Reminder that Rian loved the prequels. Luke even called the Emperor "Darth Sidious"

Reminder that Rian loved the prequels. Luke even called the Emperor "Darth Sidious"

if he loved the prequels he'd have all these cool scenes on Coruscant which we will never get again sadly.

Did they call him Sidious in the OT? Or just The Emporer

Sheev is never given a name in the OT, always emperor

Notice how all the world building went out the fucking window, and most set pieces are back to natural, building-less planets, bases, or ship bridges.

This faggot is dead to me.

Yeah, it's fucked up how, because of the complains of politics in the prequels, they decided to just delete them entirely instead of fixing or trying again. It reminds me of the mako vehicle complaints in mass effect 1. Oh, don't like the controls? Don't worry, well remove all exploration and vehicles from the sequel... Just lazy. They could have had leia atleast using holograms to communicate with other rebel leaders or the republic leaders or some shit.

Did you miss Canto Bight?

This guy is my hero, he made Flinn useful and killed the stupid gay ship from tumblr, also made Kylo a fucking joke for real. he only need to deal with the Mary Sue now and explain how she can learn anything from the Force so fast without training.

Daily reminder that Rian was born into an incredibly wealthy and well-connected family who owned three homes in three of the most expensive markets in the US, he had his father pay his way into a prestigious private school after repeatedly failed admission for bad grades.

There, he partied and met other rich kids, graduating and getting a job at Disney working for someone's uncle. There he met JGL who would later help him get Looper made. In between he made one good episode of television and one really bad episode of television. He was then given control of Star Wars because he impressed in an interview.

At no point in his easy and comfortable life has he ever had to achieve something based on his own talents and were any other person born in his place, they could have easily achieved what he did.

Daily reminder that rich kids with no talents but lots of friends rule you and they rule this planet and theg rule your dreams and this won't change till you rise up and kill them.

The novelization calls him Palpatine, tho.

No wonder TLJ was so shit.


This poster will be ignored or called a commie

He knew JGL way before Looper. They made Brick together in 2005, after 10+ years of production hell. So either you're just making shit up, don't know, or clueless.

Yeah I just assumed he sat down with ghost obi wan and yoda at some point during the jedi temple years and he learned more about the past.

>luke cant find out new things in 30 years

>There he met JGL who would later help him get Looper made
>he met, would later

Fucking reddit coward.

>because of the complains of politics in the prequels
I never really understood the complaints for this. I thought they were one of the best parts. Of course not handled that well like everything in the PT, but it gave us an insight into how things worked. George is great at world building, which is essential to fantasy movies

RLM and other assorted neckbeards started it when they all had blogspots and were forced to confront the fact that they no longer had their childhood imaginations any longer.

Bringing up the Trade Federation or the political scenes is evidence of memelord thinking and not actual criticism

His name was sideous in eu material years before the pt. I'm not sure if it came from George or if lucas just adopted it

Im so sick of you fucking retarded youngfags. Kill yourself you ignorant fuck.

>Luke even called the Emperor "Darth Sidious"
Did Rian say this?

It's in the movie.