1096 days until Avatar 2

1096 days until Avatar 2

The deepest man alive will be directing Avatar 2.

I am wondering where they will go with this. Guessing Jake and Neyteri will have teen kids and each episode will be a generation/decade apart? I suppose the film will be about the humans returning in force to get revenge?

It would be kind of cool if the five or whatever films planned are meant to be a long history of the wars between the Humans and Na'vi.

Lots to mine from in American History's Indian wars.

Buuuut the tech gap is much, much higher, even with the neural net and associated critters. what will stop the humans from glassing the site from orbit?

Maybe Jake, as the Muad'dib-type god emperor will try to semi-modernize the Na'vi for self-defense purposes, but he will face resistance from tribes/clans for not being primitivist and into Eywa enough?


Based days until Basevatar 2

so if the first one is pocahantas is this pocahantas 2?

Neyteri is sent to earth as a sex slave desu



delet this

that could be cool, I don't think they'll do that though since at least the first three movies will focus more on Jake and Neytiri and their kids. We really don't know much about the plot yet though except that 2 will be more focused on the ocean with mo-cappen underwater scenes


him admitting its unoriginal is a GREAT argument



i hope i die before that





I want Neytiri to wrap her tail around me!

i searched the calalog so hard to see if this nigga was still going. too much star wars rn

Fake avatarbro gtfo

He will fail