The worst thing is that Hamill kept telling Johnson it was all out of character but the dickhead never listened...

The worst thing is that Hamill kept telling Johnson it was all out of character but the dickhead never listened, he was also adamant luke die in 8 not 9

Who cares what Hamill thinks?
This is Disneys property now.

He's a pretentious hack, who thought he was too good for Star Wars.

Shoo shoo shill.

Hamill is just butthurt he didn't get to do lightsaber cartwheels and shit. He thought this movie would revive him as an action hero.

>When people were pleased about his addition because they heard his movies were supposed to be good
Plebs, when will they learn? He's always been a hack.

Too bad, the agenda requires him to be titsucking, child-murder-fantasizing, useless hobo.

Fuck off Disney shills. You're currently provoking a boycott in protest of your spam.




Nah, he's probably made they turned him into a fucking asshole.

Luke has never been perfect. He's always struggled with the dark side, and unless you actually wanted a story about how meditation leads to mora perfection, then you shouldn't find it unrealistic or out of character that this normal human guy could make a moral mistake in a way that betrays one of his students. If you're seriously are mad that Luke Skywalker did something imperfect, than that's pretty childish, and you're missing the entire point about anyone's moral fiber not being perfectly black or white.

It's literally a feminist movie, they can't have a major role being played by a fucking white male unless they are evil.

hope they just ignore VIII ever happened in IX even TFA and the prequels were good in comparison

It ruins his character development in the OT

Hamill also wanted Luke to turn to the dark side in RoTJ. Actors are not writers.

Can we also boycott the Sup Forumsfags while we're at it?

The entire concept of Luke sneaking in to Kylo Rens home is built off the concept of FEAR. Luke FEARED Kylo's potential in the dark side. Luke was AFRAID of what MIGHT happen in the future.
The Luke that did the death star trench run.
The Luke that redeemed space hitler by accepting his death and refusing to kill him.
The Luke that was nothing but a desert farmboy turned Jedi Grand-Master, was afraid of a 15yo.

If you're afraid a 15yo is gonna do something fucked up you sit down with them. You talk to them. You ask them to let you in. Then you show them how they are wrong. Thats what a good teacher does, a good mentor. A BAD mentor sneaks in to their pupils building and pokes around in their sleeping pupils fucking brain. Then loses self-control and prepares to kill them.
Are you kidding me? Did Luke walk around his Academy with his green dick at his side at all times? Or did he consciously think to himself "Gee whizz, im about to sneak in to a kids home, better take my laser sword."

Who's giving money to Sup Forums? That doesn't make any sense. Just ignore them. But deffo boycott Disney (particularly Star wars).

Redeeming Vader wasn't a trilogy-wide arc, that was only going on in Jedi. He hated and wanted to kill Vader for two movies before learning the truth, and even then he almost killed Vader anyway when the Emperor taunted him. Luke has always had rage and the potential for the dark side within him. Just makes him even more of a heroic person that he resisted it his whole life.

Kill yourself retard

Yes. The first thing is to stop bitching about them considering them a boogeyman.

Not really. Luke won a huge battle for the good guys, and when trying to raise a new generation, was so afraid that the evil he once defeated would come again that he was momentarily tempted to kill it before it emerged. He didn't end up doing it, but the quick temptation to kill evil in the womb was enough to cause a generation of problems. It doesn't ruin his OT development for him to want to stop evil before it does something bad.

Most 15 year olds aren't capable of genocide

Just go back queer

Sure, let's just trade one boogeyman for another.

Luke isn't fucking anyone. This is post OT Luke. This is Jedi-Master Luke. This is "im gonna start an academy Luke."
He's had FIFTEEN YEARS AT LEAST since the end of the Empire to delve even deeper in to the mysteries of the force. To truly become a Grand-Master of the Jedi.

Luke Skywalker, having done the Trench Run, having redeemed space hitler through his own self-sacrifice and helped bring down the regime of a space pope hitler, having been taught by Yoda himself in the ways of the force, then had FIFTEEN YEARS BEFORE SNEAKING IN TO A TEENAGERS HOUSE WITH A LIGHTSABER ON HIS HIP TO READ HIS MIND to think about why that just might be a bad fucking idea.

t. triggered Sup Forumsfag

Yeah Luke isn't a perfect person. Never was. Luke felt fear and wasn't able to fight it fast enough to prevent him from briefly getting ready to kill someone he detected would become evil. You really don't think that's reasonable in a story like this?

Neither was 15yo Ben Solo.
Fifteen year old Ben Solo was seeing and feeling a lot of fucked up shit. Why? Because of Snoke fucking with his head, apparently. He was a kid. He had commited no crime, his only crime was being a victim. Then his teacher, his Mentor, sneaks in to his house and was literally, legitimately about to kill him, even if it was for a second, in that second it was going to happen.

That fucks you up.

someone skipped the yoda scenes in episode 5

Holy fuck the amount of shills in this thread who thinks character regression is good. How much does the mouse pay you?



Not when that someone is a fifteen year old kid.
Not when that someone is a student that Luke had known for at least a year.
Not when Luke had every opportunity before sneaking in to a kids home to sit down with a teenager and say "Son, I can sense you are feeling a lot of darkness right now. Please, speak to me."

Grand-Master Luke is totally incompetent due to this one scene. It isn't a "Oh, everyone makes mistakes." This is a practitioner of the light side. A grand master practitioner of the light-side of the force. About to kill a kid for crimes he had not committed.

The real moral imperfection should've been Luke unable to kill his nephew who has turned evil even though he knows its the right thing to do after Kylo has fully turned. His love for his family and his friends is that strong that is who Luke Skywalker is. Not this crib strangler.

So what, you think someone just needs to study religion a bit and it becomes impossible for them to do anything wrong? Do you think you can just 'become a sage' and suddenly never have to deal with temptation or struggle in your life? Luke had a human, normal lapse of judgement. He saw something evil come back that he hadn't seen in fifteen years since he defeated it. Using magic focus to shoot a torpedo accurately, or asking your evil dad to do the right thing while you're being tortured, does not transform you've into a person who can do no wrong. It's not about 'light side points', it's about being a human, and humans have flaws.

You missed the scene where Yoda explains that the ancient texts are just meaningless words, being a Jedi Master is just a fancy title, that everyone makes mistakes and that's how we learn, and being a virtuous good person and bringing light to the force is a lot bigger than all that. Imagine you had a chance to kill baby Hitler. I mean think about what you could prevent, but at the same time, you would be killing a defenseless little child. That's the dilemma that Luke was facing. Also it seems to not much matter to people who are so upset that he didn't even come close to actually doing it? Anakin did an awful lot of fucked up shit based on a premonition, meanwhile Luke just had a momentary lapse of reason because of one.

Come on e,very fucking day every fucking thread. Some redditfag has to bring up Sup Forums im just an aging star wars autist who wants to talk star wars.

How's the Finn toy sales Mickey?

Sounds like Luke himself fucking skipped them eh?

He ruined Luke Skywalker, he actually did it....

Fuck off Rian

Call me paranoid but I'm getting a disney shill vibe from these posts

It was actually Luuuke not Luke

It's bit weird how Yoda The master Jedi doesn't believe seem to believe in the tenets or even concepts of the Jedi don't you think?



>Implying some asshole who doesn't even have a real first name could be competent enough to direct a movie

It's just temptation, man. You see that Ben has evil inside of him, the kind that destroys galaxies, and in a lapse of judgement, thinking only of the war you spent years fighting against evil, and you get consumed by a desire to stop it before it happens. It's some fairly dark stuff, but it's not out of line at all that Luke would make a grave mistake with his training, since we already know how dangerous and flawed Jedi are.
>crib strangler
Don't exaggerate, Kylo was Old enough to do what Anakin did, especially since he immediately went ahead and did it THAT NIGHT, and he had a Sith Lord in his head.

I think it's important to notice that Luke was fucking right and Kylo killed all the Jedi THAT NIGHT. It's like a self fulfilling prophecy, in a way, but any fear Luke has over Kylo was pretty much justified, because Kylo did end up becoming a genocidal dark side user.

Still wanna know how Snoke seduced Ben to the dark side, all we ever saw was Ben sleeping until Luke tried to savagely murder a child in his sleep

Never gonna see it lol

I told you to fuck off already Rian. Even the dude who plays Luke disagrees with you.

>until Luke tried to savagely murder a child in his sleep
>things that never happened

When has it ever ever been mentioned that a main tenet of being a Jedi is to keep around and care for old books? Yoda has been talking about people 'not being crude matter' since the OT, only in the prequels was he focused on schoolroom education, and he was proven wron about that when Anakin turned evil. In the OT he speaks exclusively of the internal, and the luminosity of beings, give me one example of Yoda cherishing sacred texts. There is nothing in this series that says Yoda is so in love with literal books that he wouldn't cathartically get rid of them.

Except it did though, he even ignited his lightsaber

Okay. You're paranoid.

Probably via the same mind bridge garbage that he did for Rey and Kylo

>Yoda explains that the ancient texts are just meaningless words.
Why the fuck does Rey steal and keep them then.
>being a Jedi Master is just a fancy title
For sure however words have immense power and saying "I am a Jedi" has immensely different connotation to "Ï can use the force bruh". The Jedi are millenia old. Literally Millenia old, they have existed amongst the Republic for almost its entire history. Just throwing that title away is pointless and the idea, the concept that there will be no Jedi from this point forward is absolutely hilarious just from a realistic point of view. If Rey can teach herself to use the force then other surely can too. The Legends of the Jedi absolutely aren't dead and if Rey doesn't claim the title of Jedi then some force user who with purity in their soul absolutely will, why? Because it makes sense to do so.
>everyone makes mistakes
A mistake =/= stepping up to kill a kid. Especially if the man committing that mistake has deep understanding of the dark side. And chose to let himself,the only hope of the entire galaxy, die, rather then embrace the dark side. Luke Skywalker has ALREADY LEARNED THE LESSON that this ""mistake" would teach him.
>imagine you had a chance to kill baby hitler
You're a four year old with that comment bud.
>Didn't even come close to doing it.
He lit his lightsaber. He lit his lightsaber, thats coming close. Thats "All I need is a swing and this bitch is dead" levels of coming close to it.
NOT coming close to it is not lighting his lightsaber, noticing Kylo is awake and saying "Hey bud. Can we talk?"

My question is, if he could sense Snoke is turning Ben's heart evil, why the fuck is he training teenagers and not taking out Snoke?

It didn't though.

I kept thinking "it can't be that bad, must be some subtleties that don't vibe with Hamill that only he would know, or maybe he's a hack when it comes to the universe like George" nope, it was just plain obvious character assassination.

Jedi is just a club, buddy. Having the title doesn't make you immune to bad judgement, especially in a series where most of the Jedi have terrible judgement, or actually become Sith Lords.

Why would the guy who ran a suicide mission to save his friends not help now when he hear his same friends need him? Easy. Rian is a fucking hack.


How much does Disney pay you to defend this garbage?

Luke also knew how dangerous and flawed the old teachings of the Jedi were. Old Teaching. Luke is being guided by Yoda. By Ob-Wan both of whom have ascended beyond the failed teachings of the Jedi. Its absolutely unfeasible that EU Luke would make this mistake and yes I am bringing EU Luke up simply because the expectation was that Luke was still the wise old grand-master just jaded due to some kind of failure. I was expecting it to be that he inadvedently caused the destruction of his academy. He DIRECTLY caused the destruction by being a terrible mentor and teacher AND jedi. THe more I think about this the more its an impressive fuck-up

>Why the fuck does Rey steal and keep them then.

Because Rey is stupid?

it did though

exactly the problem here

Knowledge is power is a basic tenet of philosophy, warfare, diplomacy.

The very concept shapes our society. Why the FUCK else do we send people to school and have public libraries?

Yeah just get the fuck off Sup Forums

the more you think about it the more you realize X Y and Z happened because the character is stupid

No one cares about 2 hours 32 of dumb people in space, unless it's marketed as a comedy

>Most of the Jedi have terrible judgement or beccome Sith Lords
You're opinion is trash hombre.

No. Because Rey recognized them for the VALUE that they held. Value that Yoda, in the eyes of Luke, annihilated. He then praised Rey knowing full well she had stolen the books and was going to study them. Yoda taught Luke that burning books is sometimes A-okay while knowing full-well that what he had done and represented to Luke was a falsehood.


>Luke also knew how dangerous and flawed the old teachings of the Jedi were. Old Teaching. Luke is being guided by Yoda. By Ob-Wan both of whom have ascended beyond the failed teachings of the Jedi.

This. Qui-Gon was the best Jedi because he understood how things worked in the real world, unlike those other pious, pretentious fops. The fallibility of the Jedi is a major theme in the prequels, which went over the heads of most fans, and Rian's interpretation of the Jedi in TLJ demonstrates better understanding of Lucas' original intention than most of this board could ever conceive.

>Rey recognized them for the VALUE that they held

Rey had literally never met a Jedi before this movie. How would she know the value of their books? Rey idolizes a fairy tale version of the Jedi, and the Jedi dogma is a fairy tale in itself.

>The fallibility of the Jedi is a major theme in the prequels
Was it? Because this is never shown in the prequels ever.

TLJ managed to keep every bad-but-tolerable aspect of the franchise, while subverting all of the best aspects, amazing.

>post yfw luke died with no legacy or accomplishments

t. Jedi fanboy assmad to see his bullshit religion exposed as fraudulent

Jedi Knight videogames are my Luke canon and that will never change, not matter how much money Disney throws.



>Mark, Carrie and Harrison never got to reunite on screen one last time
>Now they never will

EU Luke: Established a bigger and better jedi order without the mistakes from the previous order, attracting hundreds of force sensitive user who want to become a jedi, while restoring the republic as the major power in the universe after the empire is defeated.

nu-Luke: oh shit i fucked up killing a child better go to this island lol

>spend years filming an entire trilogy of movies that were made to develop your character
>start off as an impatient and arrogant teenager
>end as a peaceful and wise jedi master

>new trilogy
>open script
>you sensed the dark side in your nephew and out of instinct nearly tried to kill him
>in the last movie you were in you pardoned a war criminal for the deaths of trillions
>said war criminal murdered children
>said war criminal was already balls deep into the dark side
>but suddenly your first instinct when sensing the dark side in your own nephew is to kill him
>"Rian this seems out of chara-"
>Rian is busy smashing the figurines of Snoke, Phasma and your own character
>Rian: Fuck off lame-o, force is female now
>Rian sees the Finn and Rose toys and puts them to the side for the rest of his playtime

he looks like the actor that played anakin in phantom menace

The worst thing is when you realize they would never treat Harrison Ford this way.

>went to this movie to see Punished Luke fucking shit up and regaining hope
>got too see him sexually pleasure a titty alien and drink it's breast milk instead

>Han got to die at the hands of his kid
>got a decent handful of action scenes too
>never acted out of character the entire movie


The old Jedi writings were obsolete and weren't doing a single damn thing to help the universe. They made an entire prequel trilogy about that.
Yeah this movie was extremely loyal to the idea of the force that was presented in the OT, as something that people struggle to understand and stay loyal to, rather than something black and white that makes you a Jedi or a Sith.
Are you serious? The prequel trilogy was literally about regal of the increasingly arrogant and clueless Jedi. Did you really think the prequel trilogy, where the entire Jedi order was destroyed and murdered by an enemy they themselves put into power, was about how cool and smart the Jedi were? I don't know what to tell you man.

The idea that you actually think Disney is trying to erase your memories of your favorite game is laughable.

Yeah and all that seemed more of George Lucas failing as a writer instead of him trying to show off the Jedi as incompetent.

They gave the rights to EA, is just a step lower in the "totally evil" scale.

About the death* of the increasingly arrogant and clueless Jedi.

Depends how your parent grow you up.

>even though he "runs away" after the failure with Ben
>he still rises to the challenge when he mets Rey
>thus not invalidating his arc in the OT

They murdered, assassinated, shat on Luke's character.

George wrote a lot of terrible, emotionless, ineffective scenes, but it was still his intent to demonstrate the total wrongness of pseudo-religious self-righteous politicians blinded by useless dogma.

Might have to rewatch the prequels then because i do not remember it being deliberate at all. Got any scenes i need to pay extra attention too?


All I'm saying is that Disney is just saying the old games and EU aren't a part of their new story, they're not trying to destroy the story of your favorite game, and they're not trying to pay to make the story you enjoyed disappear.

I would have been fine if Luke died in this one, if they didn't ruin his character

I mean seriously, throwing the lightsaber, saying "go away" & locking the door, hating on the jedi, thinking Kylo can't be saved, etc, just what the fuck

Rian didn't watch TFA. They don't have anyone behind the screen controlling the narrative. They wanted to deconstruct Luke for the sake of MaRey Sue.