Someone give me the quick rundown plz

Someone give me the quick rundown plz

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Fans thought he was a god. Turns out he's human.

Hope he fixes things with his family and comes back.

Why did his fans think that? I've never seen any of his content. Why was he so popular?

Cheated on his wife with a fellow twitch streamer at a con (forgot her name but she screamed crazy). Probably blackmailed so he admitted to it first.


>with a streamer
I need a name, gimme gimme.

who the fuck is this

I watched him a few times. He puts more effort and production value in to his stream than anyone I've seen. Dude was hilarious.

who is the harlot

yfw Burger was right

That's what so sad, dude was hilarious and he literally has his life figured out already.

>millionaire and doesn't have to work a day in his life
>decide to think with the dick

Sad what some money and fame does to people.

Can't blame him, his wife looks like a crack whore

Walking pile of human garbage who cheated/threw everything good he had going away for subpar streamer pussy

Deserves every ounce of failure that is to follow; makes me cum buckets

pics? I like the crack whore look sometimes

Also fuck women for bringing masculine icons down. Fucking whores.

You've seen all of his material after 2 streams though. He is overrated as fuck and its funny watching all his white knight sub get mad at every chat mocking him.


>this is a crackwhore according to Sup Forums

Based television and film discussion

Yeah of course but that's how it is with most streamers nowadays. I rarely watch twitch anymore (perhaps because I've watched since the beginning) but you can't deny that watching youtube highlights or clips from certain streamers like DrDisrespect is a lot of fun.

I probably wouldn't find it in me to watch several hours of live stream but he has his moments still.

Which one is his wife and which one is the chick he fugged?

Not really a crackwhore, but she's not really hot either.

He's fucking handsome.



t. Homosexual

You must be blind or a sperg to not think she's hot. Lemme guess, elbows too pointy?


literally nobody knows who this is
fucking retards

sage and kys holy shit

Apparently it's Skylias. Gotta give the guy respect though. Not only does he admit it instead of being a coward, But he lets his fans know live and is fully transparent. Most Twitch or e celebs would be half assed or completely avoid drama on their platform.


>Apparently it's Skylias.
is this confirmed?

>both are literal who thots who probably average less than 500 viewers

He was the trending gamer of 2017 on the video game awards. He was suppose to be the chosen one!

Wifebeater in character and out

>Gets killed by Sodapoppin

im gonna miss his high octane streams desu

miss me with that low effort meme

She's fucking black or something, dumb retard. How is she hot?

Can someone photoshop a Porg on his shoulders. thanks.

>attractive tall man with some fame and success has sex with a woman who isn't his wife, decides to tell the whole world

i honestly don't care

wow he cheated on his wife who cares


>you will never save a russian girl from her depressing gray and take her back to america for a new life and have her leave you for a black guy after a week
why even live bros

she is sexy af, can't blame him

Lmao kinda looks like a more attractive version of his wife

can i get a quick rundown



That's his wife in coosplay in pic.

oooh shit what a retard hahah

>Most Twitch or e celebs would be half assed or completely avoid drama on their platform.
any sane rational human should have. I appreciate that he did it, and it's refreshing to see his human side, but for his sake, he shouldn't have done it.

the guy makes so much fucking money and he decides to fuck another streamer instead of a hooker?

Ye, she streams Elder Scrolls games on Twitch.

Isn't this the guy who fucked Boogie's wife?

>cheated on his wife
>didn't get accused of rape/sexual harassment


>says someone who has literally no options

> Be a millionaire
> Cheat on wife for 6.5/10 streamer.

Why they do this? At least get a class A whore.

what am I looking at?

shroud is going to make so much fucking cash now

w e w she looks fucking broken

I'm homo now, jesus...

It's not Skylias. She got BTFO by Doc when she started complaining about other moderators getting Doc's "autohost" when he was offline (Skylias used to be a moderator in Doc's chat).

only way he could have chosen a worse option is by fucking a child

people have preferences you fucking moron. i don't think she's hot either

>she started complaining about other moderators

>Gotta give the guy respect though. Not only does he admit it instead of being a coward, But he lets his fans know live and is fully transparent.
He only came out because his ass got caught in some other faggots stream. He's was only trying to save face and not lose his fan base.
And why the fuck is this shit on Sup Forums?

>e celebs

why would you say something this stupid

>got caught in some other faggots stream.