That fast!?
That fast!?
They're panicking and I only hope their desperation leads to an even bigger fuck up
>That fast!?
Of course
They trashed the michael ardnt script and shat out his version for TFA so fast
not quite as fast as when TFA was greenlit, written and began production within 24 hours of Lucasfilm being signed over to Disney
that explains its quality
He wait 2 fuckin years for this. fuckin lol
This hack will never be able to finish the trilogy and tie up all the loose ends.
The prick can't even manage a decent 3rd act, let alone the climactic final part of a trilogy.
Shouldn't this have been pitched already? Why are they making it up as they go?
The next director is Colin Trevorrow and you know it.
"In episode 9, they find out that it was all an elaborate dream. In fact they all died in episode 7." -JJ