Jurassic Park
Welcome to Jurassic Park
How old is she again?
imagine being John Hammond in this scene
Who’d thought this aryan cutie would become a black cock afficionado later in life
I guess that’s where white women go if they want superior genes for their kids
I can't believe how she looked like a middle-aged woman in that movie compared to her actual age. Was she hired to be the 'sex appeal'?
>that slide whistle
I think it was the right choice. A supermodel being on archeological digs would have broken immersion.
why isn't that t-rex eating those people?
spielberg doesn't hire people for their sex appeal
>CGI Gate
The state of this goddamn industry.
I always wondered what the fuck that was.
>Why didn't they ram the T-Rex
why spend $10k on a 1/4 scale gate and another $10k to film it properly when you can get pajeet to do it for $2k with a virtual camera
Those kids look white as fuck.
wolf brand chili ceebass
Did they?
Ben Harper is half Ashkenazi Jewish.
Some sort of fish dish (squid?) with grated carrots, green beans, tomatoes and an orange dressing.
My bad. Its Chilean sea bass
Why don't they clone and eat extinct animals?