced by a company that is or people can find a new hobby

>net neutrality thread
>Sup Forums
>political issue
>Sup Forums
>not a television show or movie
>Sup Forums
>being this retarded
take your shit to Sup Forums I'm sure the redditors would love to have you.
there, faggot.

why do stupid people always misuse "passive aggressive"? i was very blatantly insulting both of those people and not trying to couch it in anything
*fellating of ajit pai intensifies*

Reddit tier post m8

>i was very blatantly insulting both of those people and not trying to couch it in anything
no you were obviously being passive aggressive, like a woman.

holy fuck lol this is really how stupid people think the world works

Net neutrality is basically pretending that everything is the same, but it isn't. Everything has a cost. And some things cost more than others. Why should people pay X for something when it can be offered for less since they don't need it all? And if a company starts to charging more to its consumers, others will fight to offer better services at more cheaper price, because there's money to be made.

Take food, for example. Are you for food neutrality? Should all food be treated the same and have the same price? If you go to a restaurant, should all offers on the menu have the same price? Or should the people dictate the price based on supply and demand (free market)?

What there is, as someone already mentioned, is fearmongering by the mainstream media and entertainers who don't know a thing about what's actually at stake. There was no net neutrality until 2015. How was your internet experience in 2015? Not much different, right? So let's stop pretending this is the end of the world.