It made sense for Logan and Deckard to give up and become jaded and bitter BUT FUCKING LUKE! LUKE!!

it made sense for Logan and Deckard to give up and become jaded and bitter BUT FUCKING LUKE! LUKE!!

I know this is bait but neither Logan nor Deckard were ever held up as a paragon of light and both of them were hiding.

yea thats my point

Oh I thought you were making fun of people complaining about Luke. My bad, I misunderstood. I love you, user. Forgive me.

I love you too user

What I don't get is how he could see the light in Vader but not Kylo. Hi se a lost cause or did Luke just not even try this time?

maybe it's easier for a jedi to sense the light than it is for them to sense the dark?
maybe it works the other way for sith, which is why sheev managed to seduce anakin in the first place

it would also explain why anakin managed to fall to the dark side despite being surrounded by a literal army of the most powerful jedi ever to have existed

It wasn't about light or dark, he just saw immense power in Kylo that frightened him because he was afraid of what he'd do if the dark side got to him.

For decades we knew Luke as an idealistic young man who not only forgave his father for abandoning him and cutting off his hand but ultimately helped him find redemption. Somehow we're supposed to believe he became some misanthropic hermit who didn't give a shit about anyone after he tried to kill his nephew while he slept. Hammil was right to tell Johnson his take on the character was all wrong.

Which doesn't make any fucking sense because this is the same guy that pardoned and saved fucking DARTH VADER.

>Should I have a sit down with ol Ben??
>NAHHH lemme just pull my lightsaber on him

Fucking chimpanzees who don't give a fuck about Star Wars wrote this shit.

watch episode 6 and then 8 back to back

Vaders redemption always tugs at my heart strings.

Deckard had a fucking happier ending than Luke fucking Skywalker. Imagine that.

Other classic characters who came back as old men this year? Seems like it's a thing nowadays.

not surprising
we all knew luke was taking a hit going in to this trilogy; it's just impossible to have a character like luke and not give him a sad ending
what they did was give him a shit ending though

>it's just impossible to have a character like luke and not give him a sad ending
They could have given him a heroic sacrifice (actual one, in person, not a hologram) and then it would have been a noble and dignified death which would have been powerful and fitting for the character.

I don't see how him being there would make it any different. I don't get why people had a problem with that. They did something really cool and new with the force that requires so much power that Luke died doing it.

A happier ending than Luke and Han both. I'm betting Leia will be offed in an equally depressing fashion. Meanwhile fucking Deckard of all characters goes out on a hopeful note.

Leia will probably die in the opening crawl of Episode IX.

because manchildren wanted Luke to pull down a star destroyer and kill 10 gorillion stormtroopers to prove he was the BIGGEST AND MOST POWERFULEST JEDI EVER

you're right, now manchildren will clap when rey gets to do that in the next movie

You are a fucking retard if you think that is what anyone actually wanted.

What a shocker.

explain both force unleashed games.


Kiss him you fool!!

You’re assuming that the writers didn’t intentionally butcher the character because that’s what leftist kikes do with everything good

So you have no argument and literally provide an entire sub of the exact people described. Thanks user for strengthening my position.

If the vacuum of space does at least do some damage to her then she superwoman
>what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Why did you want to discuss video games on the Television & Film board?

I don't, it was an example of people who want to see this type of movie being described.

Try to keep up.

Is cowardly and dumb since he died anyway

how is it cowardly? he wouldve died to that much firepower. There was no other way for him to do that and not die. The ending is shit and the whole movie is average, but you guys are asking for something about as stupid as what we got, if not more. He sacrificed himself so the rebellion could live on in those 40 people, how is that not heroic?

>let him live
Yeah for 5 minutes

He saved the galaxy in 6 and in this one he just helped the rebel’s get away like the blue haired chick did 20 minutes earlier. He’s one of the most iconic characters in movie history and they trotted out his corpse to be grumpy for a few scenes then die on a rock

Luke's ending was actually pretty old school Luke Skywalker and I feel they did it in a cool way with him fooling literally everyone with the force.

My problem is the old man emo luke that made no sense and we had to watch for 2 hours before that point.

yup. in movie history.