I'm not going to check if he actually said this but it's certainly something he would

That's part of the fun

He did. I'm pretty sure it was in that 10th anniversary collection of Calvin and Hobbes.

That's an opinion, and he's an asshole. Assuming he said that


Now newspaper comic strips, THOSE are art.

>when you grow up, you'll look like this statue of superman i've fashioned!
what the fuck

I think he's joking about 90's edge

He's talking about capeshit and he's right. It's a shame that all of comics get lumped into that dumpster genre.

Dave Sim pls go.

This is so dead on it hurts.

why doesn't he just, you know, kill Supeman? It's not like he's actually using him.

Can someone explain the appeal of Calvin and Hobbes to me? Didn't find them funny or endearing as a kid and I still don't. People act like they're GOAT and I just don't get it.

They read it as kids, thus it must be flawless.

what a fucking waste of dubs, you tasteless ultra niggers

>implying being incredibly stupid is a bad thing

A correct opinion.


Not an argument

Where's the fun in that?

Statue of A superman. A man that is particularly super.

Man.. that was incredibly stupid. More?


Dave Sim hates capeshit?


Keep in mind that this quote is from the mid nineties.

nice meme

I dont get it

was Walt, dare I say, /our/guy?


He was a Sup Forums tier racist and asshole. How do you not know this already?

Except he wasn't?

"I don't like it" isn't an argument, either.

But to try to clarify: on its most basic level, where most people find the joy, Calvin and Hobbes was an exploration of childhood before the internet age (and really even before cable TV was prolific) where children had to figure themselves out without a lot of help. Hobbes was a way for Calvin to challenge himself and sort his life out (much the way that anons use one another to shitpost against) but it was glorious because he was working himself out against himself. There were few outside forces (human forces) that were creating his life views and personality outside his parents and he was making himself as the comic progressed. His leaps into dinosaurs and sci-fi and whatnot were exactly the sort of pre-adolescent imaginings that kids of that era were imaging.

To put it another way, you know how people complain about they "HEY FELLOW TEENAGER" writing of today? Calvin and Hobbes actually captured what it was to be a kid, even when they went off in adult directions/dialogue, so you were able to suspend some degree of disbelief. Older audiences could relate and younger audiences were challenged or could feel smart, their call. Either way, it was fantastic.

>He thinks all the dinosaur, sci-fi and horror themes were just Calvin's imagination

If he does my estimation of him has gone up. And it was already pretty high.

That art reminds me of Frank Miller. Hmmmmm...

Yeah, his special pleading was tiresome. He'd shit on comic books, movies, T.V., etc. but demanded that newspaper comics be judged individually with little regard to how insipid and uninspired so many of them are.

truth. only pseuds disagree

To be fair, there are a lot of different ways that could be said.

Course they're stupid. They're fiction. Any of kind of fantastical fiction is stupid. Space wizards with laser swords, a piece of jewelry containing a dark lord's essence where everyone sings, a grown man dressing like a bat and fighting crime, it's all dumb as hell. The key is that it has enough elements that break free of it's absurd concept and resonate with people.


Oh god fucking dammit.


Rich from a guy that looks like Doug Winger.

>Any of kind of fantastical fiction is stupid.

t. Stuck in the late 19th century.

>quote taken out of context
I doubt he meant stupid in any sort of non-endearing way.

Wow it's almost like you don't like fun

>Literally fathers Superman just so Superman can't stop him.

This has more layers to it every time I see it.

You got that one where Lex breaks out of prison using some convoluted bullshit?

I know that's not terribly specific.


Which is sadly the entire point of Watchmen. Superheroes are stupid and belong in childish stories. Not adult ones.

Too bad everyone mistook Watchmens intention as "SUPERHEROES ARE FOR COOL ADULTS NOW YEEE"

Shanti is underrated desu

I'd argue the entire point of Watchmen is LOOK HOW NEAT COMICS ARE AS A STORYTELLING MEDIUM

I think it was both.

It was like "look, superheroes are not a realistic concept. here's why:" and then used the medium to create a story that completely deconstructed the superhero genre in itself.

It was a critique of AND an homage to superhero comics.

no you're thinking of The Invisibles

yeah, it sounds loaded to me, like more of a "what the fuck, ollie"

>killing your archenemy before you gloat him about the forty cakes you stole

Watterson wrote that in one of his own books.

He said that ALL comic books are inherently stupid. He also repeated this at a convention where he gave a speech at. He literally thinks the comic book medium is incapable of being anything other than shit.

Waterson even has went so far as to shit on SHAKESPEARE. He said he thinks the only reason anyone says they like Shakespeare is to "sound smart".

I legitimately don't get how people can just call a medium inherently bad. Comics are literally just images in a sequential format. Sometimes there isn't even any writing or dialogue. If you think a multiple of images are incapable of conveying a story or evoking an emotion then you might as well discount film as a medium too.

Waterson wasn't talking about superheroes. He meant ALL COMIC BOOKS.

Is that untrue?

what a twitter-tier exclamation

>Sup Forums

It's not taken out of context, it's his comment in its entirety and there's nothing to add to it. It's in one of the Calvin & Hobbes compilation books.

Waterson HATES the comic book medium.

Nobody cares what the fuck you say ned flanders

Why? Because he's critical of a thing you like?
Comics can be an art but capeshit or newspaper comics certainly aren't.

I wonder what Bill even does. Calvin and Hobbes has been done for sooooooo long.

Does he really just sit on a giant pile of money in a tiny house in a boring town?


>read about her getting hypnotized in the junglebook sequel
>look it up, the animation is trash, the movie even worse than trash
i didnt know i was wishing on a monkey paw when i wanted this

Dubba dubs has it.

Capeshit does suck though.

He probably spends all day peeking from his closed window blinds checking for his imaginary stalkers trying to get his autograph to sell on eBay.


Until this very moment, I have not once seen this strip. Where is it from?

What kid read newspaper comics? I'm 32 and that's way before even MY time. You're just a contrarian.

to me it just reads as being incredibly ignorant small-town american thinking. he definitely seems to equate '90's and '80s' superhero comics with all of the comic book medium. i wonder what he'd have to say about stuff like moebius, but his opinion here is so simple it makes him sound like he's never even heard of him, or other incredibly meritorious comic book artists.

Luthor is a Leaf, true and through
>If he kills Superman, Superman wins

Yeah, the fact he lumps in everything as 'bad' is fucking retarded.
the variety in which comics explore things that aren't just capeshit is immeasurable.


watterson's a good cartoonist but i think C&H is overrated. it's just pogo meets peanuts

Like most artists who are one-hour wonders, he sits around doing nothing, coasting on his success telling himself he could do something just as successful if only he wanted to.

It's a shame nobody has proved him wrong.

Sup Forumsntrarian

Causality; if Lex didn't father superman, then superman wouldn't exist, and Lex wouldn't have a reason to go back in time to make superman his son so that then the non luthored superman would exist, thus being a pain in Lex's side.

But Lex would already have to establish this as a separate universe from the first. After returning to Earth from Krypton, there would be a second Lex Luthor on Earth, one who never went back in time and space to father Superman.

Are you familiar with his plans to make Epcot a real city? That's some fascist futurist shit right there.

Source? I've only heard him shit on newspaper comics or make the sort if respectful, reserved compliments craftsmen make about others in their industry. Watterson isn't particularly flowery like you're describing.

Look, I like Shakespeare but people who act like that shit is highbrow need to shut the fuck up. He wrote plays that were popular entertainment in a very broad sense. It's like acting like Spielberg is the best director when he's really just a good one who has made some entertaining movies that happened to be successful as well.

he just had the foresight to know what the jews would do with his company

He even rushed the ending of Macbeth

Remember that Watterson makes comics and probably cares about them. His standards are probably just incredibly high. Is that really a bad thing? You don't have to agree with him much the same way he doesn't agree with you.

his argument is meaningless. it hinges on the presupposition that there are things which aren't incredibly stupid, which a cursory look at any facet of reality instantly disproves
you can just as easily argue that balloons or waterfalls are incredibly stupid, it doesn't make any kind of point


no he actually hates all comic books without exception

read the thread

He's successful enough to not have to do anything and so he probably doesn't so he doesn't. If he was as insecure as you make him sound he'd be in the public eye demanding our approval.

Now how do I make enough money that I can live in a nice house in the desert trading comics and playing vidya all day?

He did some guest art for Pearls Before Swine a couple of years ago.
I imagine he also spends a lot of time sadly shaking his head whenever he hears some Sup Forums kids talk about how Zak Snyder's cape films are "kino"

I'm saying he probably cares enough about them to wish they were better but they aren't as good as he wishes they were. As I said, high standards.

That's hard for some people to understand because so many people think you can only love comics by being TEAM COMICS. I might not go as far as him but the vast majority of comics, particularly ones that are popular are a complete trash.

I'm sorry he hurt your feelings.

Does bill wattersaon hate comics more than Hayao Miyazaki hates anime culture?