Will we ever find out Snoke's backstory?
Will we ever find out Snoke's backstory?
Yeah, probably in some bullshit novel that will come out sometime soon.
Even though the guy was powerful in the force and somehow went unnoticed for years. The most powerful dark side force user since Sidious and Vader and he just dies like nothing ever happened.
I doubt they were going to, but now from the backlash they'll probably tell JJ to add in some awkward exposition dialogue about him
Luke's force ghost will come back and explain Snoke to either Rey or a conflicted Kylo Ren
>ugly white man is evil
>gets what he deserves
do you really need a backstory?
they're never gonna explain what happened between Episode 6's glorious empire and Episode 7's "white supremacist" Nu Order
Yes. JJ will make a brilliant finale and save us from Rian's mess... right?
Whatever happened to the theory of him being Darth Plaugis (sp)? That was actually intruiging, but we got no hint whatsoever as to who the fuck he was
Gotta hand it to Rian, he managed to not only retroactively make the OT worse (more than VII did) and VII worse, he even managed to screw over the SEQUEL by setting up an impossible scenario where either JJ ignores it or retcons it or just explains it despite having no relevance anymore.
Would fit if you accept that Plagueis is a moron who can’t stop getting assassinated by his own apprentices.
Is it me or did he look much more threatening on a hologram in TFA? Now he just looks like a deformed guy. Even his voice sounded different.
It's Plagueis. Palpatine thought he killed him. We think Kylo and Rey killed him. He can cheat death. It is well known (though not among the jedi)
Disney's Soy Wars is being made up as they go along. They don't have even the vaguest outline for sequels.
Snoke solo movie when?
JJ’s to blame. He should’ve just explained all of his “mystery box” shit instead of leaving everything hanging. He’s been doing this since LOST, and I don’t doubt he’ll do it again in Episode IX.
Disney's too pussy to go down the Snoke = Plagueis route. Damn fucking shame too.
yes in the prequels to these new movies
maybe, if the producers find someone who can write it.
you think they're going somewhere with this? they are making shit up as they go along, it literally doesn't matter as long as it sells, and it will always sell.
>Landis Fields
Someone named their kid after a kid killer. Inb4 there's a Savile Smith walking around this planet.
Yes? Where the fuck was this super powerful sith during the first three movies.
You can't just introduce a character like Snoke into an established universe with zero explanation.
wait your post implies sidious and Vader were equals or mroe powerful than snoke?
I thought it was heavily implied/ shown through exposition that snoke was the all time most powerful Dark side force user and near god level?
No and it doesn’t matter. His death was the better than any shitty back story they could have cooked up
>mfw Jar Jar Abrams brings him back and excuses his death as tangible Force projection, a step above Luke's feat in TLJ.
No. He'll borrow from ROTJ. But since ROTJ took a lot from ANH itself, he'll basically be making TFA again. True pottery.
The two biggest non-events of this trilogy have been Snoke's identity and Rey's parents. At least one of them was addressed.
>he'll basically be making TFA again. True pottery.
The circle is complete.
his backstory was to be killed by kylo ren so our new badboy forbidden love interest is able to simultaneously display his power and his willingness to do anything for our 5/10 female lead
we /twilight/ nao
>thought snoke would realize ben was trying to kill him and whip the lightsaber away at the last second
>instead he actually just fucking dies
Honestly it would make sense for him to still be Plagueis. He's the epitome of "strike me down with all your hatred and your journey to the dark side will be complete" He's able to catalyze the universes greatest monsters and come back from it.
Snoke's Foke and Soke
>train sith lords
>groom them to be dark enough to kill you
>revive yourself
>repeat until you've created a small army of sith lords so evil they're willing to kill the people who taught them their powers
Sounds pretty cool to me.
He was a real asshole to Kylo and Rey and called both of them children. No wonder Kylo killed him out of anger.
He isn't? Only one who claimed Snoke was as powerful or more powerful than the Emperor was Andy himself, which means all of jackshit. Also "god level" is already canonically shown by the Son being the literal embodiment of the dark side in The Clone Wars series.
>name is literally Race Mixer
Bravo JJ
that was just a hologram, kid
Come up with an original post, reddit.
Honestly as stupid as that sounds i wouldn't care. Hell, put him back on screen for five minutes, give him a backstory, and kill him again. At least it's something
He was an old, white man. All you need to know.