Oh right. Now I realize why this fucking retarded scene felt so familiar and cringy.
It's literally the same fucking scene as this other trainwreck: youtu.be
Oh right. Now I realize why this fucking retarded scene felt so familiar and cringy.
It's literally the same fucking scene as this other trainwreck: youtu.be
Other urls found in this thread:
Superman is a superhero with godlike powers.
Cocaine lady is a decrepit old lady.
That's why TLJ is as every bit as bad as BvS
bvs was a good movie. also that scene didn't come out of nowhere after 2 movies talking about how superman is a god
>bvs was a good movie
>"let's save Leia in a weird but interesting way"
>Fisher dies
>"well fuck, why did we even bother?"
So you're telling me, that you JUST realized this? After countless memes pointing out the similarities posted here?
Mouse cucks now pinning this on Snyder. Let go mouse fuck. This is your trainwreck.
I really don't visit or shitpost on Sup Forums that often.
>Take two of these every three hours.
BvS was better than TLJ
I guess it's better they rip off Snyder than their own trash MCU
Wow, so TLJ is kino because it references the cinematic and artistic masterpiece that is BvS. Really makes you think...
It was. Sorry the MCU is so unappealing in every way not even Disney can bother to rip themselves off.
Except they did.
The ripped off the shitty action editing.
I've seen comparisons all over the internet, not just here.
What was the point of this scene? Why not just make her not get sucked out into space to begin with?
>that fucking video
I actually liked that scene though. Ghoul Superman was creepy looking.
god she's awful
Most retarded scene of the movie. I just wtf? Did this really happen.
go back nigger
Worse. Just so much fucking worse.
>he doesn't like Snyderkino
Brainlet soyboy cucks need to stop posting desu.
what did malick mean by this
this was when i turned it off and deleted
That's the girl from 28 weeks later, isn't it?
dude plagiarism
>Rian Johnson is a visual genius
-same critics who declared a jihad on Snyder
i like the idea behind the TLJ scene but the execution was jusr hilarious looking. if she was actively "pulling" herself towards the ship with struggle and they spent less time dwelling on it, it wouldn't be memed on as hard
That scene in BvS is actually cool. I like how the military has to call the President to order a nuclear strike on "one of their own".
So, seriously, we can all admit TLJ has more plot holes and unnecessarry contrievancies than BvS?
Everything BvS did badly, TLJ did worse and with none of the good BvS came wrapped in?
Then explain this
Critics have told the world they're paid Disney shills with TLJ. Dr Strange and Homecoming being praised sealed the deal for me. They were rating brands and social media reputation, not the actual films.
I don't think bvs made anything badly to be honest
someone post the full scene please
The teathrical run was a mess. When I watched it in the teathre the first time, it was just so choppy.
Lex Luthor was icky and the whole
was plain stupid.
And Doomsday and the Death of Superman was pointless.
I still liked the general themes and the visual storytelling, but it wasn't a good movie.
yeah shitposting aside the theatrical version left a lot to be desired. Ultimate edition tho that shit is tight
>The Last Jedi is so bad that even BvS outclasses it
fucking lmao
It didn't. But for some reason it has the reputation of doing so much wrong. Go read the reviews on RT. Critics are dancing to the tunes of their own ignorance. How BvS is too fascist, how it's too dark, how it's too confusing. When all these points are not only recognized in the film but also adressed and promptly debunked. Even within the film, Snyder is fighting his critics and he's desperately trying to show them his point of view. But it doesn't matter how bright the sun shines when your eyes are closed.
>13 cuts in 11 seconds
I fucking hate disney
I saw a redditor make a similar proposal. You could achieve all the same tension and the effect of her using the Force by having her use it to stay in the ship, avoid getting sucked out.
wrong, theatrical release is perfect as it is, ultimate adds unnecessary detail that impact on the great pacing
>was plain stupid.
not really no, I mean you can object to superman saying martha instead of mom but ultimately changes nothing about the resolution
>And Doomsday and the Death of Superman was pointless.
it would have made sense if that was the conclusion instead of the beginning of the dceu
Both films have a white man as a god figure. One shits all over him, the other treats him as you would expect. You figure it out.
is this a deleted scene or something?
I honestly don't remember this happening.
Why do the jews do this?
i bet palpatine would have found the ability to force-pull yourself towards something really useful when falling down that shaft.
same with Luke at least two times.
Why did Anakin and Obi-Wan give the clone troopers such a terrible job at the start of episode 3 instead of just flying over to Grievous' ship on their own?
Why didn't Luke just fly like Leia up to the death star and throw a bag of grenades into the exhaust port? Rather than flying in an X-Wing and getting like half the pilots get killed...
Ghosbusters got praised too. It was politically convenient.
How it should have went down
Can we make a massive compilation of scenes like this i know there is more were forgetting.
Nice job leaving the audience reviews out, Disney.
I've never seen sugar glass so apparent in a movie like this before. Bravo Whedon!
>implying bvs was bad
turbo pleb/ soy drinker
>knock knock
>who's there
>It's me, Leia. I am in space so please let me in and open germetically closed door please
>Ah, Ok :)
I loved bvs but i have issues with the wholr martha scene... it was done very awkwardly
Its "hermetically" you dumb fuck
It's germetically in my language. Fuck off.
What third world shithole do you live in where they teach you improper grammer? Its hermetically in every country
What third world shithole do you live in where they teach you improper grammar?
you're reaching my salty friend, ive been browsing since the movie came out and i havent seen anyone say it once
Lucas should've made the trilogy himself all in one go like Jackson did with LOTR. He could've had help along the way of course. Then God be willing he'd allow 3 younger visionaries make their own standalone movie each with the promise that after all this there would be no SW films ever again. Ideally all of this would have concluded by 2012. None of the spinoffs would be shit about Han Solo or Obi-Wan either.
Why would he want to bring Jedis back when the plan was to bring balance to the force? No sith and no jedi = balance.
What third world shithole do you live in where they teach you improper grammor?
What third world shithole do you live in where they teach you improper grammur?
don't be a fucking idiot user
there's no such thing as grammur
imo they could have cut doomsday completely out of it and just made batman the main antagonist with lex pushing his buttons
Exactly This
Then they fucking kill off Luke
Why oh why
That was before disney
does it really matter when he is no doubt going to be back as a force ghost in 9?
>get an emotional send off
>spit on it by bringing him back
It wasn't a sendoff, it was an ascension
Wouldn't being unconscious in the vacuum of space instantly cause your bowels to expel all matter?
>Critics have told the world they're paid Disney shills with TLJ. Dr Strange and Homecoming being praised sealed the deal for me. They were rating brands and social media reputation, not the actual films.
no? you die from cold
found the last DCuck
not really
It might be a trainwreck but it's an amazing movie.
Snyder is a god.
Death is death. And it is a striking one, fitting for a veteran Jedi, finally achieving force nirvana.
But it feels hollow after the end of a disappointing movie with too many questionable character archs. I think the execs responsible for those changing whims heard Mark Hamil's views of the production and treatment of his character, and feared him dropping out of the next big one they had planned. And so they blew their load early, reasoning that they could just use more "force ghosts" for a less actor intrinsic role down the road.
That, and/or they were always no good cunts too lazy to put the legwork into making the journey buildup up to an ending satisfactory. All just to say they were the ones who killed Luke Skywalker.
Guardians of the Galaxy 1
See, is wrong
Fuck you. pOoOots is precious.