So guys, is /ourgirl/ Grimes right on this one?
So guys, is /ourgirl/ Grimes right on this one?
>grimes might have read all of my stalker posts about her on Sup Forums
I’m sorry
She loves game of thrones too, that just confirms the movie is kabbalistic communist NWO mkultra
>A Sup Forums sting
fucking dropped
What the fuck is she talking about
>Being right about anything
Why is Sup Forums such a boogeyman to people?
Because you freaks are known to dox and bully people online, started Gamergate, and are alt-right Trump supporters.
Fuck off, Grimes. Make less weird videos.
>yeah, i got to Sup Forums, pretty badass huh
i hate people who mention Sup Forums on twitter
Dumb roastie cunt
Based Ariel
Based Ariel
grimes used to be waifu material but she really is a stupid cunt
The alt-right was literally born here. All the racist conspiracy memes and movements started here. You people dox leftists and harass them IRL. This has nothing to do with some stupid exploding van meme from 2005, it's what you people have done in recent years. You are racist, sexist, pedophiles and you deserve all the hate you get. I hope someday some leftist billionaire pays off Hiro for your IPs and pays another group to pinpoint who you are so you can be exposed for the pathetic losers you are and be shamed and exiled.
I don't bully but I do support Trump and Gamergate was pretty funny. Also modern journalists are shit because they aren't really journalists and don't deserve the title. Doesn't mean I'm constantly plotting against you guys I just genuinely disagree with most of what you believe.
>this was ten years ago
Based ariel
>a Sup Forums sting
That's not how IPs work grimes.
I feel embarrassed for thinking this was a genuine post for the first couple sentences. It became too obvious by like the fourth sentence, though.
Chill bro, it's just a prank
>You people dox leftists and harass them IRL
> You are racist, sexist, pedophiles
That's quite a generalization for the millions of users who come here.
I initiated her fake death on Sup Forums many years ago that found it's way onto youtube. She's probably still buttblasted about that.
There's only two users on Sup Forums, friend. You and me.
Have there been any threads on coordinated efforts to review bomb star wars on this board or any other board? Because I haven't seen any.
Don't be mean to Grimes!
Not millions, thousands. And I promise you, you will be found someday. And you will pay for all you and your the rest of your little group has done. There aren't as many of you as you think. You can't just blend in a sea of "millions". You're a small niche group, a fringe club and you will be exposed eventually.
What happened?
I want to ____ Grimes with a ______.
>Corporation hit against Star Wars
What fucking planet do these leftists live on where their beliefs aren't 100% backed by the corporations, media and government?!
They unironically still believe they're fighting against """the system""" when they're completely supported by it.
Just had a fuckload of anons giving out condolences on one of her vids, and of course all the normies got swept along for the ride.
It was pretty fun while it lasted.
Low quality bait
Fuck off grimeshit
Lavren is the tru queen of music
>there's no way ppl don't love this movie
I mean, really? Really?!
angry joe Sup Forums
grimes Sup Forums
richard spencer Sup Forums
whos next on the meme celeb
>It's a Sup Forums thing
I have seen 0 threads rallying to dislike the movie. You can't just say "People will always love Star Wars."
Grimes doesn't even write her own beeps.
Ariel is a total goober t b h. Huge fedora tipper.
>You people
Hey now!
It was the same with this fat piece of shit member. All you alt-right trolls PM'ing each other on the 4chins conspiring to shit up her Netflix ratings .
Get out of my DMs
>hasn't got Sup Forums platinum subscription video conferencing
Stay pleb faggot
Leftists are the most hated group in society right now. Neither the media nor government back leftists.
>saving a thumbnail
>Neither the media nor government back leftists
Funniest thing I've read today.
I'm a little disappointed she likes it but whatever. Separate the art from the artist. I still enjoy her art and music.
literally /our kike/.
Almost everything I say and do is for saltmining purposes. These past 2 years have been absolute gold. I'm voting for Trump again and I hope to god he gets a second term because everyone gets so butt blasted at the most mundane shit. I don't care if it's accelerationism, the PC police wrecked any culture we had left and I'm having fun.
>a Sup Forums sting
Its called a raid you fucking attentionwhoring tourist
Sup Forums is now code for le Russians
shes afraid she'll look silly for saying Russians out right
makes sense. they're all Democrats up there. everything is a witchhunt or a conservative-Russian boogeyman conspiracy to them
imagine being this much of a retarded faggot