Is this still good? I am halfway through season 1 and this is my new favorite show

Is this still good? I am halfway through season 1 and this is my new favorite show

seasons 1,2 and 3 were pretty good, but season 4 was by far the best, then it went to complete shit halfway through season 5, to the point that i didn't even bother to watch the first episode of season 6, and from what a heard i made the right choice

Stop at the end of season 4. It goes downhill so fucking badly and has never stopped getting worse.

I still watch it. Watched the new episode tonight.

what happened?

are you sure you're not thinking of dexter


I can't remember specific plot points from the past seasons but I remember the previously on incessantly playing that line.

OP, it's a good show and although it doesn't maintain its greatness, it's still one of the better shows you could be watching, even into season 8. Watch it for as long as you can and stop whenever you feel you should.

Whatever episode where the baby gets into fiona's coke (remember when she was the stable, mature one taking care of the family?) you can easily drop it right there.

It never gets better after that.

He’ll be back before the show ends for good...r..right Sup Forums?

I really hate what they did with Lip's character. Him continuing to do well at college would've been better than him being a boring alcy worrying about some loser.

I also think Deb is the biggest piece of shit after Frank. And Ian is probably the one I give the least shit about. It's like they don't know what to do with him past peter-puffing, so he's got the bipolar, he dates a trannie, he cares about THESE KEEEEDS, etc. Mickey was the best part of Ian's plots.

S4 was objectively the peak. I still watch it out of habit and for the foxy vodkanigger but she doesn't even appear in every episode despite the promotion to main cast.

It's just one "slightly get shit together, then lose everything and start over at the hoodrat status quo" story after another. Just in different forms.

After a certain point shit gets predictable and I can't really blame all the people who say they stopped giving a fuck.

Even though they've done it a million times by now, my favorite plots will always be:
>we desperately need to make X dollars
>hatch clever and/or crazy plan to get paid
Especially when it's just a background thing rather than the main plot.

Jimmy was based, ashame what they did to him

Don’t get too attatched OP

It’s okay but there’s a noticeable lack of direction in seasons 6+ There were some parts of season 5 that truly outdid anything in the earlier seasons but it also had the lowest lows. There were less “great” moments to me as the show went on. Its really up to you and it depends on what aspects of the show you enjoy

*sigh* thats what the person who got me into it said

There are countless characters that just aren't around anymore.

Yeah but they all got fitting send offs

>Mickey gets away scot free, accepts he loves Ian but can’t be with him
>Shiela gets to travel the world fear free
>Jody happy with Heimy and Karen

Jimmy was destroyed. There was no good reason for what the writers did to him, unless he and his theif accomplice were tricking Fiona to help her move on (he wasnt lying, told the girl to tell Fiona those things so she could be mad at him and forget him)

pretty sure, since i never watched dexter

I wanna get rape-fucked by season 3 Ian

fiona is still cute and the show is still good

1-3 are shit loads of fun, great drama, nothing else like it on tv
4 is superbly acted and the best drama fueled season
5 destroys several characters and storyline, worst one so far
6 was a return to form in a way, but the effects of 5 have left noticable scars
7 was equal with 6
8 is looking to be below 6 and 7 but above 5



He's a gorgeous kid.

>Is this still good?

>dude white people are just like black people LMAO

Are there actually white people like this in britain?