So, where the fuck is Lando?

So, where the fuck is Lando?

Safe and far away from this shit trilogy hopefuly

Retirement home

>Want to force diversity in all their movies
>Don't bring back the only black actor from the previous trilogy

in jail

What did Billy Dee Williams do to make the kikes hate him so much?

>diversity wars
>dont bring only important black role during the 80's

Be a successful and happy indovidual without vortue signaing or thugging

>Billy Dee Williams loves Lando so much that he voices him in almost every single thing that Lando appears in including parodies
>don't even give him a cameo in the sequels

Can’t mention him, because then people would remember that there was a black guy in the OT and it was no big deal.

They’re literally selling Soy Wars as “taking white male hobbies and diversifying them!”. Bringing up Lando Kek pls the Kathleen Kennedy narrative that the OT was made by white supremacists.