What are are the top 4 Yakuza films after Sonatine?

What are are the top 4 Yakuza films after Sonatine?

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Any 4 Takeshi yakuza films. My personal favorite is Boiling Point, for some reason it's one of my favorite movies to watch stoned

Does Oldboy count?

Fuck no. Battles Without Honor and Humanity is the GOAT yakuza flick

yak films are pretty shit tbqh. the japs have never come up with anything to match the quality of the godfather or goodfellas or casino

Battles Without Honor and Humanity series
Especially Deadly Fight in Hiroshima

boiling point is the ultimate comfykino
Kitano however didn't really make "yakuza movies" before outrage, yakuza movies in japan have very specific trademarks and cliches and early kitano movies didn't follow any of them, even though the plot often involved the yakuza in some way
Outrage and Outrage Beyond are examples of well made yakuza flicks that don't really have anything to offer past their premise, which is probably what is referring to
A western example would be modern capeshit compared to something like Super, both involve superheroes but you can't really place Super within the same subgenre as Iron Man or Thor because the plot structure, themes and presentation are radically different

Aniki is pure kino

Sonatine is really the ultimate yakuza movie.
Not surprised it was never topped by another one

Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen

I have a feeling most of the yakuza films Sup Forums has watched are by Kitano, Miike, and Fukasaku. While good, I would also recommend yakuza films directed by Hideo Gosha, Yasuharu Hasebe, Masahiro Makino, Kosaku Yamashita, Kiyoshi Saeki, & Tai Kato. Unfortunately a lot has yet to be subtitled, and those that have are mostly bootlegs.

every time I click on a nippon thread here Im reminded of how little I've actually seen

Battles without Honor is good, but overrated (it's not at all similar to The Godfather, despite people always claiming otherwise). In my opinion, Ninkyo Eiga > Jitsuroku Eiga

Fireworks is a masterpiece.

tokyo drifter

Onimasa is worth checking out. One of my personal favorites. Brutal Tales of Chivalry is also good. I love the theme song.
>tokyo drifter
this movie also has a good theme song.

Technically the best yakuza movie is Humanity and Paper Balloons, but since I know what you guys want, I'll say Dragnet Girl.

Youth of the Beast

it is as awesome as it looks, and is better than Branded To Kill

>and is better than Branded To Kill

How is that possible?

Yukio Mishima called this one a masterpiece. He compared it to Greek tragedies. He also held Tomu Uchida's 1968 version of Theater of Life in high regard.

ching chong nip nong is a good trilogy
also chop chop suey charlie has a great revenge arc and theme

my personal favorite is baby dick lee: waving wee willy
beautiful cinematography

Wrong thread. This isn't about Chinese cinema.

Ha! It's that guy with the cheek implants.

I like Mimbo just because its about a lawyer treating the Yakuza like a bunch of dumbasses

Worst Kitano film I've seen so far, all the ones before it are better.

Yakuza films are shit. You're looking for cult Japanese gangster films instead.

Hana-bi, Boiling Point, Branded to Kill and Tokyo Drifter are some of my favorites. They really need to release more Kitanos on criterion. I would buy the shit out of them

so how did you see them? do you speak nihongo?

mostly bootlegs