SNL General

Kevin Hart hosts
Foo Fighters musical guest

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why do people find this annoying manlet funny?

>90 minutes of dude short lmao

he's pretty confident and in-your-face, also black people humor

The Rock will probably show up. Also claimed

It's the pre-Christmas episode, so expect about 20 cameos.

We should keep a scorecard.

Tina Fey
Fred Armisen
Kristen Wiig
Bill Hader
Bobby Moynihan

This isn't a Capsbro thread and therefore isn't the official SNL live watch thread. None of your waifu claims count.

And Jack Black. They are both in Jumanji with Kevin Hart.

Well Capsbro should have made one then

No others up, this one is fine.

Capsbro didn't start a thread, so this one counts

>nigger humor


1 ScarJo

Okay, first gratuitous cameo of the night.

Hope we get another Mooney sketch tonight. They've been on a roll so far. Thank you Lorne for realizing his genius


Cameo number one

Is Scarjo in anything these days? This seems kind of random.

By the applause I guess that this is supposed to be the first celebrity cameo.


This hussy couldn't wear Ivanka shoes let alone impersonate her

well, Jost is banging her

damn skippy



Don Jr. and Eric always crack me up

The trump brothers could be a good reoccurring sketch, they just need to make Erica less of a dumbass

Disgusting lesbian bitch needs to go

As usual, the humor of the episode will be inversely proportional to the amount of sketches Mooney is in.

Karen Gillan too?

Why didn't they use a an ape to impersonate April Ryan?
She's the reporter who broke the Omarosa story

finally, a good musical guest

Because liberals think blacks who are republicans are traitors

Mooney in a comedy black hole and you're a faggot.

Kevin Hart is so smol

>that jacket

Black people have an overtop sense of fashion

butthurt trumptards

I hope!

U2 was disappointing a couple of weeks ago

>using kevin hart as a guest to promote Jumanji instead of Jack Black or The Rock

He's an idiot, don't feed him.



those dangling zippers on his cuffs are distracting

but he had a megaphone!


Diversity, motherfucker.

You don't need to like Trump to hate April.

>Jack Black

He's not even relevant anymore, Kevin Hart is a bigger star now than him.

ufos are literally fake news

this is rambling nonsense

reddit is down the hall and to the left

What the fuck is he saying?

>christmas show
>doing mediocre, run on, random ass standup material

Get back to work and stop posting on Sup Forums, Mooney

Cool story bro, tell me all you know. It's on every big news media website.

bippity boppity.

clicks and buzzes over here.

Holy shit, you're not lying!
>The state of NY Times in 2017

They're only distracting the public from all the stories coming out of the FBI.
Isn't the FBI connected to NYT, just like Wapo is used by the CIA?

>black man
>being a father

that's the funniest part

Nice blog post, Kev.

hi thanks for replying to me is crrect ufo conspiracy is a distraction

How many Trump jokes did these hacks do so far?

I didn't laugh but I appreciate any monologue that isn't singing or forced celebrity cameos

i'm glad i ignored that entire monologue

>failing jew york times
no thx



>ywn have a threesome with vilasenor and cecily and get both of them pregnant

2 guys or 2 chicks?

>women aren't fun
I thought Sup Forums would be all over this

Why is there a "men r bad" sketch every single week?

Kevin Hart is a honorary white

How was the monologue? Did he btfo trump?

the story is about wasteful democratic gov spending but you chuds keep hating whatever daddy trump hates

Is the new Jumanji a sequel or a reboot? Is it canon?

It's called female humor, and it is amazing.

The women writers came back this week.
>GTA commercial on broadcast television


I wonder if that pandora commercial sketch will have a reverse psychology effect and increase their sales. I bet it will. So many women would want those shitty things

>implying trump voters can read

Kevin never mentions politics, retard
Dude's literally the modern Cosby

the entire board is too busy losing their shit about The Last Jedi.

that's probably why this thread seems slower than usual

>not going the sex appeal route with the marketing and using Karen Gillan

sequel, and robin williams' character is referenced

it seems slower because you keep huffing paint

so he's a serial rapist?

GTA is Online now? Huh.

Sequel, not that you could tell.

It's paid advertisment, dude.

Can confirm both my mom and sister have a shit load of them and love it when I get them that stuff.

>Karen Gillan

Nobody cares about that lanky literally who

It's just a placeholder until GTA 6 comes out, probably in 2020.

Will Jumanji be better than The Last Jedi?

Everyone see Pete's new tat?

If they have him piss his pants this might be funny. Would they go there?

Both are garbage, The Last Jedi would probably be good if you can get past the "girl power"/"diversity" aspects of the film.

>Kate's tits

Man, nothing beats a nice afternoon crap after lunch.

I'd say 2019, but then I remembered RDR2.

I thought that was satirical

Got his own roofie compensation fund, too?

I care



he shit himself instead