Wait a minute, why the fuck did a Republic star destroyer take down General Grevious' ship when:

Wait a minute, why the fuck did a Republic star destroyer take down General Grevious' ship when:

1) They knew that Sheev, their Supreme fucking Chancellor, leader of the Republic, was on board, and

2) They knew that there was a rescue mission to retrieve the Supreme Chancellor by Obi-Wan and Anakin that was taking place RIGHT THEN

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You made a new thread for this?

Why didn't they just hyper driver ram it?

Why didn't the Separatists just hyper drive Coruscant?

In the book some republic navy dude told Grievous to prove that he's got Sheev and that he's unharmed but when he tried to show them video of Sheev the chair was empty because he had already been rescued by Anakin so then they gave him like 10 minutes to prove he's got him or they shoot him down

>i-it's in the supplementary material


I know nobody cares about the books but the ROTS book is kino in book form tbqh

oh my god i hope that the 9 novel can cover up some of the bull shit.

But why they didn't give the rescue party any means of communicating whether Sheev is on board or not?

because men are dumb apes.

It's been years since I read it so my memory is a bit hazy but I think Anakin and Obi-Wan jumped there from another system in the middle of the battle and just went to rescue him on their own because they felt that he was on that ship, the republic dudes didn't probably even know they were rescuing him

>there's a possibility that our supreme chancellor is on board this ship but we'll shoot it down anyway because we're not 100% sure he's on there


There were lots of ships where he could have been or he could have already been smuggled out of the system, Grievous told them he's got him and that he'll kill him if they won't let him leave the system but he couldn't provide any proof that he's got him so they thought he was bluffing, they weren't gonna let the enemy general just leave like that

because Obi wan and Anakin weren't even supposed to be there they mounted a surprise rescue because Obi wan was pretty much just as as reckless as Anakin in his youth and probably would have turned to the dark side if he didn't watch Qui gon get killed by a Sith

>sit in extremely close range of enemy capital ship
>don’t fire upon it
The first point is bad enough (although it looks cool as shit). You trying to add the second point makes it worse.

Coruscant is literally the best space battle in all of Star Wars prove me wrong


>there's a possibility our leader is on one of those thousands of ships so lets just not shoot at any of them!

Episode 3 was great, it hurts thinking what sequel trilogy made by lucas could have been like

>Sheev literally puts him self on a ship just for fun and has it shot down

absolute madman
how does Snoke even compete?

He wanted Obi-Wan to die there so that turning Anakin would have been easier, in the book he's trying to get Obi-Wan killed on the ship all the time, like when they are hanging in the elevator shaft he pretends that he's going to fall so that Anakin would drop Obi-Wan

cant reev the sheev

Huh, I just noticed the V-Wings flying around at the beginning. Never saw that before. I only thought they appeared at the end of the movie and it was just ARC-170s flying around during the battle.

you can see them outside the windows in the room Sheev is being held in too

how did the astro droids on the arc-170s react when they blasted plo koon out of the air during order 66?

stop talking out your ass.

why the fuck would they care?
they're droids

By unthinkingly doing their jobs like they always do.

nothing in that video is against what he said

it's not a "surprise rescue" it's a reaction to a surprise attack and kidnapping. There's nothing reckless about taking immediate action to try to stop the enemy from successfully getting away with your leader

he probably just meant that they arrived on the scene and started acting on their own