Why is he so perfect (femanon)
Why is he so perfect (femanon)
This isn't a good time.
Serving your country has that effect. Women are drawn to me willing to sacrifice themselves for their homeland.
>takes shit from nobody
>cool as fuck
soyboys BTFO
Unironically the only good part of the new trilogy, why is he the only decently written character?
Archetype Sith Lord
Harmonious within the Star Wars Universe
Chad resemblance to Grandfather Anakin
Had a bad ass mask
Bastard sword lightsaber
Chad muscled build
Supreme Leader of the First Order and has surpassed Anakin’s achievements
Caused the death of Snoke, Han and Luke
He is *The chad* of star wars
As a girl, do you want him to bang Rey?
Is he a grower or a shower? Asking for a friend
>troubled, 'bad boy' type
>vulnerable but not a pussy
>unconventionally attractive to add interest and seem more attainable
>one of the only new characters that isn't written like complete garbage
because your rancid roastie cunt is ovulating
(*see: Alien™-like sulphuric acid oozing down your THICC, cellulitic mutton thighs)
he's a one-time Pain Olympics gold medalist eunuch
>unconventionally attractive
what in the sweet fuck is wrong with you roasties today??
no wonder you can't even compete with /traps/...
It means they would fuck him but they're not sure why. Hint: Is cuz he on da big picture box
hint spoiler: >-it's coz they can Force sense his shekels jingling from across the galaxy
Certain angles/lighting he's handsome, too bad he pouts all the fucking time. Only 10/10 is the full shot where he makes everyone else look like manlets, mostly it's the comparison to the other men there that helps
I think he's pretty ugly but a lot of girls I've seen think he's cute even while acknowledging that he looks strange. Also, pretty much everyone else in the new cast is ugly as fuck except for Poe and Rey, so he ends up looking better by comparison.
This is the first Rey pic that has made me remotely attracted to her. Holy Shit, and I falling too, bros? Am I /withHer/ now?
he is the the definition of the pretty boy
>tfw he wears more lipstick than Rey
He's not masculine. But he is the only good character from the new movies.
>pretty boy
>supreme leader of the first order
Look dude, are you retarded?
because he is the best Star Wars character right now
The absolute state of nu Wars.
That's like in the prequels if they killed off so many characters that the best one left was Anakin.
>definition of the pretty boy
He's really isn't, if anything Anakin was.
Ren looks like a badass because he's tall and ripped but then he takes off the mask he's odd looking and teary-eyed.
Anakin was the only good part of the prequels.
You misspelled Sheev
Nothing wrong with it, anons. But he is.
>Long. flowing curly hair
>feminine face structure
>Eyeline and lipstick
Girls love pretty boys who aren't faggots or overtly effeminate, hence his fan base. But don't deny he's a pretty boy.
>if anything Anakin was.
Anakin was more of an Autist.
nooooooooo. but I still liked him though.
But he's not actually pretty. He's just metro and ugly/weird-faced. His face isn't 'feminine' either, apart from having quite big lips and no jaw.
He's goofy looking.
I'm not saying that he can't be attractive to women, but calling him a 'pretty boy' is just weird.
I thought he looked like a serial killer in the first movie, but he has some nice shots in this one. I also ship him with Rey and he's the best character hands-down. I don't think he's that attractive like others seem to, but it doesn't even matter to me, I guess his "aura" is more attractive than anything? It's hard to explain. His character is attractive and his actor does a really good job of portraying all of those attractive, conflicted emotions.
>I'm not saying that he can't be attractive to women, but calling him a 'pretty boy' is just weird.
That's fine. Let me just add that when I don't think he'd be out of place as a villainous bishonen in an anime.
I see you, Rey. Stop making a fucking multiple threads about Kylo Ren you fucking autist
Looks just like me.
You can't stop me!
fair enough
He flips between pretty/goofy looking all the time. I'll agree he's a typical 'troubled pretty boy' if not actually 'pretty'. In the cinema at TFA during the mask reveal scene you could fucking audibly hear girls gasp in the previously silent audience.
girls love massive guys
This. Wide is an underrated body type.
Does he mask-up in the new one or not?
Unrelated: I know a lot of black people who like to think of Darth Vader as black because he's robot voice is James Earl Jones. I'm too scared to ask them if that means that Kylo Ren is doing blackface.
Well you have poor taste.
He wears it in the beginning, then Snoke tells him he looks retarded in it and electrocutes him - Kylo smashes the helmet soon after.
Yeah that must be what all those Poe fangirls were squeeee'ing about after TFA.
he's a big guy according to Daisy
Really? hahahahahahha fucking hell
For you.
Everyone is ugly caught in the wrong frame/light.
Driver is a dashing mofo with the right hair, a cool suit and without that fucking goatee thing he got.
i think rather that the user put that to prevent people imagining a disgusting gay person and getting their day ruined
I dunno I haven't seen any of these movies yet. I always wait till they are done then binge.
>not understanding that that was my point
>so this.
He looks so jewy, it's unreal.
Except he is not pretty. Like, at all.
Weight is important for this guy.
The skinnier he gets the more weird he gets.
Anything but that nigger, and that ugly guy that was in x-men.
post feminine benis
he doesn't look anything like a jew you need to practice. he looks like a northerner like christopher ecclestone
He is pretty ugly.
it's too late for you now. The cute is too much for you
>hes not masculine
Bro have you seen the way he strides in TLJ ?
how do you get rid of the handles that he has? What % body fat? My belly is similar to his
He's really handsome, not sure what you're getting at. I love his face, his sharp features. I want him to bury his face against my neck and mumble about how we'll rule the galaxy together.
I kind of still want to punch her though, as well, to be honest. Right in her bucktoothed face. Then nurse her back to health.
He just isn't my type. I'm not weird, you are.
Me too :3
y-you don't think i'm pretty, a-user?
He has the literal opposite of sharp features though. This is what I find so crazy about females, they can never articulate what they like about a person, it always comes out garbled and factually untrue. Driver has big rubbery lips and no cheekbones and big cheeks and a doopy nose and no jaw and no brow ridge. He is good looking in the right light, but the opposite of he has the 'sharp features'. That's like saying Alan Rickman is doe eyed, or Elijah Wood is manly looking.
>how we'll rule the galaxy together
I'm pretty sure he only likes Mary Sue's btw
M8 from that gif it looks like you can't unless you get to a ridiculousy low % body fat, he's clearly thick because he just holds weight there. If you've got a flat stomach don't worry about it.
>they can never articulate what they like about a person, it always comes out garbled and factually untrue.
That's because it's not the features themselves but how they come together on a person.
Oh my God, fuck off you insecure manchild.
Thats just his bodytype, he's not carrying much fat so I guess he's just a big lad
>straight hair
>fine edged and straight facial features
>pencil eyebrows
>skinny lanky body with no width
Either this isn't Kylo or its a drawing of him that makes no attempt to represent how he actually looks, as opposed to how fem-autists want him to look.
please don't be a crude name caller..
>Either this isn't Kylo
It's not, but it's honestly how I perceive kylo. Maybe i'm just weird.
>how they come together on a person
So a guy with thick rubbery playdough features ends up having "sharp features" because of how they come together on him?
Dem giant milky tits
>sharp features
It's a buzzword. I'm talking about features in general. It's not "features" that make someone attractive but how they come together on someone that makes them attractive.
where is this from
I hope this is someone satirising how females post.
He's not he's ugly and childish.
Now Hux is a handsome man. Angelic. Phasma is a coward and a traitor.
I'd say I hope this is someone satirizing how virgins post but I know that's not true.
>This is what I find so crazy about females, they can never articulate what they like about a person, it always comes out garbled and factually untrue.
It's because physical attraction for females just is kinda garbled. The ideals for what makes an attractive man as opposed to a woman are far more vague with maybe the exception of physical fitness and height, you can take some random guy and get ratings all over the place from women. Christ, even when I rate other women it's far clearer what makes them attractive while I have no fucking clue why some guys are considered attractive.
What do you call a body type like this? Where he clearly has visible abs and muscles but he's also wide around the waist without being exactly fat so there's no V-shaped torso
I think he can only pull it off as well as he does because he's tall desu, it'd look pretty weird if he was average height or short
yeah he pretty much calls him a boy with a mask and he looks retarded and smashes it during an elevator ride
please don't crudely name call...
No it's not I just watched it
he deserves to fuck that virgin rey and continue his bloodline
s a m e
Director's cut.
Rey doesn't deserve to take his royal seed.
>I guess he's just a big lad
For you
it's the ideal male fighter's bod. hence why all the best pro wrestlers have it.
Which I have already said is fine. I'm not trying to say he's unattractive, only that the explanation of him being 'pretty' or 'sharp featured' is factually untrue and symptomatic of a weird disconnect between the things women like and the reasons they give for liking them.
The whole bad boy thing is the same - girls talking about wanting someone who's 'interesting' or 'challenging' when they really seem to want someone whose dumb and aggressive and ignores them when he's not looking for sex.
This could be getting into bitter r9k territory, but fuck it, it seems to me that women either can't honestly explain what they actually like or are too ashamed/embarrassed/guilty to do so.
Here's a Kylo pic for all your fangirls in this thread so that you don't lynch me for pointing out the obvious.
Besides the straight hair it does look like an anime version of him.
>slice right down the jugular vein
>Still alive
I swear this shit is shopped but it looks like he's literally just really wide. If it's not shopped he's fucking built like a truck