Stop with the juvenile Star Wars posts.
This board has become insufferable thanks to all the man children. Seriously, there's like 4 star wars posts on each page. Fuck off.
Make a god damn star wars board. What's the point in having a board about tv and film if it's mostly all Star Wars?
oi mate i'll talk about star wars being shite all i want
>reddit spacing
>call for mods
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Sup Forums is already reddit though it's why you made it here in the first place my dude
You can't tell me what to do
I'm going to post a Star Wars thread just for you user
>television and film board
Did you migrate from Sup Forums or something?
I gonna make another SW thread just to piss you off. Happy?
seeing about 10 there now
its unbelievable how dumb this board has become over the weekend