How did the telepathy thing between Rey and Kylo work, anyways? Could they see each other all the time or did they have to do something to trigger it?
I need to know whether they spied on each other in the shower. Also post some cute Reylo pics.
How did the telepathy thing between Rey and Kylo work, anyways? Could they see each other all the time or did they have to do something to trigger it?
I need to know whether they spied on each other in the shower. Also post some cute Reylo pics.
I'm sad you can't have lewd scenes in mainstream movies.
did you do the art OP?
No. I think Rey is a metaphorical faggot for not wanting to rule the galaxy. When Kylo asked her to rule with him she should have said yes.
tfw no scene where rey gives kylo an awkward boner
tfw Rey will never be used as a breeding sow by Kylo and he will never drink her tasty tasty mommy milky for breakfast every day
>discount Sephiroth and young adult heroine #355324
Shit characters.
Don't try to tell me you're not thinking of Kylo lightsabering Rey in her forcehole.
Based Reyloposters
It's literally two shit characters, I bet you're the same guy who samefagged Jonerys except this time there's no SW general so you don't only have one thread to shill but several thousands at the same time.
Who's Jonery?
>tfw no scene where Rey and Kylo fell asleep snuggling and Rey felt his big hard cock pressing against her butt
I hope she chops his cock off. Feminism Rules
This reminds me too much of that anne frank pic
She can't do that. It's too big and thick and harder than a diamond. You need special very expensive tools to cut something that hard.
>tfw they didn't make Rey really small so she could hide in Kylo's underpants all day and play with his ujnk
How did we not realise this sexual tension before?
He should've stripped her naked and fucked her on that table