After watching Rick and Morty recently and loving it...

After watching Rick and Morty recently and loving it, people told me to try Bojack Horseman since they're kind of similar.

I don't hate it so far, but as of S1E5 it seems very meh to me. What does Sup Forums think of it?

Pepe Frogman is better. Go watch it instead.

Or Wojak Feelsbadman if that's more to your taste.

That show has such a drastic turnabout in season 1 in terms of quality, av club redid their inprogress review. Second season is god tier.

It's a pretty good show. It never stops being entirely depressing, but the show throws you a bone once in awhile. It's kind of pretentious, but it's pretty funny at times--especially with the sight gags

It gets easier. Every day gets a little easier... You gotta do it every day; that's the hard part. But it does get easier.

Yeah season 1 really didn't grab me til the last few episodes.

A lot of people don't like it from the first episodes but you have to get through the kind of bad humor at the start to when it punches you in the face. Then you know what you're in for.

How is anything in Bojack pretentious?

If you don't have anything else to watch you might as well keep going. I personally wouldn't recommend the show to anyone as I've finished it and don't think the humor ever really picked up. it stays depressing but is terrible at getting anything meaningful out of it. the characters just barely develop but there isn't any real emotional payoff.

that line was so fucking stupid and unforgivably forced

episode 8 is the turning point for most people. I'd say keep watching till then to decide. But the second and third seasons were better for me.

>memejack redditman

Just dont overthink about it... remember Bojack is a shitty person, and pretty much everyone else. Anything with Arnett tries so hard to be deep and it isnt...I knoe... better yet, find Harvey Birdman or frisky dingo, that is some serious fun.

It gets better by season 2.

This. I watched the 1st episode and didn't care to watch anymore till season 3 dropped.

>episode 8
Seriously dude... 8 fucking episodes? Give it 2 to any fucking series, if that is not good enough for you find another thing.

While the three episode rule is a good rule in general sometimes a show takes longer than that to pick up. Some people are very particularly and can tell when they'll like a show or not from just the first episode but that's not most people. Stuff can change a lot especially when a show has multiple seasons.

not him but I do this too. Still, i have stopped watching bojack and been meaning to get back on it.

first half of season 1 is trash
and then its great
and then season 3 is trash again

I thought the first season was meh, second was good, and third was amazing.

It really gets better as it progresses. Stick with it, I know it's not great at the start.

Not everyone has ADD. Most shows don't hit their stride in one season. Doing it in three episodes is remarkable.

It's popular because it depicts a chronically depressed, self-hating fuck-up, which a lot of people in their early 20's related to.

It's not BAD but I don't like it because it's basically the Owlturd Comics of cartoons: it shows pretty general, relatable scenarios and circumstances without much substance, and then it just offers simplistic non-solutions about believing in yourself with the character having some feel-good moments, and then the character just falls back down again and the cycle repeats.

The viewer then feels good because anyone can relate to the simple ups and downs of life.

It's very shallow and predictable.

Season 1's first half isn't good, second half is decent. Season 2 is good all the way through. Season 3 has a few good episodes but I ended up hating everyone by the end of it. Season 2 ends on a high note for everyone, and then they shit over everybody's characterization. The writers have no idea what to do with anyone, especially Bojack. They even have a fucking episode dedicated SOLELY to abortion.
I'd recommend you finish Season 1 and if you like it, watch Season 2. If you like that, don't watch Season 3 and just forget about Bojack.

>but I ended up hating everyone by the end of it.

...was that not the point?

>episode 8 is the turning point for most people
>episode 8
you mean episode 6

Season 3 feels like discarded original plans for Season 2 that they decided to rework into another season. Just feels like a step back. Especially the whole Oscars subplot.

In my opinion, no. Season 2 ended very positively for Bojack.
>"It gets easier. Every day gets a little easier... You gotta do it every day; that's the hard part. But it does get easier."
Bojack was improving himself actively, and wasn't running away from his problems. Then in Season 3 he repeats everything he did to fuck up as if he hadn't learned anything from the previous two seasons and tries to kill himself. It's just fucking baffling and inconsistent with what they were showing. He was growing and then they yank him down into the shit for no reason.
They want Bojack to keep being a fuckup so they can keep making season after season of him being miserable. The whole thing with Penny and Sara Lynn in Season 3 has never made me more mad. It feels like the writers got swapped out mid seasons. It has the potential to be an awesome series but the writers don't care, they just want to virtue signal. I'm not watching Season 4 because I fucking know they're going to spend all of it moaning and bitching about Trump.

Maybe it's just because I'm a depressive fuck, but something about a happy conclusion or ending would feel disappointing to me. As a whole life would appear to be misery that you can only distract yourself from, not actually cure. The misery being an external thing, and happiness being a (desirable) aberration. You can be a better person, be happ*ier* and so on, but never escape the nightmarish nature of the machine. I know it sounds edgy as fuck. I'm not actually that emotionally unhappy though - depressive, but not depressed.

I've not yet got to season 3, mind you.

Who is the worst character in any cartoon ever and why is it Diane?
>Has a loving, faithful, supportive husband and hates him because of it
>Wants to "do something with her life" by going into some warzone then chickens out like a cunt and comes home way earlier
>Lies to her husband about it and mooches off Bojack and just gets fat and lazy
>Has sex without a condom or birth control and then wants to get an abortion
>Gets mad at Mister Peanut Butter for wanting to visit his family
>Thinks Mister Peanut Butter's family is weird and creepy because one of them believes in God
>When the family member talks to her about God and death she gets butthurt and offended thinking he's talking about abortion but he's really talking about his cancer
Diane is a self-centered selfish egotistical cunt. And you can say "Well that's the point, the writers want you to hate her" but no, they don't. They want you to identify with her and root for her because she's the deuteragonist and she fights that evil cis white hippo and she's down with abortion! Did you know that stupid, vapid, edgy rap songs about abortion is totally empowering?
I want to like this show, it started off great but it has gone to shit in this recent season.
>Penny wanted to fuck Bojack and was entirely cognizant of her actions and of legal age in S2
>S3 makes it seem like Bojack raped Penny and she's super traumatized

I'm pretty fucking pessimistic but I like happy endings when they're earned. Bojack was on the path to his own happy ending and it looked like he was going to work towards it, but the writers realized that if Bojack's happy then they have no reason to keep on writing, so they fucked over his character.

Just a typical Californian.

>The misery being an external thing
surprise surprise, acting like it can't be helped and blaming everything else as usual. lmao@urlife

read the spoiler

Let's Find Out is the best episode of the show so I'd say watch at least until season 2

> Bojack
> rapes his best friends daughter

Fucking lowest point in his life

Uh no.

He doesn't rape her. They even say it was legal and with consent. Also nothing really happens because mother Blueball ruined it.

I know know that...then why the fuck does that bitch run scared? fucking tease just like her mother.

You know they are gettin paid right? so if they are not doing a great job right from the start why bother?

>that line was so fucking stupid and unforgivably forced

God forbid there should be anything life-affirming anywhere ever.

He is scar tissue held together by skin. Let's face it: most people aren't all that great.
And BJ's consistent ability to ruin things when they seem to take a turn for the better...

Well, his mother said she was surprised he was still alive. So he probably takes after his father.

Also: Frisky Dingo is awesome. Not so sure about Birdman.

It must be wonderful to be that intelligent. But it probably only seems that way because I am so dumb, relatively speaking.

I understand without agreeing. I prefer a happy ending, I prefer hope, but sometimes there isn't just any in the offing.

A 'happy ending' for this show might be him committing suicide by jumping from some high building, and as he falls he finally looks unreservedly happy.

I'm not so sure it's that simple.

It may not be illegal, but Jesus Christ and all the saints, it was so utterly, utterly unethical. It was the perfect opportunity for BJ to redeem himself in his own eyes and he blew it.