they're silence speaks volumes.,
They're silence speaks volumes
Other urls found in this thread:
>fawned over TFA
>obsessively and repeatedly attacked R1 for relatively minor issues, as if to overcompensate for the aforementioned TFA fawning, as if R1 was anything more than just a stand-alone Star Wars action film
>deafening silence on the bumbling, contemptuous travesty that is TLJ
It's going to be disappointed. Outright hate for a lot of it, but also really loving some of it.
They're going to make fun of the "not muh luke" people, and then make fun of the way he dies. Maybe not now, but if/when they do a plinkett review, they'll show that scene and add fart noises like the classy gents they are.
Jay will appreciate some of the design and visuals, and will be the one to point out when Mike or Rich say they like something that is exactly like the shit they hated in the prequels.
They will bring up Rogue One to show that they don't just blindly love star wars shit.
Mike will complain about movies.
Someone will mention the Han Solo movie, and it will be called a shitshow.
I cant wait to see carrie fisher's body being propelled by a fart through space
They are going to release this evening I'll bet. Today's Sunday and usually when Pre-Rec does a stream Mike releases a video.
Not quite my speed but I appreciate the effort
you're genuinely one of the worst posters on this board. fact.
>I love how everyone is expecting RLM to trash this movie, I can't wait for these people to see that they actually thought it was fantastic
Sup Forums bout to get BTFO
I understand their silence. They're still processing how much new ground The Last Jedi broke.
Ive been watching old RLM, did jay stop drinking beer and eating shitty? Looks like he has dropped about 30 lbs, his face is no longer fat, his mouth doesnt make weird open mouth smiles and hhe combs his hair. He unjusted himself. Mike looks about the same just a bit fatter now.
I'm sure they're going to do a review of it and I'm sure it will trigger the hell out of you so you can keep shitposting, just be patient.
He's unironically the most well-adjusted person in the crew. Maybe Mike slightly resents him for that and that's why makes fun of him for being a manlet once in a while.
didn't the writers make it clear that starwars isn't for you guys
but you still went and watched it
>obsessively and repeatedly attacked R1 for relatively minor issues
Pretty sure they did it to piss retards like you off. And shock and awe, it worked.
There's been some relentless shitposting about it for days now, I haven't seen it, but I suspect most of these people haven't either. I guess we'll have to wait for based yify to get an actual opinion on it.
I don't know, I don't read twitter because I'm not a fucking retard.
Is TLJ what finally killed Mike?
Jay lost weight, fixed his teeth and started styling his hair. Mike looks significantly worse, even ignoring his weight, he looks like he has some alcohol bloat going on. Plus he looks dead eyed in a lot of videos (which, combined wit his weight gain, might be down to meds).
Jay isn't even that much of a manlet, he looks to be around the same height as Rich.
"Glitch" my ass.
>Jay isn't even that much of a manlet, he looks to be around the same height as Rich.
That's wrong, Rich and Mike are about the same height.
>they are silence speaks volumes.,
Right. I heard Mike didn't like TFA as much after some more time had passed.
Maybe they are waiting for all the fanboys to see it so there isn't autistic applause interruptions.
Maybe they're too busy banging.
do not collect pass GO!
do not collect 200 shekels
nothing can be gained from vacillation here -- the film is abject schlock and cannot be redeemed; especially in light of the woeful predecessor that paved the way for the failure of this now doomed franchise.
D A E M O N I C,
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
>tfw kikes never mentioned in judenwood slavery propaganda films
> spite of the kike diasporas' merchantry and foreign language skills, affording them inordinate control over shipping -- i.e., SLAVER GALLEYS
What do you mean, they already reviewed it.
jews are white - mike stoklasa
kikes aren't daemonic - (((God)))
>posting simpsons
I fucking hate you
They really don't look it, and can't just be down to fat since obviously Mike is fat too but still looks tall. Maybe it's that Rich has terrible posture or something but he looks shorter in all their videos.
>They really don't look it
That's your problem, buddy.
Mediocre garbage like nuStarwars deserves to be ignored.
Yeah, I saw that thread on Sup Forums too. You sure have a lot of people raiding the rest of the site.
Can I join? post an invite to the discord.
What the fuck ever happened to Plinkett the Animated Series!?
Time for your meds, user.
Drunk tired exagerating hacks
>You guys are gonna hate me again...
Maybe its just me but it seems like they kinda regret being so kind with the Force Awakens review. A couple times I remember them talking about it or bringing it up in other videos or something and they seemed more dismissive and negative about it.
I think part of it was just some relief that it wasn't quite a huge flaming turd, that it was at least watchable and enjoyable to some degree. I know they didn't seem to be expecting much from it based on the predictions video they did for it.
Yify has been gone for a year and a half user.
The online ticket they bought to see the movie in Thursday was fucked up and they could not see the movie.
I am not from the US, how hard is it to get seats to TLJ? Is it sold out throughout the week? Keep in mind they live in Milwaukee, not sure how many screens they have there.
I'm not in Milwaukee either but it really shouldn't be too hard. Either they are hard set on not spending their own money to see it or (more likely) they are stalling for some reason.
Close friend of Jay here, they haven't seen it yet.
Well editing those take time. It's hard to loop Rich Evans saying "AT-STs".
TFA was completely inoffensive. Hence their dismissal of it in a positive way. It was "alright". But really, the biggest franchise with a huge budget shouldn't be alright. It should be good. Or great preferably. That's how i explain it. Tbh i also could stomach TFA way more than rogeu one. Rogue one had no structure or anything positive, it was a genuine piece of shit. TFA was just boring.
I think they just changed their name, but if you honestly download from there you should kill yourselves.
They're basically going to change the way this board thinks about this movie.
They'll say they liked it and that it wasn't so bad, blame some trolls for the Rotten Tomatoes score.
This. The force is female apparently. Stop enjoying children movies and watch some adult kino.
Jessi's black son here, they already recorded the review and decided to set it to private forever. Not even patreons get the link.
I watched their joke speculation video about TLJ (came-out like 3 weeks ago, I think), and I noticed that they called JJ Abrams a "white man" and said Star Wars needed more "diverse" directors.
They're definitely in Disney/SJW pockets. Mike is basically the focal point of Prequel hate on the internet, so it's not surprising that (((Disney))) would try to pay him off to give their trilogy his blessing.
>watch some adult kino.
Yeah like The Watchment, that's some cereabral kino shit.
I think many were just blinded by nostalgia. The need for a new Star Wars movie after so long and the fact that TFA was a complete rehash of an old, better movie overshadowed how stupid the movie was for many fans. Fortunately I wasn't one of them and I could see the utter shit that Jew Jew Abrams served us.
user, I already told you it's time for those meds.
This They gave it bonus points for being the first new SW movie and feel lke OT, handweaving off being just a remake.
But now with all the marketing and constant hype they feel movieoers remorse.
You're a fucking mess, guy.
I was definitely blinded by nostalgia. The second time I saw it was less impressed. But at least I didn't exit the cinema feeling disappointed and confused like I did with TLJ.
They liked the movie
why they deleted it? I heard it's something about the girl, but why not just cut out the intro in that case
Mr Plinkett hacked the cinema machines.
Calling it.
yfw; star wars da last jedi is the worst thing since MY SON
>>my son
>>not "my wife's son"
When will Plinkett get with the times? That fucker is living in the stone ages.
I think you mean his husbands adopted son
They did, check their channel.
>they are silece speaks volumes
I bet you're american
Jay has an adopted son?
Their review of TFA came out 2 days after the premier and R1 3 days after, so TLJ should come out in 1-2 days
yep, on the 20th, a sunday, 2 days after the friday release. if it's not up tonight I'll be surprised.
no, they didn't, they deleted whole Warm Bodies part
kike spotted
It speaks cash grab
Expect them to upload it and quickly delete it for a few hours
Perhaps after tfa it is worth not rushing out a review. Mike half realised after that he was duped aka plinkett review.
that's definitely a joke
lmao can't even spell silence fukken moran
The meds, user.
Probably a copyright strike or some shit. ¯\(°_o)/¯
No it's simple.
They liked it and are afraid to be torn to shreds because their fanbase is exactly the people who want to murder Disney over what they did to Luke.
>are afraid to be torn to shreds
Oh right, the fearsome magapedes are going to get them. They're scared shitless of the power of shadilay.
Just like they were so afraid that they tripled down on their Rogue One hypocrisy.
The idea that RLM is “afraid” to release their review is Sup Forums‘s most autistic fanfic yet.
Thank you
I can't be the only one who enjoys this place just because it is often so over the top autistic.
>TFA was inoffensive
It was pretty offensive to invalidate everything that the heroes accomplished in the original trilogy as well as making complete clowns of them in the process.
R1 didn't thrive to be more than an SW themed war movie and its 2nd half managed that well. The first half was dogshit for sure.
They are giving all you faggots time to watch it so that they can BTFO you and praise it because RLM doesn't have shit soyboy tastes. This kino is the ultimate pleb filter.
I really don't care about the movie, I just like their humour.
>It was pretty offensive to invalidate everything that the heroes accomplished in the original trilogy as well as making complete clowns of them in the process.
I'm pretty sure those were the prequels. Are you sure it's not because you really hate black people?
>said Star Wars needed more "diverse" directors.
You completely missed the point of that joke. They were pointing out Kathleen is a phony progressive who loves to babble about diversity but never puts her money where her mouth is. That's it. Read between the lines, retard.
Why is the audio fucked?
for the last time, jew is a religion not a race you fucking IDIOT
don't be thick. even 20 years ago inter-religion breeding and conversions were a big taboo and more or less socially not allowed. It happened, but really in few cases
That means jewishness basically followed the blood lines back. So if you're jewish, from a long line of jews, you ain't white, kid
But it's already released on their patreon?
le spelling mistake is tantamount to retardation
If that were true it'd have been linked here.
It's grammar, you fucking autistic loser.