Was Star Wars so political during the prequels? I don't fucking remember since I didn't give a shit but Disney's Star Wars are shoved down your throat every day with their shitty politics. As far as I can tell this isn't about the Star Wars saga or Fans of Star Wars btw it's now fashionable by the new fans of star wars (progressives) to hate the old fans of Star Wars (nerds) . It's not about Star Wars it's about a female main character and her black sidekick and mulatto rebels BTFOing the White Supremacist First Order. Star Wars is now about the progressive struggle against the white system I don't think was ever the case during the prequels people didn't attribute politics to the prequels at all Disney's Star Wars are 100% political. This was intentional marketing on the part of Disney I think and it worked really well. I feel all the people and critics praising the shit out of this do so because it's a liberal Hive Mind thing, progressives have these things that they latch onto like Net Neutrality, Obama, Gay marriage and Star Wars is now one of these things they will now support no matter what.
And in typical leftist fashion these movies destroyed the entire old series of movies to make it entirely about these new movies. It's not a sequel to the OT it wants to be superior to the OT and kill the OT which it did, everything the characters in the OT did is pointless since the Republic got utterly BTFO with trillions dead. The characters are old and retarded like Luke that die and make way for Disney's characters the prequels are now entirely fucking useless since there is no grand narrative anymore now it was never about Vader or Luke or Han Solo and Leia for that matter everything was leading up to Rey her black and mulatto friends and that faggot Kylo Ren everything had to die to make the story entirely about these faggots.