Phase 4 keeps on giving

Phase 4 keeps on giving.

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>This item isn't available in your country.
Well fuck you too.

Gorillaz thread?

Holy fuck based user.

>my thread got archived
well rip atleast someone else made one. To those of you who DL the leak what do you think? Im really liking it "she's my collar"is my favorite one right now

Beginning the album as we speak.

>That noodle actress' hip shake

sometimes I wish I was capable of love and romance because I want to get to know that hip shake better

I want to think that's Noodle chiming in on Busted and Blue.

Noodle's actresses has an insane body

Noodle in general has a great body.

>no drawfags want to do noodle lewds
The draw threads have been disappointing

She's My Collar is the best track.

Noodle is pure.

>notices noodle has her mask from phase 3 on her dashboard


Well, that was fast.

This holy shit.

That's some good shit. this the new Defenders trailer?

>listening to track
>accidentally close tab
>return to video
>has been blocked worldwide

So would that make 2d daredevil?

and Noodle an alchoholic

>this video has been removed by the user

I think i still like 'Let Me Out' the most, but 'She's my Collar' is certainly close. I might have to give the whole album a few more play throughs tho, so that could change.

>Noodles vocals on Momentz

>keep on giving
Not really. All I wanted was good music. This is the worst gorillaz phase to date.

You the absolute human, user

>Murdoc isn't driving Stylo
God damnit.