>Johnny Depp is a monster! We have to boycott his movies and ruin him for what he did!
>Billy Dee Williams is such a class act! He needs to be in the new movies!
What did they mean by this?
Johnny Depp is a monster! We have to boycott his movies and ruin him for what he did!
Johnny Depp has lighter skin.
People don't conduct research, they just react to what they see on their Facebook feeds. Billy Dee's shit is buried in the past behind all the other shit millennials are uninterested in, whereas Johnny Depp's shit happened about as recently as their last meaningless sit-in protest.
>Billy Dee Williams
>google Colt 45 commercials - Date rape advocate
I think at least 30 A-list and B-list actors have been accused of domestic violence. It's just plain ignorance. It's like when people only think that David Bowie and Jimmy Page committed statutory rape in the 70's when they were 13 year old girls hanging around bars having sex with literally every musician.
Based Lando
fuckin' calle
I feel like you're just making this up. Why not post a link, my alt-right friend?
Getting her drunk on cheap beer is guaranteed friendo!
UGH. I wish that people would just stop existing as soon as a woman accuses them of wrongdoing, of any kind. How dare they continue to live in public in spite of my disapproval?!?
Not just musicians. In the 70's it was a cultural norm for older men to fuck girls that young. My great uncle was drunkenly lamenting the bygone era of child-fucking a few years ago at a funeral, bitching and moaning that he can't fuck kids any more.
Link to what, you stupid fuck?
Link to someone saying what you posted. You won't because you're a Trumptard that likes to make shit up to anger people.
Which fucking part, you fucking idiot? Because the shit about Depp is all over social media and Williams being a wife-beater has been a publicly known fact since the fucking 70's.
In the time it took you to make a post flaunting your ignorance and making a fool of yourself, you could've just Googled it.
>In the 70's it was a cultural norm for older men to fuck girls that young. My great uncle was drunkenly lamenting the bygone era of child-fucking a few years ago at a funeral, bitching and moaning that he can't fuck kids any more.
Tell me more, my man.
What did Johnny Depp do?
I don't see anything, Sup Forumstards.
Beat up his crazy ex-wife once and she blabbed about it all over the internet.
Fucking kill yourself. My grandma could find this shit on google, you fuckwit.
got drunk and his lesbian gf egged him on and shouted at him then started recording his reaction in hopes of getting a big pay out
Typical Sup Forumsparrot anger when they get exposed.
I honestly have no idea what you're trying to do. There is nothing Sup Forums about any of this and you would have to be a literal retard to not be able to find this shit in 3 seconds on google.
Just google "billy dee williams domestic abuse," you drooling idiot. It's right there.
Why is this a Sup Forums thing now? Isn't Sup Forums supposed to hate women, and you're supposed to believe women and oppose their mistreatment? Or do you have no coherent moral code whatsoever except knee-jerk disagreement with those you've deemed "the bad guys?"
calm down, Cayden
Sup Forums isn't very consistent unless its something that makes Trump looks good. For example
>fucking jews ruin everything
>based trump recognizing jerusalem
>the death of net neutrality is going to fuck us, but trump's guy made it happen and leftists/reddit is mad, so its good!
>all this roy moore shit is made up
>based women exposing pedowood!
I agree. I don't go on Sup Forums myself and don't subscribe to their worldview. I just find it obnoxious that this idiot cries Sup Forums at the mere suggestion that a black guy might've done something wrong.
I know I'm getting baited but it worked