Is the LOTR trilogy the best trilogy of all time?
Is the LOTR trilogy the best trilogy of all time?
yes indeed
Name a better one
Maybe if you're a soyboy from reddit
Why didn't they just pawn the ring at Rick Harrison's pawn shop?
Fellowship is so much better than the other 2. The 2nd half of Return is top tier though.
>tfw as a kid I like mostly the battle scenes
>now I only care about the Frodo/Sam scenes
Because the huge battle scenes are boring.
Back to the Future
Star Wars
Indiana Jones
The Naked Gun
Leone's Dollars trilogy
Leone's Once Upon a Time trilogy
Evil Dead
All are better than LotR.
I love this guy so much, I was in tears when I watched it for the first time again since I was a teen
>Back to the future
Stopped reading there
>Imagine having this shit taste
this, fotr is basically the perfect fantasy movie
>Fellowship is so much better than the other 2.
So the other two are even more fucking boring?
>Because the huge battle scenes are boring.
Can't be any worse than the non-battle portions of the films.
>Star Wars
It's pop culture kitsch like any other movie that doesn't have overture, intermission, and so on.
Movies haven't had "bests" since the 60's.
Come to think of it, most things haven't.
>imagine being this pleb
The last hour of ROTK might be my favorite hour of anything.
This scene makes me feel so many feels everytime I watch it, the music, the writing and the acting is literal cinema nirvana
This was the first scene I was going to post here.
I'm falling asleep here.
>Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
>Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
Pisses me off he wasn't given an oscar nomination for it at least when his performance was one of the things everyone was praising
>muh taste
It's Lord of the Rings you're talking about. A Peter Jackson trilogy made for selling toys and soundtracks just like the rest of those things.
Look at this shit. Nothing on that list sits on a lower plane than this.
We aren't talking about books here, people. It's derivative, it's Hollywood. Read them and then watch the movies again. From the first scene of the first movie, the tone is set like a Broadway shtick.
>*sappy music*
>*dutch angles*
>OH NO! IT'S THE BLaCk RiDeRs! What'll we do, Captain Planet?
please never wake up
I will, but Tolkien won't. That's a great thing.
>tfw this isn't copypasta
>someone was so butthurt he actually typed this all out
Not helping your case
The movies, yes.
The books, arguable.
Those Third Man angles are actually a deliciously experimental kino moment in the middle of a conventionally-filmed epic. You're just too much of a pleb.
>ugh someone took the time out of their day to write four sentences and share a picture disagreeing with me
I didn't write that list. You're just wrong to hold this movie up as something more special than any of those names. Go watch Lawrence of Arabia. Go READ Lord of the Rings.
>This entire post
Um, sweatie, this isn't Reddit.
>"waaah its putting me to sleep"
>still posting
it's alright you can start your baby nap now no one here cares that much about your opinions
Not really, no. Fellowship is amazing, but Towers and Return are pretty weak. There's a lot of Hobbit in those movies already. Cut away Ballsack Face and Rabbit Sled from the first Hobbit and it's arguably superior to the latter LotR movies.
Sorry frodo, but this loyal sonofabitch is the real hero of this story.
No. They're fell in quality every movie.
>Cut away Ballsack Face and Rabbit Sled from the first Hobbit and it's arguably superior to the latter LotR movies.
I don't even know what to say to you user
Says less about the books than it does about film as a medium.
I know you're fucking around but the other lurkers in this thread need to know:
> in the middle of a conventionally-filmed epic
First off, this isn't a conventionally-filmed epic. It's conventional as a millenial summer blockbuster, I'll give you.
Second, I think you're right. "Experimental" as a 90's commercial for bubble gum. Jammed into the middle of this movie?
That's called inconsistency. It's bad for a movie.
>TT better than Return
Anyone who thinks pop culture tripe like these movies is untouchable sacred ground is more Reddit than this website deserves.
Molloy, Malone Dies and The Unnamable is better trilogy
barbie fairytopia
Two Towers could get boring, but RotK is terrible, pacing wise and the battle(s) suffer from being too long and "awesome", especially after TT did it better with Helm's Deep. Also, Frodo's story is unengaging.
Nah, original star wars trilogy without the extra special effects scenes is WAY better.
Can't imagine disagreeing more. The ending is so drawn-out and it's melodramatic as fuck. Fellowship's moments felt far more earnest by comparison.
I don't know, maybe I'm just an autist but I've always enjoyed what Journey and Fellowship were going for as well as the smaller scale of it all. I feel bored as fuck by huge battle sequences and ebin!!! reddit moments.
It's the small stuff like this that made me love
(parts of) the first Hobbit.
cristopher's nollan batman
it is pretty much the pinnacle of pre 9/11 hollywood, the end of an era.No more grande storytelling. no more good vs evil, instead a state of perpetual warfare and evermore division.
everyone yearned for someone to throw tat ring into mtdoom and nobody did
Yeah, the first 3 Indiana Jones movies are also better. Not sure if Die Hard is better too but it's pretty gud.
Now this garbage is even worse.
Why is it that I keep running into nerds who think they're special for having seen Clerks trying to pass this scene off as their own personal insight?
Any conversation involving Lord of the Rings is an invitation for some mouth breather to come in and try to impress people by saying "hurr it's all walking", and then other people who've seen the same movie somehow look at him and agree like they've just discovered something.
ROTK was shit
It succinctly encapsulates the entire trilogy perfectly. LotR is trash. It's always been trash. Tolkien is terrible at telling a story.
>Why is it that I keep running into nerds who think they're special for having seen Clerks
I'm European (not Britbong) and I can't think of a single person I know, friend or otherwise, that's even knows what these are (this includes neckbeard friends online).
shit movies
I know!! And how problematic are those scenes with the muslims??
Yeah, I would put Die Hard above LotR.
the two towers were orthanc and cirith ungol
not barad dur
>Tolkien is terrible at telling a story.
You're an idiot. I unironically used to think this when I was a teen and preferred the movies, but you'd have to be retarded to think this as a well-read adult.
In America, they're huge among neckbeards. "Fedora" class movies.
Look at this list - I just google'd it.
Didn't even know Clerks would be in it.
Yeah man, those 30 page descriptions of rocks, trees, and rivers sure do move the plot along.
Watching the disappointment that is The Last Jedi made me appreciate the brilliance of the LOTR even more.
I'm still astounded that such an epic trilogy was made, untarnished by the studios.
Didn't read that either.
in the books this conversation happened in bag end, at the beginning of the story
Of course a 56'er thinks LOTR is trash because it talks about bloodlines, culture and bravery.
seek medical help
>those 30 page descriptions of rocks, trees, and rivers sure do move the plot along
Go ahead and link me a single page of purple prose.
It doesn't encapsulate anything and Kevin Smith was such a dipshit he couldn't even think of a way to end this scene other than "hurrr the nerd throws up!"
He has an astounding reverence for nature, my friend. That's what it's about.
Here is Gimli explaining the beauty of caves to an Legolas, likening them to that of his forests:
"You may think them wonderful, but I have seen a greater wonder in this land, more beautiful than any grove or glade that ever grew: my heart is still full of it."
‘Strange are the ways of Men, Legolas! Here they have one of the marvels of the Northern World, and what do they say of it? Caves, they say! Caves! Holes to fly to in time of war, to store fodder in! My good Legolas, do you know that the caverns of Helm’s Deep are vast and beautiful? There would be an endless pilgrimage of Dwarves, merely to gaze at them, if such things were known to be. Aye indeed, they would pay pure gold for a brief glance!’ ‘And I would give gold to be excused,’ said Legolas; ‘and double to be let out, if I strayed in!’ ‘You have not seen, so I forgive your jest,’ said Gimli. ‘But you speak like a fool. Do you think those halls are fair, where your King dwells under the hill in Mirkwood, and Dwarves helped in their making long ago? They are but hovels compared with the caverns I have seen here: immeasurable halls, filled with an everlasting music of water that tinkles into pools, as fair as Kheled-zâram in the starlight."
your Dole Dippers, James
RotK is the worst because they ommited the Scouring of the Shire entirely, which changes the moral of the story significantly.
Unequivocally "YES"
He means those instances where Tolkien takes more than four sentences to build up the lay of the land so the reader can differentiate environments on the continent.
It was probably the first instance of a man truly inventing a fantastical history with it's own solid, believable earth, but w/e it's hard to read.
Fellowship is on this list. I actually do think LOTR is one of the best film trilogies ever made but what exactly is this list supposed to be saying? If people like something then it's fedoracore?
‘And, Legolas, when the torches are kindled and men walk on the sandy floors under the echoing domes, ah! then, Legolas, gems and crystals and veins of precious ore glint in the polished walls; and the light glows through folded marbles, shell-like, translucent as the living hands of Queen Galadriel. There are columns of white and saffron and dawn-rose, Legolas, fluted and twisted into dreamlike forms; they spring up from many-coloured floors to meet the glistening pendants of the roof: wings, ropes, curtains fine as frozen clouds; spears, banners, pinnacles of suspended palaces! Still lakes mirror them: a glimmering world looks up from dark pools covered with clear glass; cities, such as the mind of Durin could scarce have imagined in his sleep, stretch on through avenues and pillared courts, on into the dark recesses where no light can come. And plink! a silver drop falls, and the round wrinkles in the glass make all the towers bend and waver like weeds and corals in a grotto of the sea. Then evening comes: they fade and twinkle out; the torches pass on into another chamber and another dream. There is chamber after chamber, Legolas; hall opening out of hall, dome after dome, stair beyond stair; and still the winding paths lead on into the mountains’ heart. Caves! The Caverns of Helm’s Deep! Happy was the chance that drove me there! It makes me weep to leave them.’
ROTK also had some kino music
Listen to that shit. I feel like they don't even make scores like that anymore.
>Is the LOTR trilogy the best trilogy of all time?
No because it doesnt deconstruct white supremacy and elevate the black struggle against institutional racism.
Not in the least. People still don't understand what "fedora" was supposed to mean.
The same way they don't understand what "hipster" is supposed to mean.
It's somewhere between pseudo-intellectual and pseudo-unique. Things you say you like specifically to SIGNAL your personality to others. Superficial knowledge.
It doesn't mean these are bad films. But as you look across the list as a whole you are supposed to get an aggregate feeling.
‘Then I will wish you this fortune for your comfort, Gimli,’ said the Elf, ‘that you may come safe from war and return to see them again. But do not tell all your kindred! There seems little left for them to do, from your account. Maybe the men of this land are wise to say little: one family of busy dwarves with hammer and chisel might mar more than they made.’
‘No, you do not understand,’ said Gimli. ‘No dwarf could be unmoved by such loveliness. None of Durin’s race would mine those caves for stones or ore, not if diamonds and gold could be got there. Do you cut down groves of blossoming trees in the springtime for firewood? We would tend these glades of flowering stone, not quarry them. With cautious skill, tap by tap – a small chip of rock and no more, perhaps, in a whole anxious day – so we could work, and as the years went by, we should open up new ways, and display far chambers that are still dark, glimpsed only as a void beyond fissures in the rock. And lights, Legolas! We should make lights, such lamps as once shone in Khazad-dûm; and when we wished we would drive away the night that has lain there since the hills were made; and when we desired rest, we would let the night return.’ ‘You move me, Gimli,’ said Legolas. ‘I have never heard you speak like this before. Almost you make me regret that I have not seen these caves. Come! Let us make this bargain – if we both return safe out of the perils that await us, we will journey for a while together. You shall visit Fangorn with me, and then I will come with you to see Helm’s Deep.’ ‘That would not be the way of return that I should choose,’ said Gimli. ‘But I will endure Fangorn, if I have your promise to come back to the caves and share their wonder with me.’
Fellowship is the only one that approached the fantasy mood of the books somewhat. The books were all about immersing yourself in the world, with all the songs/poetry/strange encounters/description of townsfolk/culture and folklore/etc. The Shire was pretty comfy and they did everything else well with the time they had and in trying to appeal to a Hollywood audience.
The epic battles were tiresome as well filmed as they were.
I think I prefer the story without it. Actually most of the stuff about the hobbits of the shire being such cunts in FOTR & ROTK getting cut helped. The Shire actually came of like a place of innocence which should be protected. I just thought they were as bad as everyone else in the books.
Then again it's been a while since I read them
It's funny, I haven't actually met an academic libtard who talks this way about LotR, though I should have if they really believed their own garbage philosophies.
The activists at places like Berkeley do, so I'm sure if I looked there I could find it. Or maybe if I looked on my own college campus, at the more higher-up types.
Thing is - your average "forward thinking liberal" is really just a parrot for pop culture. LotR indeed has very "problematic" messages, the books moreso than the movies. But these people usually can't see it because they're too busy sculpting an identity out of their admiration for shit they watched on television.
It's like admitting Doctor Who is a neo-nazi or something to them. They'd never be able to do it.
>Back to the Future
Only the first one is good
>Star Wars
Only the first two are "good"
>Indiana Jones
Only the first and third are good
>The Naked Gun
Have you watched it recently?
>Leone's Dollars Trilogy
Only the third is good
>Leone's Once Upon a Time trilogy
I admit I only saw two of them
>Evil Dead
Novelty b-movie trash for stoners
Well stated and I agree
>The Shire actually came of like a place of innocence which should be protected. I just thought they were as bad as everyone else in the books.
Well that was the entire point of that chapter.
To show that the Shire is not some heaven on middle earth.
And to show that even if you defeat the great evil, doesn't mean you got rid of all of it.
And it's supposed to show us the growth of the Hobbits. After all, it's just them, led by Merry and Pippin that successfully rebel against Saruman. Without the help of all the armie and wizards.
>>Back to the Future
>Only the first one is good
>>Leone's Dollars Trilogy
>Only the third is good
Imagine having taste THIS shit
Yeah pretty much why I liked FOTR the most. I don't dislike the other 2 by any means but the first one is just so comfy from beginning to end