>”go back to Sup Forums“
”go back to Sup Forums“
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck the mods. You will hang from the street lights on the day of the rope.
>"go back to r*****"
>green texting and using quotation marks
more like go back to the_donald desu
>"praise kek!"
dumb fucking redditshits
And not a single tit between the lot of 'em
You’re showing how new you are retards. That’s a perfectly fine thing to do when quoting someone. Ffs lurk more.
If you're unironically racist and looking for "muh SJW propaganda" everywhere you should probably remain in your containment board.
Is that the unibrow Sup Forumstard?
>this damage control
Girl on the right is pretty cute desu
Great argument.
Is that skrillex look outta fashion already?
Only if it's something like a greentext story and there are actions mixed with dialogue.
You are a newfag here, let me se you triforce, you have 3 minutes
I really miss her replies to Trump, did she get blocked
Is it even possible for an asian girl to be ugly?
>pokemon go to the polls
Even better one.
unironically worse than OP
sage, because this is not television nor movies
go back to your containment board you fat fucking autist
She got blocked and threw a fit how she was meeting with lawyers to unironically sue Trump for blocking her.
you dont fucking greentext and quote unless you were already doing a greentext that didn't have fucking quotes. it was literally originally meant to address certain parts of a post you were replying to
I've seen it before but it's a rare breed
An average asian girl is cuter than an average white girl
That is a real abortive attempt at what is usually a cute hairstyle. And I want to fug. The Asian girl, obviously because she is Asian, but also because she is objectively cute.
The guy should just fucking khs.
Why does Sup Forums like Sup Forums so much?
Anonymous 12/17/17(Sun)03:12:07 No.91694015▶
go back to your containment board you fat fucking autist
"Hi. im an autist. and im calling you an autist"
you stupid imbecile.
OK el chapo
If all the other boards hate Sup Forums, that must mean they're doing something right, right?
faggot shit
>not understanding how to greentext
>thinking there’s a rule book somewhere
I can’t wait for Star Wars to die down and the redditers to leave.
I kek'd.
Have you seen Star Wars: The Last Jedi?
Sup Forums only started being hated when they became a plebbit colony.
nice yoga pants
Her chubby cheeks are so cute! I want to kiss them all over
caca thread is a go
It's one of the biggest battlefields of the kulturkampf.
I want Disney shills to leave.
>this is what /The_Donald actually thinks
Reminder that this guy gets laid.
so pre gamer gate? Sup Forums harbor????
Great film and television discussion here.
Damn shame, she was great and this is someone who supports Trump
>political messages present in film and television
>if you comment on it some retard will tell you to go "back to Sup Forums" or some literally what reddit board
It's like commenting on a car or a gun in a film and getting told to go back to /o/ or /k/. You can have opinions and thoughts about things outside of film, and then comment how they are presented in film.
However OP, the anons are right about your particular use of quotes with greentext.
Can you imagine being so offended by such an innocent joke that you spam pics of dogs shutting? LMFAO
>Too white
Im not a shill. I hated the movie so fucking much. Its the worse of the series.
But goddamnit. I love asian women too much. My korean friend showed me a class photo to prove to me ugly asian women exist. Everyone around me seeing the photo all cringed and said she was fat and ugly. But i literally blurted out
>shes HOT!
The yellow fever is strong with me.
white bois btfo
Admit it. you'd fuck a spark plug if lips were drawn on it user
no. id fuck a spark plug if there were squinty eyes drawn on it.
This girl is so sexy
Its "Hacker on steroids" all over again.
>"Muh evil hackers"
>"Muh evil Sup Forums trolls"
Are you ok, user? Jesus.
It's been over a year and you guys are still obsessed with this woman
Sup Forums's a great place to recruit people from. Show them that everything they know is wrong, and they begin to ask questions. Ask enough questions and you'll eventually find the truth, as we have.
Hello, Mudda. Hello, Fadda. Now I'm posting. Perro caca.
>muh shitposting makes a difference anywhere
>no STDs
>no unwanted pregnancies
>can just jerk it for pleasure
This slut is unironically correct.
Damn, It's almost sad. Like that kid has a stance and perspective on "said issues" and think he matters. But as soon as he leaves his house he's immediately btfo by a roastie. It doesnt matter where he goes. He will be a goofie looking kid with not even a haircut spewing his political nonsense.
Look at his room(Look at this duuude). Is that an ironing board? He has no bed frame. It looks like a twin sized bed. That night stand. He obviously lives with his parents.
What is he doing with his left hand? Is he trying to be funny and do that gesture Donald Trump does??
Poor kid.
>You can have opinions and thoughts about things outside of film, and then comment how they are presented in film.
...until the thread starts de-evolving into DRUMPF or Race baiting, or why the jews are inferior/superior, or how the Jews are using the BBC in order to brainwash white women into going BLACKED
Goodnight Alt-Right. Your heads will be put on a stake. #notmypresident