Can he save nu-Star Wars?
Can he save nu-Star Wars?
He already has. Unironically the best character in the new trilogy. Normies will complain about him being a whiner, though.
>Can he save nu-Star Wars?
>2/3 films are already trash
>he's already in both of them
Nope, he failed.
Only if he wins in the next movie
He is both.
Every problem I had with Kylo Ren could've been fixed if they just had him fight Luke at the end of TFA rather than Rey. Otherwise he's just a prissy fag that lost to an untrained girl
Snoke said that the reason he lost is because he was so emotionally torn about killing his Dad.
he already did.
I could buy that, but we just need a scene of him being badass. We need a Vader at the end of Rogue One moment for Kylo Ren for me to take him seriously as a powerful villain
He is unironicly the best character in nu-wars and best "new" actor in it but his charakter is shit. Who thought that making the main villian a whiny emo teenager is a good idea