Redeem the weakest Skywalker ever
Impregnates Rey
Can't 2bh unless he fucks Daisy.
Lucky Kylo. He's eventually going to get to bury his face in Rey's hairy, smelly space pussy. How does hygiene work aboard the Falcon? I've never seen a shower on board.
He kills the entire cast and then himself, returning it all to nothing.
They wipe their asses with porgs
But seriously. Flying around in outer space without access to a shower, I worry about Rey's feminine hygiene if our boy is going to put his face on it. I know the temp on most ships is kept at a minimum which is why everyone is always quite well bundled if you care to notice. The low temp will surely help to arrest body odor, but getting up close is another matter.
Smelly, smelly vaginas. What are we going to do about this?
Last time I checked he’s surpassed Vader’s accomplishments already and it’s not even the third movie. If he wasn’t going to get ruined in the next movie by disney specifically for being a white male I’d say hes better than Vader.
>surpassed Vader’s accomplishments
No he didn't?
>kills snoke
>kills han
>kills luke
Kylo is OP.
>killed his own master
>rules 90% of the galaxy
Vader only did one of those and that was 5 mins before he died
I thought he was the only character in the new movies who is even slightly interesting?
killed han solo
killed his own Sheev and didn't have to die for it
Vader never lost to an untrained girl tho.
He did PDA on Uncle Luke's Christian Minecraft Server and survived.
that's the true space trucker life, piss bottles rolling around the hold, eating roller nerf dogs, picking up twi'lek lizards
To redeem Kylo and complete his character arc he needs to be brought over to the light, probably from a mix of Luke's force ghost and Rey. Bonus points for him actually banging Rey.
Realistically speaking though best case scenario is Rey dying to turn him over, worst case is him sacrificing himself in a super cliche way for her
no but he was a slave to a old man both as a child and as a sith lord lmao
This is true of a lot of TV and movies though. In anything set in a zombie apocalypse people would literally smell like shit all the time.
have we finished the time machine?
yes sir
activate its time circuits to the moment luke was still on tatooine
why sir?
because i want to be in a good movie
>white male
Uhmm sweetie he's a jewish prince with a cross lightsaber that wants to kill space jesus
Why would either of these happen? There's no big bad anymore, only Kylo. Rey and Kylo have to fight at the end unless you want another anti-climax.
Vader was never in a position where he just killed a loved one and got shot through the stomach with a bowcaster, then had to fight two capable people
He also took Chewie's Bowcaster to the gut and wasn't even trying to kill Rey.
>smell like shit
>sweaty summer time asshole smell
I get it dude. Sweaty summertime butthole that's been wiped but not showered. It's a bit gnarly.
Yeah, because Vader wouldn't allow himself to be put in that situation.
why do people like kylo?
he's the worst fucking villain ever
boring, dull, with no personality
Even Darth Maul had more personality than him
>Uncle Luke's Christian Minecraft Server
and Vader never rekt Master Luke or Master Yoda
meanwhile Kylo easily defeated Luke
No redemption, he goes his own way with his knights after they destroy the FO.
They gonna make up some forcebond too strong will kill Rey if he dies, he retreats to the unknown regions, Rey and her resistance get to win.
So there, everybody wins, Rey fans, Kylo fans, Reylo fans etc.
Except for the rabbid SJWs.
My reasoning is that hes way to popular to kill in a such a cliche fashion, and they developed the character against that shit.
>has a lightsaber
>actually does shit
>only reasonable character in the whole trilogy
>No personality
Quite the opposite. He's an actual character with flaws and motivations. That's what puts him above lifeless characatures like Darth Maul
Maybe they're setting him up to be some sort of Byronic Hero?
actually Kylo probably is stronger than Vader if you think about it
he fucking rekt Luke when Luke was a grandmaster, and Luke rekt Vader in ROTJ.
He needs to breed Rey
>no personality
>he says while posting a webm of the character throwing a tantrum
They could fit a cramped stall on the other side of the little space shitter alcove, I guess. Or have the whole stall double as one, like a Japanese bathroom
Redemption or death.
It's Disney. Rey will fight him of course but she will turn him over and then they'll team up and take down the big bad. Kylo will be forgiven of all his crimes and then they have a happy family together.
This, unironically.
He does have personality but I agree that he's dull and boring. Even more confusing is why his soldiers even follow his orders. With how much of alittle shit he acts you'd think the order would just say fuck him and get rid of him but whatever. Just because he's a whiny prince and the most emotional of the cast in the new trilogy doesn't mean that he's a good character. He's just the best when compared to the rest of the shit cast since all the good ones were killed off.
Why did Han and Leia have a kid that looked nothing like either of them?
>killed Snoke easily
>defeated Luke easily
His only weakness is that they made Rey such a mary sue that he didn't even choped her hand or something in their battles and pretty much lost both.
you resemble your grandparents more than your parents
and Kylo does look like EP3 Anakin
No he fucking doesn't
>you resemble your grandparents more than your parents
They could have literally turned him over at the end of second act and everyone in the audience would have cheered for Ben Solo....yet they didn't.
They made it clear this dude won't some goody 2 shoes.Beyond his trauma and abuse, the dude is actually kinda of a bad bloke.
>Rey will fight him of course but she will turn him over and then they'll team up and take down the big bad.
>the big bad
Who is?
I was wondering why they didn't betray him when he came down from the ship. They could have just blasted him away, but then they would have to take orders from the blonde moron
He's the only character in the new trilogy to actually have an interesting personality.
>he fucking rekt Luke?
Except not really? Luke was reeling from peering into Kylo's mind and from the fact that he almost killed his own nephew. Kylo just acted on instinct and made the building collapse on Luke.
In the final scene between Kylo and Luke it's clear that Kylo doesn't hold a candle to Luke. Luke's fucking projection was playing games with him. This should be the time when Kylo is at his most powerful, having cut off all of his ties to the past and giving himself over fully to the Dark Side.
>b-but the force projection could do things that Luke can't!
Clearly not if Kylo didn't catch on that he wasn't really there until his lightsaber went right through him.
>Kylo does look like EP3 Anakin
u fockin wot
Punished Snoke
Team up with Punished Luke when?
>user says Kylo Ren and EP3 Anakin
>posts Adam Driver and EP2 Anakin for his retarded comparison
All this movie needed was better character development. Hux could take over as the main villain if he wasn't treated like a joke this movie. Snoke's origin and weakness could have been resolved with one line of dialogue. Perhaps he was really powerful but he isn't able to read people, it could be a character trait, back story and something that fleshes him out more.
This movie is garbage and I hate it.
He is not a fucking Skywalker he is a Solo
Well, he kind of killed his life long manipulator for Rey. And then she turned him down. Can't blame him for being mad. It kind of means he killed his dad for nothing and now he has to live with it.
a Solo Skywalker
>yet they didn't.
because they have another film to make and this is the only plotline audiences really care about
>Anakin's facial structure changes between AotC and RotS
He's just like his grandpa. Autistic and prone to outbursts of tardrage.
We'll know in the next movie.
Kylo Ren is an interesting character and the exploration of him is one of the few things I like about the new movies but he's terrible as a villain. He isn't threatening at all and just comes off as laughable and now that he's supposed to be the new big bad with Snoke dead it's going to be hard to make him a credible intimidating presence which they will try their hardest to do in the next installment of this garbage.
and then they throw a force connection on there and some kind of implied romance with the lead Jedi.
Johnson literally threw so many wrenches in JJ's final movie i would not be surprised if JJ doesn't punch him in the face
>two extremely attractive people produce some goblinoid like Driver
I don't see it.
Yeah, TLJ made me feel like the whole Star Wars saga has become Arrested Development: Skywalker edition.
The Skywalkers are a fucking mess.
the entire first order is such a non-threat that it's basically scooby-doo villain tier
>Saying this about a guy that has to live inside a suit with mechanical limbs because he fucked up
I don't even know how big the First Order is supposed to be. It's never really made clear except that in the title crawl it says they control the galaxy. But we never see evidence of it, we've never even seen a planet occupied by the First Order. Not only that but they just had their largest fleet, including their flagship, decimated. I don't get how anyone is supposed to believe that the First Order is a credible superpower in the galaxy.
I don't get why the First Order is even hunting the resistance at this point since they said the Resistance is only 300-400 people, there are South American countries with more rebels than that. If the First Order apparently controls the whole galaxy why are they even bothering with these losers who have a fleet that can't even match the size of the Rebellion's from Jedi?
Read some history faggot, in China there were times when the communists were an inch away from being slaughtered by Chiang Kai Sheks commie hunts but they managed to survive and convince people to join them, and won.
If they ignored the resistance they would just grow to be as large as the rebellion
I mean the Communists in China always had a large portion of the population supporting them along with decently sized militia forces. While in the scale of the Star Wars universe the Resistance is the equivalent of a few guys armed with guns out in the woods protesting the government. Sure they could kill a few people probably if they wanted but they should by no means be an existential threat to the survival of this state.
>the white bars behind her
>the black wall behind him
Now that he's the main villain I can't wait until his final duel with Rey and he loses yet again
Would have been cool if Rey actually accepted his offer like the entire movie was setting up for instead of bait and switching you for the 10th time. It would have been fucking sweet to have a Light/Dark team ruling the First Order (or a rebranded version of it). You know, try to actually achieve proper balance in the Force for once. Kylo would be a cruel and temperamental ruler but also being a real connection for Rey and giving her a place in the galaxy, while Rey would be benevolent and selfless and trying to curb Kylo's dark tendencies. Hux would have been the antagonist trying to 'Starscream' his way into getting control of the First Order, while Finn and Poe try to 'save' Rey because they think she's brainwashed or being forced to do it.
Would have been a great way to build up hype for the next installment too. The First Order can open up in the third movie as having new purpose, Kylo uses the military to mercilessly crush resistance, while Rey aids in making the First Order genuinely liked through diplomacy and bringing order to lawless planets ruled by gangsters. Then the Resistance could have real difficulty finding allies since the planets conquered by the First Order don't really want to rebel. So their gambit is to rescue Rey since without her the First Order just becomes a hated dictatorship again. Maybe Luke could have had a better final scene where he sacrifices himself to show Rey that Kylo is not worth it.
But nope. Kylo bad grrrr, Rey good yaayy!
Seriously what do I have to look forward to in Episode IX?
>almost gets killed by a laser bolt
>gets a run for his money from a mop-nigger
>can't beat a virgin shedi who's never held a lightsaber
>near necked by an imperial guard on multiple occasions
>only kills the elderly... and only by 'king sabering' them
>raging emo man-child
>face of an inbred delivered with forceps
>lopsided body of young tom cruise
>"ridiculous" mask
10/10 for making Christensen's Anikin look good, kike slavers
This is why it's weird to me that people think Kylo is full Dark Side now, if anything he's more conflicted than ever. He literally killed Snoke and as you say, since Rey turned him down, he's upset about that and everything else.
I do think it's strange that they gave him an arc in this movie that would be something you'd see in a conclusion movie, but it's not so it seems like he's not redeemed because he didn't end that way. but there is another movie and Rian himself said that it would be pointless to get into his head and just have him be bad and die in the end so if redemption is still a huge possibility and this movie is supposed to leave his story open to that possibility I don't get why anyone thinks he's full Dark side.
>and giving her a place in the galaxy
That's basically what Kylo was trying to do but the idea is that she's a strong independant woman who has to find that out on her own and he also has to sort himself out so I guess that's why they parted.
>I don't get how anyone is supposed to believe that the First Order is a credible superpower in the galaxy.
This, they've lost their supreme leader, lost their superweapon, lost their main fleet, any planet unlucky enough to be occupied by the First Order could probably overthrown them with any planetary milita
Why should anyone living in worlds like Coruscant care about the FO or even the Resistance? Where they're standing it's just 2 fringe movements fighting each other at some backwater system and getting constantly BTFO.
Their ships are intimidating for one second for that shot where they warp out of hyperspeed and then they completely job.
>"Those Dreadnoughts are fleet killers!"
>The only ships it destroys is by accident
>Made completely defenseless by one fighter
>All of its fighters can only destroy ships by accident
>Destroyed by a single bombers payload
It's made even worse when Snoke's capital ship is just an even 'biggerer' star destroyer that's just as useful.
>Huge ass star destroyer with an entourage of star destroyers
>can't keep up to destroy a tiny rebel fleet
Did they forget that the Star Destroyer in the opening scene of Episode IV caught up with and captured a Rebel blockade runner?
>women being reasonable
They are going to have him turn toRey in the third movie. They'll just phone it in and copy return of the jedi next due to the current fan reception.
>Dark bars in the light on Reys side
>White lines in the dark on Bens side
There is no redeeming him, he's the /r9k/walker
>tfw they will show him shitposting on /r9k/ because Rey keeps rejecting him
>meanwhile Kylo easily defeated Luke
the fuck are you talking about?
Luke wasn't even trying to fight him. He was trying to tell him "it was just a prank bro" When Kylo exploded the wall behind him.
His skills are actually on par with, if not even better than both Luke and Anakin, it's only because Rey's so OP that he lost against her. And like other anons said by killing his master and taking control of the First Order himself he has already surpassed Vader.