Do you want to see him in Episode 9?
Do you want to see him in Episode 9?
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Why would we?
I'm not ever sure I want to see Episode 9.
Hopefully world war 3 breaks out before it can get released
Dear god no. Now i just want the prequels and ot far away as possible from this shill show at this point.
"Yo Ben! Long time no see! I haven't been able to contact you since Snoke blocked m-"
>Sees that Kylo is the sadistic ruler of the First Order
"You know what? Fuck this, I'm out."
No, I want Sheev.
No, why would anyone want to see him on screen again? He's very obviously not an actor.
>the prequels AND OT
Nice try, cockbreath.
Because he provides the best memes in the franchise, if watch SW for serious acting kys
>nice try
what did i do? I like the prequels. Please. They already tainted the OT with Luke the Soy drinker. Just please leave episode III alone at least!
The whole point of Last Jedi is "fuck the past." We're not seeing him again.
>best memes in the franchise
palpatine and obi-wan are easily ahead of him
>I like the prequels.
What would Anakin look like? Would it be Hayden or Sebastian?
Hayden as a kid, full CGI
He literally has the most well acted scene in the franchise.
this is unironically god tier acting
I fucking hope so. I want Anakin constantly hanging out behind Kylo's back telling him to do stupid shit.
>hey kylo blow up Tatooine
>hey kylo Rey will love it if you force choke her
>kylo, my man, that kid over there used the force. Kill him now faggot
>you aren't a real skywalker if you don't lose your hand. Cut it off faggot
>Anakin's force ghost not talking and just sternly staring at Kylo while he's freaking out about it.
Might be fun
Yes. He should be in Episode 9. It's what the entire trilogy has been building towards. Kylo worships him and his appearance would be the final thing needed to turn him. As a narrative tool, it would baffling if they didn't bring him back.
>blow up Tatooine and all those fucking dune coons before they breed
Jesus JJ what the fuck.
I'll grant you it's a fine scene. But I think the musical score and production has a lot to do with it. Hayden was almost good in this scene.
this humanity needs to be purged and start over.
>he likes the new trilogy more than the prequels
>he thinks anything from the OT tops the anakin and obi wan scenes
Yeah, sure. Why the fuck not at this point?
Lets wish him back with the fucking Dragon Balls while we are at it. Its not like it can get much worse.
would rather have more pod racing desu
The entire Skywalker family was a mistake that should have never happened.
We're told that Anakin Skywalker is a child of the force and that he will ultimately bring balance to the force. He does this, of course, by:
>destroying the jedi order
>killing his friends and family
>overthrowing the government
>shacking up with a creepy old man
His children literally spend their entire lives trying to rectify his mistakes. The only reason the fucking force needed balancing is because he literally ruined everything. Then, after his kids spend years getting everything back to the way it was before their dipshit dad came around, his daughter has a son that fucks everything up again.
Shit, Kylo Ren makes the concept of the Skywalkers themselves fucking pointless. Best thing this new trilogy could do is kill the family off for good so they stop ruining the galaxy.
Destroying the jedi wasn't a mistake.
Are you retards being ironic? I can't even tell anymore. It's like a high school play.
post a better acted scene in the pt nigger
Destroying the Jedi Order was far more trouble than it was worth and had far worse consequences.
The easiest way to balance the force is by killing everyone who uses it.
That came entirely from you. The new movies being bland, pandering shit doesn't excuse the prequels from being incoherent CGI-fests with baffling dialogue and some of the worst editing this side of F4ntasic 4. They're terrible movies, and nothing is going to change that.
Name one negative thing that came from killing a bunch of people who do nothing but jerk each other off in a shitty temple.
>the only way to stop violence is to kill everyone
I don't get the Hayden hate, this man's method acting was GOAT. Nobody in Star Wars has been close to pulling off better face expressions.
>in the pt
Fuck you, even a puppet can act better than mannequin skywalker.
But you already think that the scene posted before is an example of good acting. There's no reasoning with you.
force ghost yoda was the greatest miracle of this movie
easily the best part for me
>{{They}} finally offer pic related enough screentime to satisfy him (the reason why he declined a role in 7) so he signs up for 9
>have him insta-jobbed by a no name TIE pilot
>Poe flies past laughing his ass off
You know it's going to happen.
sounds like this scene from bad lieutenant
Unless they learn some power that can take the force away from users yeah kind of man. Would you rather they just carbonite everyone of them instead and put them on some random planet?
>the sith
>the empire
the made like 9 movies about it
He was only good in the last part of Episode 3.
>the only way to stop war from happening is by disbanding our army
you can't tell me you don't feel Hayden in this scene
He did what he could. Besides, Lucas is a terrible actor director.
The force doesn't go away, it's just only being used by a crazy psychopath now
anakin a shit
That's exactly why the force should be destroyed.
>only a good guy with the force can stop a bad guy with the force
If no one had the force, no one would be killed. Take those two scoops
That does nothing but take the force away from law abiding Jedi. You really think some sith isn't going to find a way to shoot lightning at people?
bringing balance to the force doesn't mean the force goes away. that's why his dipshit grandson is still fucking everything up
I feel like he should be serving tables, not lines. Who the fuck thought he was good enough to... nevermind.
Hell, Ewan McGregor is doing a proper job with the garbage lines he's being fed and the other cunt looks like he's trying to push a giant turd. His girly screams didn't help one bit.
I honestly hope you get the help you need, user. Autism is survivable with treatment.
You can't destroy the force without killing every living thing in the universe. We'd end up with nothing but droids, and they're useless.
How much people did he kill but he get to go to jedi heaven i bet they will redeem the new Vader faggot to
I hate how they try to show Poe as this super uber awesome pilot and it comes as forced and Mary Sue-ish, while Wedge was a no-nonsense guy who got the job done, and was the more awesome because of that
I guarantee that that shot in TFA where Poe is all HUUURRR BEST PILOT EVAAR and takes out like 8 ties in 20 seconds was only put in as fuck you to Denis Lawson for turning them down.
Agreed. Same reason why Winston was the most based Ghostbuster, just a working class no nonsense guy doing his job the best he can.