So what are they going to do for the future once they don't have Rey...

So what are they going to do for the future once they don't have Rey? Daisy Ridley says she doesn't want to do any more Star Wars films after Episode IX although she said she was open to one twenty years down the road so obviously that implies she would be in a similar position as Luke is now. Master Rey maybe in the far future, but how would Disney continue milking the main saga for all it's worth when they have to introduce new characters or at least a new protagonist?

I haven't seen The Last Jedi yet so if you could use spoiler tags or avoid discussion of the film in this thread. I thank you wholeheartedly. Of course, since this is Sup Forums so I don't expect you to honor this request so carry on I guess.

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Go to another part of the galaxy and have a more focused personal story there. DON'T DO MORE PREQUELS, GOD DAMN IT.


That sounds like a tall order, chief, especially when Disney would capitalize on people's demand for a movie or trilogy set in the Old Republic era.

it's a play for more money. she'll do whatever disney wants if they pay her enough... like a good whore

Daisy seems respectable enough. She doesn't have to accept the contract.

Nobody is going to have nostalgia for the Sequel trilogy movies.

Except small children who's parents take them to see the movies and Rey is a generational hero for them much like Luke was for the original fans.

seems is the key word there

I don't think so. When Star Wars came out it was unique and different than anything else out there. That's why oldfags like me remember it so fondly and still care. Nowadays, every week there's a new Marvel spectacle in the theaters. Star Wars just doesn't stand out any longer, and I don't think Finn and Rey will stand out in these kids' minds 20 years down the road like Luke and Han did.

>he said she was open to one twenty years down the road so obviously that implies she would be in a similar position as Luke is now. Master Rey maybe in the far future

What would she even teach people? Her power level is explained as being some kind of Force affirmative action, it's not a result of training.