No anime girl statue of Rey

>no anime girl statue of Rey
Looks like the EU wins again.

A cute!

despite these being kinda old and kinda shit and kinda noncanon EU, they still command fucktons of money on the ebay.

>and kinda shit
I don't buy plastic crap, how do you determine if a figure is "crap" or not? Is it in the design or how it's built?

Mara Jade and Jaina Solo are still popular characters even if Disney wants to pretend they don't exist.

EU characters are gonna win every black series character poll.

If you hate the design it's crap. They're well made.

He's talking about EU as a whole. Stories and such.

>luke didnt drink momy milkies from that
Live is not fair

>people buy model kits they dont paint thrmselves

If you paint wrong it's there forever right?