Twin-Pack Image 25th Anniversary Storytime: Writer-Artist Edition


Every 2nd and/or 22nd day of the month in the calendar, there will be a storytime of the first two issues (each) of two random semi-ongoing comics and/or miniseries.

Previous storytimes: Storytime

What I'm storytiming is two Image series launched this year whose authors are writer-artists. Yes.

Remember to bump for readers/while reading.

Any storytime requests that are not 2-issue series must be done somewhere else. Thank you.

Scavengers from a ruined technological civilization versus your typical rich bitches from above!!!



















wow another story with a "strong wyman" protagonist.

after all having even a single cool white male protagonist would be hate speech nowadays

fuck off with your sjw crap



Seriously. At this point it's just one sjw comic after another. No wonder I stopped coming to this place.
There are no goods stories left.
Only feminazi shit



Sit down.





why don´t you actually do something with your life instead of wasting your time and money on terrible sjw comics?






Also, the author is a webcomic artist.

t. not SJW

If you are offended by this comic's contents, why you don't just sit back and wait for the second comic presentation instead?


I really like this art. Sort of reminds me of Paul Pope.



This seems eerily familiar to the comments in a Clean Room storytime I remember. Are you the same guy?



Is it gonna be about another strong wyman?

Not him but good point. I actually started to do more sports and go on camping tripod with my friends after comics and video games turned into pure sjw cancer.

It really never is to late to give up on all this stupid nerd shit and make something out of yourself.


never heard about Clean Room

can´t speak for the other guy however but I hope that he doesn´t waste his time on Sup Forumsmblr and sjw comics


Stop responding. Don't take the bait.
This shit is ridiculous.

I mostly avoid the Sup Forumsmblr cancer threads and SJW shit (mostly Big Two) you're talking about. If you feel too much, you may leave.



sure will

I hope you will one day actually change your life style and actually make something out of yourself


>[my past] life style
>championing real-life SJWs
Pick one.

>actually make something out of myself
>hindering me from making more Twin-Pack Storytimes
Pick one.



>obvious ass hell 1/10 trolling
>OP is a bait eating faggot
Yeah lemme just avoid these threads from now on



Do you not realize how you're turning in to the thing you hate? Yes, there is an (obnoxious) trend of "every hero needs to be a tenacious teenage girl." Yes left-wing activists are annoying. The world doesn't fall in to "one of two categories" though and I can't imagine you actually read any of this comic before deciding it was "sjw crap."
I appreciate you OP. I liked Space Mullet and I'm exited for Extremity.

2deep4u (?) family drama set where is set to redevelop.

WARNING: I will not tolerate cancerous crossposters, leddit, and Sup Forumsmblr here.

Last one: t. mostly reads Big Two

I seriously don't get how somebody could honestly not consider this sjw/feminist garbage

Then again modern Sup Forums is full of sjws




This is actually a pretty good story, I don't know what you're talking about.

Don't bother replying, I'm just gonna keep reading.


>I don't know what you're talking about
Two retards bitched about "muh SJW!". They think that comic books to them are "just about the Big Two and some other indieshit not named most of Robert Kirkman's works and ex-Marvel artists."

Not him but it has been at least a year if not more since the last time that I saw a comic with a cool white male protagonist. It's always woman.

Liberals just show that all their talk about diversity is just code word for "fuck white men"

It's always the same. The moment lefties take over the ruin it and completely change it from what it once was.

It states at universities that used to be all about free speech but are no pc dictatorships were an false rape accusation is enough to ruin a mans life and where you can't have a non radical leftwing opinion without being violently attacked

At this point the comic industry is just as bad and has nothing to offer for non sjws

It's just another tool for liberals to spread their propaganda


Ah shit. Is this ongoing?


Yes. The author's webcomic will also continue.




1. DC comics. Head Lopper. Punisher. Invincible.
2. I agree
3. I agree
4. I agree
5. I diagree
6. I agree

You're falling in to the "religious thinking" trap. What do marxists believe? That the world is a material dialectic. There are two sides, the underdog and the opressor.

What is your thinking starting to look like? Is it the same "good/evil" oversimplification? It looks that way to me. I'm not saying you shouldn't dislike things, or call out shit you think is bad. I'm saying you shouldn't make up your mind that "the world is against you" when in reality the world doesn't actually give a fuck about you.



>it has been at least a year if not more since the last time that I saw a comic with a cool white male protagonist.
Recent ones off the top of my head:
Shaolin Cowboy
God Country
Curse Words
Kill or Be Killed
There's one about magical kung fu that I can't remember the title right now. Basically you're full of shit.












Jeff Lemire is to "sad families in flannel" what Grant Morrison is to "meta-textual commentary." I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or not.




>Harvey Dent starts a recurring thread on Sup Forums
