Why didn't Snoke get his Mentat/Navigators to calculate jump coordinates for several Star destroyers to catch up with the Raddus. It's not like the First order is low on fuel?
Snoke was stupid as Hux
Why did he just use force projection to take Darth Vader's obsidian ring to Mustafar?
Make a new thread then
That is some really neat lore, how many movies until none of that shit is canon? I'm guessing one.
why didn't he slightly turn his fleet, jump them all into hyperspace, put in the correct coordinates, jump out of hyperspace, and blow up the raddius, himself? he didn't need to communicate with any ships not already in pursuit. the movie is beyond retarded.
Hopefully new Daala comes back to put Hux in his place. Why is Kylo letting Hux live anyway?
Elephant in the room, why did they give him the dumbest,most non-threatening name in history of movies?
He has Dune spacing guild tier navigators it would have been 100% assured to work.
This, he clearly should have been named Darth Benis
>Lord Serkis
That might have been better.
the fact that his fleet jumped out of range in pursuit to begin with is a plot hole. this movie, again, is fucking retarded.
>old white man dies
>we want the Harry Potter audience
Fucking hell, how can anyone honestly say they like Snoke.
>stupid name
>stupid design
>failed at everything he did
>died a pointless and stupid death
oh yeah, solo hyperspace jumped the falcon to a fucking atmosphere of a planet, and FO ships could only jump just out of range of the rebels. fuck this movie.
>He's dead now
Based Rian finally having a "Sith" succeed in destroying his master for more power on screen.
Lord Snooki
Why didn't they just send a thousand fighters from their massive fleet?
The one time where they care about wasting tie fighters.
Why didn't Snoke just use force projection to take Darth Vader's obsidian ring to Mustafar?
why would he want to do that?
More like Supreme Cuck
>not a single shuttle that could have been piloted by a droid and hyperspace jumped through the rebel fleet like purple hair did to the First Order
>not a single military mind who created the death star and star killer base ever thought of creating a hyper drive missle that would jump through it's target like the purple hair lady did in fucking centuries of light speed travel
Why didn’t his projection use the eagles to take the ring to Mordor?
What was the point of his character? He died like a bitch and had nothing to do with anything. Background characters have more impact.
Kylo Ren didn't even change characterwise.
It takes a stryng wymyn to do a myn's wyrk.
Droids don't have Vaginas. 3p0 would have fucked up.
I hate how Star Wars depicts space battles.
Why the fuck didn't his fleet just jump so that they were looking down on the rebel fleet? like an upside down T
space isn't on some axis, it's not the ocean, ya know? They could have jumped right on top of the rebels, looking down upon them and fired all lasers. end
>they use oculus rift to navigate
That's why. They can't even turn around full 360 degrees without buying a third camera.
They should have just paid a couple hundred dollars more for a Vive.
It was probably in the contract Disney had to sign with Lucas to get the rights.
>You may never release the original unaltered trilogy
>Your main villain in the sequel trilogy must use one of the following names
>Darth Icky
>Darth Insanius
>>Darth Icky
>>Darth Insanius
People can't tell he wasn't being serious? He was just spitballing names.
because the first order is loyal to hux and kylo is a whiny bitch
with the look Hux gives Kylo at the end of the movie after he's basically responsible for the rebels err I mean resistance escaping 10:1 Hux overthrows Kylo and Rey has to come rescue Kylo from being executed
do you mean Sheev?
Kylo has choked Hux, Thrown him against the hull of his ship. Everyone's afraid of Kylo. Kylo is supreme leader now. Hux recently lost two dreadnoughts. Snoke's ship might be repairable. That's way worse then letting a few people escape. Kylo can also claim to have killed Luke sky walker. Since he can feel that he has died.