It keeps falling

>it keeps falling

A few hours ago it was 57%. Are nu-wars finished?

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as they said, movie gonna split people
they took a risk

Wow with a 93% critic rating? Haven't seen it but is this a case of Critics being paid Disney shills or fans being overly critical?

the 93% is more accurate

Paid reviews obviously

>comScore's PostTrack found that 68% rated “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” as “excellent”
I'm not too worried. The mouse shouldn't be either.

12%->24%->41%->68%->85%->90%-Drops to second run.

The weekend tracking of TLJ versus TFA, in negative percentages.

Even Reddit hates this movie (based on the salt in the r/movies megathread)

>even episode 2 has a higher score

>fans don't blindly eat up the shit handed to them
>somehow they're in the wrong