So now that Star Wars is officially dead what will they come for next?
So now that Star Wars is officially dead what will they come for next?
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LOTR is next on the chopping block for jewwood
Harry Potter
Monty Python remakes with diversity quotas and politically correct joke rewrites
Those quads. Life of Brianna confirmed.
LOTR check out the amazon stuff
LOTR on amazon
LOTR rehash is the next raping. Make sure you have hard copies before the old records are destroyed
>Death Troopers
Christ that book sucked.
Hopefully I’m dead before then
>dose quads
Hollyweird will also remake sex comedies like Animal House and Bachelor Party. Both from the female POV.
Well disney owns everything, so its all fair game.
Black lesbian tranny die hard
Anime. Your opinion on anime doesn't matter but we all agree that it's relatively obscure, unlike most anything else, and definitely not a SJW safespace wasteland. However, it's a fragile industry that is increasingly seeking overseas audiences. They're coming for it next. Quote me.
Fembond by 2020
Transbond by 2025, if civilization somehow hasn't fallen by then.
There's literally nothing else to kill. They are all so focused in milking the same old franchises that they have forgotten to create anything new to milk in the future.
There has been literally nothing new and original in the last 10 years with the same franchise potential as Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, or Lord of The Rings in any form of media.
Jaws, starring Emilia Clarke as Chief Ellen Brody, Dev Patel as Matt Hooper, Idris Elba as Quint, and a white cis male as the mayor. Also a man is eaten first instead of a naked woman, and there's now a subplot about Ellen's husband being abusive so she bangs Hooper while they're at sea. Screencap this because I'm confident this exact movie is being made within five years.
Game of Thrones
>female remake of revenge of the nerds
>same ending
It's already milked, dead and it's older than 10 years. Try again.
Any marketable 80's 90's cartoon
remakes of american pie and any movies alike anime, they'll go hard on this
the elder scrolls(videogames)
historical war films in a way you would never thought possible
Alien. Now that Disney owns fox, it's all over.
What the fuck is Disney gonna do to Alien that hasn't already been done to it?
whats the status i for Terminator IPs?
Fuck, I forgot about LotR, I'm sad now
Movie where the Heroic Tau and the brave human deserters who joined them for The Greater Good defeat the Imperium of Man when?
Alien has been shit since 3, it doesn't matter
it will hurt so much
>what will they come for next?
this, LOTR is next
She isn’t afraid of water, she retired after being the first female navy seal
pls no
2001: A Space Odyssey
This one is untouchable
5 Words:
Eddie. From. Hitch-hikers'. As. HAL.
>The Rock as Madmartigan
>Willow is now some fucken short woman
>Sorsha is strong female protagonist who kicks more ass than anyone else in the film
>Elora Danan is black
Rickman is dead bro.
Dune, and it makes me so upset just thinking about it. I love Dune so much, I don't wanna see it normiefied and pushed to the mainstream. This series is too subtle for brainlets.
Take the Japan out of anime, and it ceases to be anime. Japan has laws protecting its companies from foreign takeovers, and they give zero fucks about SJW nonsense, ultimately, they will always turn back inward if need be.
Anime will forever be safe, Hollywood adaptations are ultimately irrelevant, and Western weebs will be the first to throw a shitfit if you take away their anime titties. Who serve as a nice first barrier from foreign intervention. The Jews would have to get IN Japan to ruin anime. And the nips are massive closet Nazi sympathizers, it'll never happen.
>Has over 1 hour of film with no dialogue
>Has a 10 minute scene of one wormhole
>Takes 15 minutes to reach the point of the man-apes
>5 Minute Docking Scene
>Far, Far too deep thematically to be mainstream
>Has legions of critics and analysts STILL discussing the film and what it mean't after 50 years
Yeah this one cannot be touched
>he liked the James Cameron rape of a classical thriller
What? The first two were great. Started to get bad at 3
I doubt the average normalfag even knows that Dune exists, and most of the "such a nerd xD" crowd only knows about giant sandworms and the phrase "Fear is the mind killer" is there somewhere.
Dune is safe for now.
Last I heard, they were making a film adaptation thanks to the success of GoT.
Many people have been drawing parallels between it and GRRM's work as both draw from the War of the Roses. And with Star Wars effectively dead, expect Dune to start creeping up among hipsters for cred. As SW is literally Dune-lite.
Directors, screenwriters, and producers alike are too brainlet for Dune. David Lynch couldn't make it weird enough to work. The sci-fi channel series were faithful enough, but bland.
what do you got?
>Dune is safe for now
Oh how I wish you were right:
>whites allowed to leave the planet
mh sweetie
They aren't wrong. The Empire was human supremacist.
I mean the type of personality from the ship's onboard computer.
Just image the haha funny movie they could/would make.
The popular consensus for what Lord of the Rings went from brilliant and intricately designed mythos, drenched in layers upon layers of Christian and European culture, to a darker Star Wars without space ships thanks to one trilogy, and the general public's ignorance on the subject, equating it with D&D.
Let's not pretend the people who made TFA the 3rd highest grossing film of all time know or care enough about 2001 that history couldn't repeat itself.
Also it doesn't even need to be successful. I'm just saying they could try, if there was another spike in Interstellar type 2001-esque but entry level films.
>The Empire was human supremacist
Nothing wrong with that, we all are human here, right?
Back to the Future remake
Sound of Music remake
Lord of the Rings is next though like others said. WH40K and table top games in general the next target. Magic the Gathering is already gaining an increase in SJW attention for example. There are no breaks on the total destruction of hobbies.
Yeah i just REALLY don't want 2001 to be touched and btw 2001 Barely made its money back. You can thank stoners for this one being successful.
When 2001 gets a remake thats when a part of me dies
Problem with Dune is that it's damn near un-filmable. Both the Lynch version and the Sci-Fi version took massive liberties with the text and backstory to make it so that casuals could understand shit. And that's before the fact that only the first Dune novel is any good. The sequels are pretty much dogshit.
The only way to make it work would be to make it a TV show and even that would be risky.
That said, Wheel of Time is also coming out. Most likely it will be consumed by SJW types and pushed by the SJW horde as the next big thing, since LOTR will require a huge amount of prep time and even then, is only going to air on Amazon, the royals royce of streaming sites since they require $99 upfront instead of more easily affordable $8-10 amounts a month.
so you didnt see the hobbit movies
I'm suddenly glad Ender's Game flopped.
nooooo i dont want this to be true. the pain of normification would be unbearable
You are right about Wheel of Time.
There is going to be a HUGE opening in sword/sorcery genre once Game of Thrones ends and WoT is unknown enough by casuals that they can push it as a huge new thing to take the world by storm.
Lord of the Rings the TV show won't be a huge thing because of the paywall issue with Amazon and the fact that unlike Dune, there will be MAJOR pressure to stay true to the source material and Amazon can't risk pissing off people. Any SJW shit in LOTR:TV will probably be heavily vetted and screened so they can figure out how much shit they can get away with and what would trigger a backlash that would kill the project
>the royals royce of streaming sites since they require $99 upfront instead of more easily affordable $8-10 amounts a month.
>$99 a year is cheaper than paying 10 dollars every month
>You also get Amazon Prime Shipping which is such an amazing luxury to have letting you get any item you want on your doorstep in two days
>And all those crazy good amazon deals
Dune is definitely a series that needs to be done as a TV show. It's actually kind of accessible so long as you boil down the plot to the basic premise (two competing royal families under an emperor who fears the goodness/love of one of the families and conspires with the other, evil evil royal family, to kill them by luring them to a planet under the guise of serving as it's ruler in the name of the emperor.
From there, you sprinkle in the backstories (Paul is the result of a bunch of bald nuns secretly interbreeding the royals to create a messiah, how his mom fucked up the entire breeding program by refusing to abort Paul for being a boy due to her bosses wanting a girl instead, and the overall importance of the spice
>and there's now a subplot about Ellen's husband being abusive so she bangs Hooper while they're at sea.
This actually happened in Benchley's book you little faggot.
Not everyone uses Amazon for shopping when they can also use Ebay or just shop locally
Also, the average poor fag doesn't have $99 to spend on a streaming site upfront. A lot of poor fags selectively subscribe to Netflix/Hulu every couple of months, often only when new original shows drop.
Only if you're white.
It's not that bad. Every time a Dune adaptation gets announced it gets stuck in development hell. I'm still expecting Brian Herbert to sell out so he can get his Dune fanfiction on film before we get another Dune. I don't want to live in a world where normies think the film version of Paul of Dune or whatever is canon and more important than the originals because it was a movie first.
I'm still hoping somebody will make a Starship Troopers film work someday. Way less difficult to do than Dune.
Amazon Prime only works if you already are a huge whore for Amazon/buy EVERYTHING from Amazon.
The average faggot only buys things from Amazon maybe 2-3 times a year and as such, $99 for free shipping is a horrible deal. The average faggot would rather deal with regular shipping times than spend $99 upfront to get expressed shipping, let alone streaming website.
After the Spice is flowing thrue me i can see it now.
> SJW Dune
> Fremen are now not white anymore they will be black
> The Harkonnen are white supremacist
> The Atreides are including all races and religions
> The Jihad is a movment of peace
> The Kwisatz Haderach is neither man or woman he is a new gender
pls no
Don't even want to know what this average poorfag life is like.
I consider myself a poorfag with my income being at a measily $25000 and I can afford Amazon. I don't use Netflix or Hulu because I found myself not using that shit.
The average streamer is someone who subscribes when the new season of HoC or OITNB or Bojack comes out then unsubscribes a month later. Hulu subverts this by uploading their originals on a week by week basis so they can force people to subscribe for multiple months.
Amazon shot itself in the foot for making people pay what they charge upfront. Especially since Prime shipping requires you be a heavy Amazon buy just to break even in the long term. If you just want to stream, you are fucked and given the amount of money they paid for LOTR? We'll probably see a monthly subscription fee come from Amazon sooner than later, so they can maximize profits for LOTR
This always struck me as odd about the prequels. At no point does Palpy say "...and NO space niggers!"
I doubt it. They might channel some ideas from Monty Python but they'll never remake it with the same name. Monty Python is VERY politically incorrect and I don't think they'd want to even remind us that it exists. Eating so much you explode? Yeah, that's not coming back, even if it were given the SJW treatment.
The reason they're subverting Star Wars and Star Trek and LotR is because those brands were so wholesome and pure.
One of the few properties they don't have to force diversity and can have dune coons.
Fuck it's rotting corpse.
2010 Odyssey two was a thing.
How is Wheel of Time btw?
I hear it get praised a lot, but glossing over it, it feels like generic fantasy to me.
I know that but, i am referring to more a remake and plus 2010 is too obscure to be harmful
Jews in Space
>colonizing space
Dr. Seuss books
Tolkiens books
Lovecrafts books
Babylon 5
007 series
Yugioh, Pokemon and Magic
Lord of the Rings is next, then Warhammer40k after, or perhaps at the same time. They've already started making a move towards destroying both. Lord of the Rings with the diversity narrative, Warhammer40k with feminist narrative.
another 12 more movies
For Disney? Xmen now
>Dr Suess books
Lorax, Cat in the Hat and the Grinch Who Stole Christmas
Stranger Things is a sign of the end times
>Babylon 5 and Stargate
They will come for them soon enough
>2001 and Dune
Read the Thread
It will once diversity wins
Good luck with the feminists
>Yugioh, Pokemon
Anime is inherntly Jap so no it wont die
soon enough
The new star gate prequel show is about how the star gate wad invented by a strong indipendent woman, so it's not even "soon enough" anymore
>officially dead
>garbage like prequel trilogy didn't kill it
Naw, the children will come back in 6-8 years crowing about how this is a Disney masterpiece that surpassed the original trilogy.
Predator. I hear the new one coming out next year has elements of comedy in it.