It dropped from 8.0 on IMDB already

It dropped from 8.0 on IMDB already.

Initial ratings are always too high, Phantom Menace was also >8 when it first came out.

Its just alt-right trolls, nobody that actually saw it dislikes this movie

This movie's going to age horribly. TFA had much more positivity, and the regard for that film dropped immensely after it hit blu ray. Give it a month and everyone will regard TLJ as the worst Star Wars film.

>tfw you don't watch this pile of shit and save money

part A

Why the fuck:
- did the first order allow a rebel fighter to come up close?
- does general Hux talk to Poe?
- did Luke try to kill Ben when he sensed darkness?
- did Luke and Yoda burn the tree?
- does the first order use thirty year old walkers?
- did purple hair general not tell the plan to Poe?
- did Luke not tell the resistance to escape while he went out to face Kyle-o?
- didn't the resistance do a warp ram before?
- does Luke die?

- Fuel is a thing now on starships?
- What was the purpose of those Jedi books?
- What was the point of Rey being down that dark hole.
- Hologram projection is now a Jedi power?
- Luke just dies in the sunlight?
- Maz Kanate picks up the phone during a union battle?
- We interrupt this space battle to bring you a space casino scene.
- Rose saving Finn would have been a death sentence for the rebellion.
- Dozens if not hundreds of resistance members die because of the rogue actions by Poe, Finn and Rose.

part B

How the fuck:
- did Poe manage to take out all the cannons on a dreadnought in a warfleet in a single fighter?
- did Snoke not know about the tracking tech on his own ship?
- could people on bombers breathe whith the bomb hatches open?
- do bombs fall out without gravity?
- did Rey find the first order fleet when she left Luke?
- can Leia fly like superman through outer space?
- can Yoda control fire lightning as a ghost?
- did Snoke make a force connection between Rey and Kyle-o?
- did Benicio del Toro know about the cloaked escape pods?
- did Snoke not sense the lightsaber moving next to him?
- did Rey get on the Millenium Falcon after her fight with Kyle o Ren?
- did Finn and Rose know where the base was on the salt planet?
- did Rey know that she had to go force lift some rocks?
- did Rey know where to force lift the rocks?
- did Rey learn to force lift the rocks?
- do you build a base without exits?
- can you find a location in the galaxy through a wristband a hundred thousand light years across, but keep it hidden from the first order?
- did Luke transmit a force hologram to another planet?
- did Rey learn to fight with a lightsaber?
- did Rose fall in love with Finn after less than a day?
- did Kyle-o turn to the dark side during his Jedi training?

The purpose of the Jedi books was to show an old relic of the time where the Jedi Order was big and glorious that could be destroyed, to symbolize the true end of the Jedi Order.
Fuel was never an issue, so we never really had it as a point, but it's a pretty ok device to move the plot.
Rey going in that hole is meant to represent that she went after her dark self, but managed to not become corrupted.
What luke did was "summon" a force ghost of himself on that planet. Since we haven't seen anyone else do it before, it probably requires an insane amount of power/control over the force. It probably took all of his strength to do that, so he dies because of that, and because his role as a mentor (like Obi-wan) was done.
Poe/Finn/Rose actions (and their consequences) were to show that heroes and suicide missions aren't always the right choice, even though it all ended well because it's a children's movie. The girl with the purple hair part was to show that, even though heroing is not always the right choice, it's sometimes needed.

Here's your (you)

Because children movie.
Weird, right? I was also confused by that, the two plot points seem so disconnected, even though they're going on in the same ship, that it makes it seem like they're not related at all.
Star Wars is not exactly known for great physics knowledge.
Probably guided by Kylo.
Some weird force power. Even weirder if we're talking about that is how she manages to easily open a door into the spaceship without killing everyone because vacuum.
I don't think that we ever got an explanation of what Force Ghosts could do.
Another power that didn't show up before.
I also wondered that while watching the movie, but you can't really rewind a few minutes to check in the Cinema. He probably overheard it when Poe was talking to Finn.
shittiest death of a big bad in star wars ever
That's a really good question.
Another good question.
She knew that she had to find the rebels because of that wrist thing. She learned how to do that without much training because bullshit, but she did something similar when luke gave her that training.
If the point of the base is making a castle-like fortification, you shouldn't put an escape route, at least not in official maps.
Kylo didn't really turn to the dark side, he was just similar to Anakin. Luke fucked it up, just like Windu.



>Just like Windu
Windu tried to kill an evil Sith Lord hellbent on destroying the republic. Luke tried to kill his sleeping nephew because he might turn evil (just like literally every other force user)

Hi Disney Shill! Is reverse psychology a new force power, like astral projection?

Windu (and the other Masters) denied Anakin his dream of becoming a Jedi Master. Had they not done that because they feared him turning to the dark side, he would have never turned to the dark side.





It was a humiliating delay, and caused by Anakin being a lackey of Sheev. None of them tried to murder him as a sleeping child because of his midichlorian count.

yep, im making accounts on all the sites to drive the scores down, I'm done with them trampling over us white males

This is just embarrassing, Mouseketeer. Everyone with half a brain already realises that Sup Forums's television and film board is a drop in the ocean compared to literally the whole world being able to rate the film.

Don't reply to yourself, its bad etiquette.

Yeah, but both were one of the main reasons for their counterparts to turn to the dark side.

Luke also didn't try to kill Kylo, by the way. In the end it is explained that he feared Kylo's power, and so he went with that intent, but gave up as soon as he realized what the fuck he was doing. Had Kylo also not attacked back because he felt threatened, Luke might have just talked it out with the boy.

>America has got to the stage where it believes that those who have a different opinion to the masses are Russian shill agents or Nazis

WEW lad

He pulled out his lightsaber, activated it, and was in that position all the way up until Kylo woke up, without even deactivating his lightsaber. If he was meant to have definitively decided not to kill Kylo, it was very poorly portrayed and almost seems like Luke is lying ala 'Dude, it just so happens that as SOON as you woke up, I decided not to'.

Of course, if Luke had deactivated his lightsaber, Ben wouldn't think Luke was about to kill him, which would ruin the hack misunderstanding plot. Bravo Disney!

>Initial ratings are always too high, Phantom Menace was also >8 when it first came out.

Cunt, I may have had a few tequila and sofas, but I’m pretty certain IMDb wasn’t around when Phantom Menace came out.

Its been on the web since 1993 you drunken retard.

Yeah, the plot is kinda retarded. You can even see that luke actually swings his saber instead of just putting it in a defensive position in case Ben attacks, but at least in his mind he had resolved not to kill him just before Ben woke up.