So this bitch literally 9/11ed a capital ship into a Star Destroyer and we're supposed to think that's fucking heroic...

So this bitch literally 9/11ed a capital ship into a Star Destroyer and we're supposed to think that's fucking heroic? No, Whoredo, you're not a hero, you're Osama Bin fucking Laden.

most badass scene in the entire movie though.

Why didn't she tell anyone her escape plan?

Diane was just doing what Coop asked.

>relatively small group of rebels takes on the hegemonic superpower

literally al qaeda

Luke, did I ever tell you about Anakin Skywalker? One day, a close relative of yours is going to worship Darth Vader as though he's some kind of space Jesus. Despite the fact that he could materialize in front of this relative and explain to him the folly of the dark side at any time, he won't. Good thing Yoda will still be around to burn down sacred Jedi texts. He was a confusing friend.

It was the jews who planned it all.

there was no explanation ever given

also why did she wait until 90% of the transports were destroyed before finally making that kamikaze attack, jesus

Suicide attack =/= 9/11. They're rebels not terrorists. She flew her ship into a bunch of Nazi's not innocent civilians.

Yeah, white males aren't human.